I don't believe another's views should be insulted, and I don't believe that anyone is better than anyone else. I believe an individual's values can be better, but we are all flawed to the same extent. Myself included very much. As for my locker room antics, sorry, but when I feel I'm being mocked for my opinion I get a little pissy. The internet is a bad example to use when discussing how we, as individuals act, because we all know people online say things they would never say face to face. I would be more than happy to discuss any matter with anyone, but if my opinions get the eye roll it nullifies the discussion. If I had moral high ground I would walk away. I'm not that civilized. So your flaw is that you think you're smarter than other people and my flaw is impatience with ideas of superiority.
Now if you want to discuss without using inflammatory and dismissive language I would be happy to discuss anything with you.
Creationism in school for example. I don't want creationism taught, but I also don't want it relegated to the realm of fairies and gnomes either. Despite the disclaimer kids are taught evolution and Darwinism as fact. When its taught there is no constant rhetoric of "this is what we think", or "What we believe at the moment is..." the theory is taught as a given, just as the Earth is flat was once taught as fact. Conversely children in religious homes are not taught that their ideas are belief and not fact. The irony is that the answer to both is the same, we don't know. Thats where we get into problems when you have a religious person that believes in a literal biblical genesis, and a firm adherent to scientific theory believes it absolutely. I think its equally arrogant for the religious person to assume he knows how God would do anything, as it is to think that humans have figured out the Universe in 111 years of atomic theory.
By all means do NOT teach creationism in schools, but at the same time don't teach that its nonsense and has no place in an institution of learning. It creates another example of class warfare between the 'enlightened' and the 'faithful'.
And this is the same place where the political threads get so far off course. Its a big schoolyard game of "You're stupid!", "No you're stupid!"
Regardless, I have had enough of politics and toys. For a long time I just avoided the sandbox and OT sections because it erupts into this pissing contest and gets everyone agitated. So I think I'm going back to doing just that. I am going to look at everything through a simple lens from now on. Because if any of us were running for office we wouldn't be taken seriously because we collect dolls. No hard feelings, everyone.