The Cool T-Shirt Thread

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^^^ LOL...I'm laughing at ur anger. :lol


BTW...A fellow artist told me about this dude that submitted this to Teefury this month! :lol
I swear...if TF picks it...I'll go bonkers! I submitted mines and no reply...not evern a rejection email. *sigh*


They called him out on the TF forum saying that he ripped me off. :lol

Laaaaaame. He's a phony
Two more minutes!
____...I quoted the wrong quote!:lol Oh well...hey! U saw qwertees comment on my shirt?

This will be my first ript shirt
Awesome! I love ripts quality...this would be the 5 shirt I buy from them! And I'm thinking about tomorrows too! It's gonna be awesome!

See...I knew u werent that useless after all. ;)

Laaaaaame. He's a phony
Yeah dude...alot of people are saying that!

Ordered! Nice work Bam. :hi5:

DL!!!!! Woooo I didn't know u where a Whovian!! Thanx! :D
That fake poser shirt is the lamest thing I've ever seen. The joke doesn't even make sense in the context of the "art". And wtf is up with the random South Park reference?

If teefury prints that, I will boycott for life.
Bam---Congrats on having your shirt up---
I will order one to support you--
I have never watched Dr. Who---Is this a great show? What is the story of the shirt---Is this a lazy robot?
^^^ awesome! :1-1:

Dr.Who is a super awesome sci-fi show thats been going on since the 60's!

Altho it's kinda's really interesting and has alot of memorable characters!

The robot on the recliner is called a Dalek. They are Dr.Who main villians and all they wanna do is exterminate the human race and the universe and whatnot.

They're really annoying and I hate them! :lol

They say EXTERMINATE! I decided to make one PROCRASTINATING!!! :)
Yeah, I'm a big fan of the Tom Baker years. He was/is the most entertaining Doctor in my mind. That and the terrible 70's special effects crack me up.

Can't wait 'till I get my shirt! :impatient:

OOhhh yeah!!! I remember u told me! :)


Also....I really like today's Ript shirt! It's from one of my artist go buy it!
