Super Freak
Had to do this:
Buttmunch, "...I'm a man of my worrd!"
Maulfan "...what I've seen and heard."
Me: Hope this movie ain't a turd!"
Ain't I a stinker! (Like I'm worried)
But seriously, when I went to get groceries yesterday, the bagboy guy was like, "You are Figuremaster Les!" And I said, "Yeah" and he said, "I have seen your website. Are you going to see Dark Knight at midnight thursday night?" and I said "Yeah" feeling kinda weirded out, but glad to know the bagboy guy was a fan, and he said, "This movie is gonna be the Godfather Part II of Comic Book movies!" and I turned around and all the people in line, women, old folks, teenagers, all of em, were nodding in agreement, YEAH, like they all thought that too!
This movie is gonna be huge! Titanic huge!
I think everyone is going. All of 'em.
Awesome story Les. EVERYBODY will be talking about this movie. You'll see. Chris Nolan will show you.
Have fun tonight, Buttmunch!!! Like I need to tell you that, hehe.