Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight: Batmobile - Tumbler (relaunch)
I agree with what you are saying but most sheets (all mine from amazon came with at least 2 man fab cuts perfectly straight and clean. So a person only has to really worry about 1 cut per side if youre not setting the bottom. My lowes and home depot both use polycarb blades for plastic (small tooth). One cut from Loews for each piece, sand it with wet sand paper.....good to go. You can also use Meguiars plastic polish no 7 and no 10 i believe to get transparent edges with buffering.A hassle free route is to do it your way with the tape (inexpensive) and the case is all set.It's a lot of work though and not easy. If you get it cut at the wrong shop the edges will be rough as they tend to use the general purpose MDF/wood blades which rips the edges apart. Sanding manually is almost unusable in my opinion as the edge will not likely remain flat and square and for fusing it chemically without bubbles it needs to be both. If you are going DIY I think 1/8 might be better at hiding the flaws just because there is not much of an edge to see. My very first case was with 1/8" and I bend two corners with a DIY heating table (forgot the official name) glued the sides on and the routed the edges. Cheap and hides flaws well but have to invest into the right tools and quadruple check everything to make sure everything remains square. On a large piece like this it becomes annoyingly important. But I would never ship that.
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