Super Freak
Would it hurt anything in the long run to just leave it as it is and not fix it?
Managed to pick up a tumblerbought a camo one as well to go it with it, my question is I want to paint the rear wheels black on the rim but do I need to apply a primer first ?
Soo has anyone painted a camo version black yet? Cause this is going for twice the amount of the camo on ebay and thats what im thinkin
Make sure you're spraying, either with an appropriate spray paint or with an airbrush.
If you're going the spray paint route, read the can to make sure it's suitable for plastics.
The improvements you're thinking of is probably about the Bat-pod. That one had differences between the two versions. The tumbler was a straight re-release. It obviously had a lot to do with making money but a lot of people wanted one and they were going for like $1200 on ebay. I got my relaunched one in NovemeberA few questions about this Tumbler relaunch:
1. Did Hot Toys give a reason for the relaunch other than another chance to make money?
2. I take it, the relaunch happened around the time of another Dark Knight movie.
3. I believe I read about improvements on the second version. But I'm not sure...
Just trying to see if I should hold out for the possibility of a second 89 Batmobile...
Ah I remember the days when I thought the tumbler box was huge
I had to laugh at this, coz I thought that same thing earlier.
Now that the shipper for the 89 is alongside the Tumbler box... It's dwarfed by it.