Broke and happy
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight: Batmobile - Tumbler (relaunch)
Darin, hands down the best sig in this forum.
Darin, hands down the best sig in this forum.
Found it buddy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4uMFBfZLTY
I just hope they package this better than the first launch . I would be pissed if i got broken fins.
Thanks alot!
But, oh my god... It's bigger than I thought :S! (That's what she said - badum tiss!!)
It's even bigger than you think right now
Nothing can prepare you for its size honestly
No the problem with the fins and the fin supports was not the packaging...it was the material they are made of. Really thin and brittle plastic. Chances are you will receive your fins intact with a new Batmobile, but during assembly (or dissassembly) you've got to be VERY careful and put just the right amount of pressure in just the right points, or they WILL snap.
I struggled to make head or tail of the instructions myself,as well.
G36gorillas YouTube review of this is still the best for my money."As you can see,it is huge-and it is sick!!"
Ok, I usually don't ask other people about stuff like this, I just do what I want to do. But this time I can't decide. I'm making a dio for the tumbler and have always thought of doing a street with some curbs and the tumbler mounting the curb or something. But today I saw a broken/cracked concrete wall and started to think about making a dio from the garage scene from tdk when scarecrow is talking to the Russian about his drugs, and the tumbler comes crushing through the wall!
So if you were to do this - would you do the street idea or the garage scene?
Like to see what others think would look cool!
The crushing through wall would look amazing! Would be a huge dio![]()
Nah, it would only be a wall of a couple of centimeters high and wide on each side of the tumbler ontop of the pieces of the crushed wall. Not that big.
Maybe not movie accurate in size, since the wall in the movie is taller than the tumbler, but I wouldn't care about that.
Even with a 2 cm wall, the pure surface area of the dio would be massive
I'm thinking you'll need a 2ft x 2.5ft base for it
The base I have and will use is actually a little bigger than that. It's 90cm x 50cm.
I also have a friend working on a plexiglass-cover to cover it all and then install some led-lights. I'm hoping this will look sweeeet!!
Can't wait to see it all done