Broke and happy
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight: Batmobile - Tumbler (relaunch)
HT should've had the Black next to the Camo at SDCC.
HT should've had the Black next to the Camo at SDCC.
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HT shoul've had the Black next to the Camo at SDCC.![]()
I remember seeing the original in a shop and passing on it. i recently decided to return to the shop to get it - but it was sold out. Then, as luck would have it - HT announce the relaunch.
Why I mention this is this - Every store that carried the original issue sold out, quickly. I reccomend that if you want one, snap it up asap. I know that I am.
anyone know of any changes between this and the original??
Anyone expected the price on these to drop or know how many were made?
Cheers, i read somewhere in here that the rear wheels had different paint apps so wondered if anything else had changed
The rear wheels of the original proto had the rear rim lips correctly painted black....but then the models that were actually released had them incorrectly painted silver.
Apparently, HT has not learned from this mistake...yet. The Camo Tumbler on display has incorrectly painted rear hubcaps. But it is early, maybe it will be corrected for the final release (for both versions).
There are a bunch of other inaccuracies, major and minor (depending on your p.o.v.) with the initial release Tumbler that don't appear to have been corrected with the relaunch or the Camo version. Most glaring to me: the overall shape of the rear wheels (not donut-y enough).
A slight price drop, maybe but overall it's going to increase is price.
My best guess:
Tumbler pricing, Date
439 August
419 Oct If not sold out
550 sold out (whenever this is)
750 6 months after sold out
900 1 year after sold out
1000+ 2 years after sold out
650 Announcement of another relaunch
As long as the tumbler is instock at ssc, then you'll be able to get it for cheaper than retail on the forums. There will always be people who ordered this and noticed that it's too big, or they have to sell it for other reasons. Once it's sold out, then expect the tumbler prices to climb, people can always assume there will be a relaunch, but the unknown will have die hard collectors pulling the trigger at 1000+.
Again, this is just an opinion, and from what I've seen with the trends and hot toys.
Considering the Nolan Batman films are done with though. I think a relaunch in 2+ years from now of the Tumbler is not likely. If there was gonna be a fourth Nolan film, then I'd say a relaunch is guaranteed, but there is no fourth Nolan Batman film.
Hot Toys will move on from making Tumblers and concentrate on making new vehicles for other lines.
I agree. Think of this as a last chance item.