Yes, but why get it so fast just to leave it in the box anyways?
Yes, but why get it so fast just to leave it in the box anyways?
The Sideshow email that I just got says this will be shipping within 30 days.
Sweet! So...aside from a fish tank...does anyone know of a company that makes larger glass or acrylic display cases that would house such a beast as the Tumbler??
you can type in the dimensions here
Using this site, for the case I would want would be $213, lol. Hope this helps I still havent found anything closet to the size was like 400 bucks on 1 website
I wouldn't worry, the days of HT products selling out and appreciating in value within a year is over.
Si, muy bueno, de donde eres? yo vivia en santiago, pero por pega estoy viviendo cerca de Chillan... te imaginaras lo caro que me salen los envios de hot toys XDD
estas esperando el tumbler tambien??? que ganas de que llegue... pa mediados de septiembre nos llegara por aca...
parti con el batman del 89, y ahora estoy adicto XD
I am REALLY sorry for the spoiler!!! I'm serious. I hate having any details spoiled for me, and I just did it to you guys! $#@!
Though actually....y'know my memory isn't too great and I could have been wrong in that statement. Just sayin'.