The Dark Knight Rises - 1/6th scale Batman Armory with Bruce Wayne Collectible Set

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The figure is definitely in the right direction with improved shoulder and neck but cowl still needs work
I know OT’s is the better cowl (left), but side by side, the HT doesn’t appear to be that far off. Of course, HT should’ve gotten it better by now. I wonder if a change in the mouthplate would help the HT cowl 🤔

View attachment 747890
I don’t think the mouth plate is the real problem - it’s the bulbous nose, hard lines and eyes are little too big
I don’t think the mouth plate is the real problem - it’s the bulbous nose, hard lines and eyes are little too big
I agree, and again, not excusing HT at all. I just don’t think it’s as off (to me) as I initially thought it was now looking at them side by side, same lighting and same angle.
I agree, and again, not excusing HT at all. I just don’t think it’s as off (to me) as I initially thought it was now looking at them side by side, same lighting and same angle.
Same I thought it looked pretty good in Deans review but then again the margins are very small in this scale and at the level
Of accuracy we are now expecting by comparing it to some of the best custom 1/6 work that has ever been done
Also re: the bulbous nose - in some scenes / shots Bale’s cowl’s nose area did in fact appear inflated like that - but I’m not a fan of how that looks at all. Makes him appear goofy. It’s almost as If the cowl is pulled down too far over his nose in those moments / scenes making the nose and even cheekbone area expand in a not so aesthetic way, if you get what I mean - Ht seems to have captured that look pretty well.

The way OT has captured him is him in the best looking moments of the cowl and 100% the way I want my figure to appear
I like the eyes more on the Oaty sculpt as well. The two sculpts look great though. Side by side you have to look closely for the differences. HT finally made a proper Bale Batman sculpt. If they refine it a bit, they’ll have a home run.
I'm conflicted, I have and prefer the design of the Bunker Armory, yet to me a defintive Bat Armory (even imagined) has to be in the Batcave.
And just knowing it wasn't, is forever messing with my Bat-OCD. :lol

Which somehow has me contemplating swapping it for the lucite one, even though I'm mostly indifferent to having a Manneqwayne, and prefer the look of the Bunker Armory.:google

Though if they release the Begins Armoire-Armory I might reconsider all over again.

That aside, I would easily clear a shelf for the 89 Vault-Armory :wink1:

At abt 26:56
Deanknight333 said:
"It's special, this particular Armory, because this is underneath Wayne Manor, this is what Bruce Wayne aways envisioned as his setup for keeping his suit safe, and having all his gear close at hand. So as much as I like the look from the one from Dark Knight, that was really just a temporary emergency setup, while Wayne Manor was being rebuilt after Begins, but here is what Bruce Wayne really wanted"
The truth is killing me, my whole supposed "Batcave" display is lie:google, and I'm totally comfortable knowing that :lol, vs shelling out for another DK figure, a new slicker Armory and a ManneqWayne I don't really want?
It does look good though, terrific review and images, thanks for sharing.:gah:
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A better fitting mouthplate could make it more tolerable. I really hate how the edges of the cowl sticks out on the mouthplate when it's supposed to be very flush and none of the cowl should show under the chin.
Canceled. Not really happy with how Bruce turned out and didn't really care for the armory. Wish they sold the bat suit separately.

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