What's funny is that in Burton's movie everything was absurd and so it wouldn't have been that shocking to see the Batwing kicking ass in all manner of aweome ways. But it got shot down. By a stupid p-shooter. You'd think that in a more "realistic" movie with machine guns and ground to air missiles that "the Bat" would have been taken down even easier. But no it kicked all kinds of ass in a dazzline air to ground chase. *That's* what I wanted in 1989! But the cornier comic book movie came up short and the "realistic" movie delivered genuine over the top thrills.
They had to get Batman out of the Batwing somehow. It would have been a little anti-climatic if Batman had shot Joker down in a rain of bullets.
Yeah, I agree with the long pistol being silly and that Batman missing is far fetched, that's one of the many faults I had with the film. But then I remember budget and CGI and remember that it wasn't Star Wars and that it wasn't a big aerial battle or Top Gun. The purpose of the Batwing was to stop the Joker from killing off more Gothamites. Since he couldn't be on the ground and had to dispose of the balloons, an aerial vehicles was appropriate. After he disposes of the toxin, the only other purpose for that vehicle was for Batman and the Joker to face off, just like in TDK. It got scrapped and instead, Joker has a long gun pistol that somehow shoots an explosive shell that ****s up Batman's controls.
If it didn't get shot down, we wouldn't have that great, iconic stand off, that "c'mon you gruesome sonofa *****". Originally the float was going to have a canon, which is creative but I see why it was ultimately never used. Concepts get abandoned, it happens all the time. (I still wish we saw Foley get jacked by a Tumbler in TDKR).
Besides, that sort of "luck" the Joker always manages to have has always been part of the character. He should have been shot down (Batman even makes that shocked, cringing face), the Joker should be dead with that smile wiped off his face, but he's still standing for whatever reason, ready to make Batman's life a living hell. If that's not "comic booky" I don't know what is. It would be like watching a serial "Will Batman stop the Joker", only to find the next show that Joker survives miraculously. Illogical? Yep.
But it doesn't ruin the movie for me. Batwing not badass? I thought the Batwing was fantastic prior to that point. When it was first shown in the sky heading towards the parade with the music it was exciting. Batman behind the controls, the imagery. We saw Batman in a helicopter before with shark repellent, never in a fast flying jet with an arsenal a fighter pilot would be jealous at. Flying down in the streets was cool as well as Batman having a difficult time flying up past the cathedral (sounds familiar).
Nobody saw that stuff before.
While I don't like the design of the Bat, the sequences with it in TDKR are much better than '89, as they should be. My only disappointment is the things that were cut out involving it (the tunnel, Batman flying ejecting and flying into the streets).