The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I liked this 1 a lot too dont understand all the hate but it looks like joseph gorden levits john blake was indeed ____ grasson was just on another forum and they were saying in the comics ____ graysons cover as robin was that he was a cop during the day. I really belive he was really ____ grasson.

He was just Robin. Maybe Robin John Blake.

Not ____,
Just got back from the cinema, im usually a lurker on the board but for a change i feel like joining so, Hi all :wave

I really enjoyed the film, i thought it stood beside the others a great entry to the trilogy. Tom Hardy, i thought was a decent villain who was robbed of a good send off, since him and Batman had built a vicious fued throughout the film i thought Batman not finishing Bane off was a big miss for the story.

I felt the nuke plot was a little far out there for the Trilogy, just a little too big and wild for the more realistic Batman Nolan has put in place.

The ending with Blake however i really, really didn't like. There was no need in my mind to end that character of film that way, keeping him at the orphanage at Wayne Manor would of been much better i think to help the kids he tried to save.

I would of liked Alfred to have seen Selina's face and the back of Bruces but leaving the audience out from seeing his face, like the inception spinning top i think an implication was more than enough.
rumor going around is that the reason for the blake ending is cause wb might have robin john blake as the new batman or night wing robin to continue the series instead of reeboot it see a reeboot will not work there saying cause to many are faitful to nolans batman and will reject a reeboot iagree. The plan is to move on wit hjoseph gordan levit as the new hero and just hire a new director and wb is hoping that nolan will at least somehow stay involved. Either way wb will not abandon batman its a cash cow.
It was also kind of cool to see bruce wayne all battered and walking with a cane just goes to show us all that he did to be batman took a huge toll on his body. I also kind of new going in that maranda tate was going to be talia ahls goul because it was leaked well before the movie came out when they casted her.
this guy said it best ow your face has regained its previous shape whether you watched that for the 1st or 17th time, you’re ready to hear why I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s role in this film, which has previously been ignored by journalists (ok, me) and seen as just a way of Christopher Nolan to keep tabs on his small band of character players by other journalists (..nope, still me) could be both a huge one, and also the future of the franchise.

With The Dark Knight Rises acting as the last entry into Christopher Nolan’s series of Batman films, Warner Bros is having a bit of a crisis. They can’t immediately reboot the character like Sony did with Spider-Man because Nolan’s trilogy is too definitive a series. They either have to let an incredibly profitable franchise die for a couple of decades to avoid upsetting the majority of cinemagoers and harming the films potential due to Nolan fanboys boycotting it, or find a continuation from this series of films…

Enter Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
There are more reasons to justify this than just his startlingly large role in the trailer; for example the name of the film ‘Rises’, which gives the idea that this film is more an ascension to a title than the ending of something. It could be a reference to Batman fulfilling his purpose in Gotham’s history and achieving his goal of uniting the people of Gotham against evil. OR (and I hope it is this way, as it will make me look less stupid) it means a truer version of The Dark Knight ideal adopts his place as a masked vigilante, someone who was inspired and moved by the Batman to the extent that he doesn’t give in to loss, he saves the idea of Batman after Bruce Wayne’s destruction and defeats Bane himself. A scenario that would be both awesome, a true display of Batman’s success in Gotham and extremely gratifying for me, as I do love being right.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as well would be a perfect candidate for the anchoring of a movie franchise, well known enough to get people’s attention, but not prolific enough to have any real blemishes on his record to put people off seeing him in a movie. His star is on the rise and the steady build up of his career could epitomise with him throwing on the cape and mask and moving the Batman movie franchise up another stage.

From a business sense, this idea does agree, Warner Bros and DC can’t afford to let Batman, their most successful comic book franchise, die. Not if they want to push on and generate more success, however rather than rebooting probably the best known superhero origins story they could just add a continuation, with a talented director and Nolan on as producer they could continue this Batman story arch without ticking anybody off.

Though outlandish, this idea could indeed be a true representation of the path The Dark Knight Rises will take. The business of Hollywood will win out and Batman will be around again, either in a reboot or sequel, however there would be a greater sense of accomplishment for both Nolan and for us if he finishes the story of Bruce Wayne, but leaves the door open for someone else to carry on the story of the man DC Comics and Batman have immortalised: The Dark Knight.
Well said. Couldn't agree more.

I can see some of those points, but as someone who knows very little about Batman and the franchise in general, I found it to be very enjoyable. The Joker is definitely notably absent, a glaring hole in the storyline. TDK was obviously set up to have the Joker return in later installments, so it's a shame things transpired the way they did and prevented this from happening.
Some thoughts:

- I could have done without the whole mexican kid and orphanage story. I don't mind Blake talking about his past and Wayne Enterprises but I didn't need to see those kids as many times as they were shown
- I think Blake also had too much time. Maybe cut 2/5ths of his time and give it to Bane and Catwoman.
- Would have liked to see Bane be more menacing and see him kill more people on screen rather than just off the screen snapping necks.

Pretty happy with everything else.
Here's my nitpicky/negative post. :nana:

I didn't like the reused footage. I felt they were a bit distracting from those scenes and would have been much better without. I didn't need to see footage from movies I had just got done watching for the very reason of refreshing my memory.

We know what truth Gordon is talking about. We can see the parallels between Bruce falling into the well as a child and trying to escape the prison. We know that Gordon comforted Bruce after his parents were murdered. If you don't then that's why you need to watch the previous films. ;)

I was disappointed that the epic mid-section from the TDK score "Like a Dog Chasing Cars" wasn't used. I was hoping to hear it or something even more grand and epic during the finale since this is the last film.

I think the Miranda Tate/Talia al Ghul part could have been stronger. At first I thought she could have been working against Bane in some way. That she wanted to use the device for it's original purpose. That she did have good feelings for Bruce. She knew Bruce came back, wouldn't she have told Bane (sees burning bat symbol "that's impossible!")? It felt like certain things were done in a way just for the big twist. Overall it could have been tighter.

I still want to see Hot Toys make a Talia figure in her final outfit with a knife and maybe the nuke device. Not sure what else she could come with.

The ending... I was expecting to be content, but I really just want more. It failed on getting me teary eyed. :pfft: :lol

I plan on seeing it in IMAX again. I know certain things that I was disappointed with were because of having my own preconceptions of what I thought would or should of happened (I didn't really like how Batman's sacrifice was done/edited together). So that clouded my view of some things. I felt the same way after my first viewing of The Dark Knight, but now it's one of my favorite films.

Each film has it's flaws, but the good have outweighed those. I can see these films together being regarded as one of the best film trilogies.
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Are there really any great film trilogies, though? It seems that all third acts fall short in some respect: Return of the Jedi, Godfather 3, Spider-Man 3, X-Men 3, Superman 3.

While I found TDKR to be interesting, I can't really consider it a "superhero film."
Batman spends most of the film as either Bruce Wayne or in prison.

Very little Batman-ing overall in this series. World's greatest detective? Not so much. It seemed like Nolan's Bruce Wayne was always preparing to be Batman, or struggling with the concept of Batman, or in retirement from Batman.

He's the central character of the series, but he seems like a supporting role in his own films. The ensemble back cast has overwhelmed him in every movie.

And no final showdown with Bane? No final battle royale? No Batman payback? C'mon! :cuckoo:

I didn't find the Talia reveal to be much of a surprise and it certainly wasn't an original idea.

Ditto for the "I'll steer the missile back at the enemy who launched it" routine. The opening sequence in Octopussy was nearly thirty years ago! :lol

And the most derivative scene of all: the hero flies a nuclear bomb away from the city in an act of total self-sacrifice.

Great scene, but I saw Tony Stark do it in The Avengers back in May!:rotfl

An interesting film, but not much of a superhero movie. Nolan's relentless realism ultimately sterilized the comic book tropes that make the source material fun.

I felt the nuke plot was a little far out there for the Trilogy, just a little too big and wild for the more realistic Batman Nolan has put in place.

I thought it was more plausible than vaporizing Gotham's water supply into fear gas. Although I don't go to comic book movies looking for plausibility. In fact, the more plausible your tone, the harder it is to pull off the blatant comic book moments.
I thought it was more plausible than vaporizing Gotham's water supply into fear gas. Although I don't go to comic book movies looking for plausibility. In fact, the more plausible your tone, the harder it is to pull off the blatant comic book moments.

Thats true, though the threat felt smaller with the microwave emitter some how. I think because TDK had a fairly small scope threat with the two boats and the fact that the Emitter was blown up under ground with minimal damage the Nuke felt just too massive.
I was a little let down to see Nolan fill the climax with action movie cliches we've seen before like the Return to Sender Missile and Fake Out Death.

I had the same emotional disconnect with Bane as I did with the Green Goblin. You just can't cover that much of the actor's face without it feeling like a Power Rangers villain dubbed by a voiceover actor.

Talia's moment of death got just about the only laugh in the movie.
Nolan does seem to like to spell it out to people in some instances
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and at other times leaves ambiguous endings.
Nolan does seem to like to spell it out to people in some instances
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and at other times leaves ambiguous endings.

Loved that scene
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