The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Alfred looking into the camera was cheesy and it felt like it was two seconds away from becoming an outtake or a breath mint commercial.
Her death was like something from an 80's movie! Even more so, she croaked it after the crash but good ol' Gordon is rolling around in the back of the truck with a friggin giant metal bomb and survives:lol
Am i the Only one who almost cried at the Burial scene because of Alfred? I reckon if that scene went on for about 10 more seconds, i would of lol......
Yep, didn't like Talia's death either. Overall I liked the film a lot. Not as much as TDK yet but we'll see.

Definitely not enough Batman plus I didn't like the fact he was M.I.A. for eight years. Him being in play for at least a few years after the events in TDK would have been more of a foundation for his injuries in this movie.
Am i the Only one who almost cried at the Burial scene because of Alfred? I reckon if that scene went on for about 10 more seconds, i would of lol......

I thought his goodbye scene when he left earlier in the film was emotional. But the funeral scene outburst was a little over the top and melodramatic. Felt like Nolan was sitting next to me chopping onions trying to make me cry. But it was overplayed and therefore less effective. If it had been more subtle it probably would have gotten to me.
Talia's moment of death got just about the only laugh in the movie.

I and a few others laughed when Bruce finally climbs out of the prison, and merely throws a huge thick rope down to the hundreds of tortured souls below.

"See ya, punks! I gotta get back to Gotham!" :pfft:
(Where the hell was that prison supposed to be, anyway? Turkey?)

In fact, the more plausible your tone, the harder it is to pull off the blatant comic book moments.


And the "faked death" cliche for the umpteenth time was tired. Exactly why did Alfred bawl over his tombstone? Just to fake out Gordon and Lucius (and us)?
It's a pity the real villain wasn't revealed alittle earlier. She would have made for a more interesting villain than Bane did.
Hathaway was good as Catwoman but she ultimately did not have enough to do. Marion was totally underused for a leading lady Oscar winner.
Another thing, how did bane stop batman's smoke bomb thing from working in their first fight? It just sort of explodes around him.
Another thing, how did bane stop batman's smoke bomb thing from working in their first fight? It just sort of explodes around him.

Sure he said it had something to do with the training he had received under The League Of Shadows, like he was conditioned or something :dunno
Another thing, how did bane stop batman's smoke bomb thing from working in their first fight? It just sort of explodes around him.

It's been a constant in this trilogy that Batman's enemies are hyper-competent uber-villians and Bats just struggles to keep up.
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