Super Freak
I understood everything the first time.
But some people can't help standing in the shallows of a kiddiepool searching for the deep end.
I understood everything the first time.
I understood everything the first time too in Inception but I definitely got a lot more out of both Inception and TDKR on repeat viewings
There's so much layering in the stories (in case of inception, quite literally) that its easy to miss nuances, deeper meaning, parallels etc
Memento took me 3 times before I fully understood it
I understood everything the first time.
I understood everything the first time too in Inception but I definitely got a lot more out of both Inception and TDKR on repeat viewings
There's so much layering in the stories (in case of inception, quite literally) that its easy to miss nuances, deeper meaning, parallels etc
Memento took me 3 times before I fully understood it
Still haven't seen Inception.
All of that sounds like nit picky nonsense to me.
Coulson was the ONE CHARACTER that brought half the team together.
Tony, and Thor knew him the best. Cap just met him. Aside from him, they've known him for the longest, so it's the most logical that he is their catalyst.
The entire world agrees with that. You're the only person that doesn't.
Aliens have been in the Marvel Universe forever. Iron Man was never a gritty reality story. They made their bed the moment Nick Fury stepped on the screen.
Still haven't seen Inception.
The Running Man is deeper and more thought provoking than The Dark Knight Rises.
I think you've been thinking too hard about that.
I own it & still haven't seen it yet
The Running Man is deeper and more thought provoking than The Dark Knight Rises.
Inception is a top 10 film of all time for me. 9.5/10
Taken is a great action flick, 8.5/10
Which is better, Taken or Inception.
Bryan Mills would take out the entire Inception crew.
Which is better, Taken or Inception.
Inception is a top 10 film of all time for me. 9.5/10
Taken is a great action flick, 8.5/10
Awesome movie.
Bryan Mills would take out the entire Inception crew.
I know awhile back you mentioned you hadn't seen Following yet....was that ever taken care of? If not, in December Criterion is releasing it on Blu.