The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I understood everything the first time too in Inception but I definitely got a lot more out of both Inception and TDKR on repeat viewings

There's so much layering in the stories (in case of inception, quite literally) that its easy to miss nuances, deeper meaning, parallels etc

Memento took me 3 times before I fully understood it

I agree...certain films must require repeat views...
I understood everything the first time.:dunno

The basic plot itself is pretty simple. The dream layers the dream heist, etc. But...

I understood everything the first time too in Inception but I definitely got a lot more out of both Inception and TDKR on repeat viewings

There's so much layering in the stories (in case of inception, quite literally) that its easy to miss nuances, deeper meaning, parallels etc

Memento took me 3 times before I fully understood it

:lecture :lecture :lecture
Still haven't seen Inception. :(
All of that sounds like nit picky nonsense to me.

Coulson was the ONE CHARACTER that brought half the team together.

Tony, and Thor knew him the best. Cap just met him. Aside from him, they've known him for the longest, so it's the most logical that he is their catalyst.

The entire world agrees with that. You're the only person that doesn't.

Aliens have been in the Marvel Universe forever. Iron Man was never a gritty reality story. They made their bed the moment Nick Fury stepped on the screen.

I loved the Avengers, and I would never hold this against the movie, but lets be honest - the whole theme of Coulson's death was a forced way of giving a semblance of sense to the movie title.

I understand why it was there, I know what Whedon wanted to achieve with it, but I must also admit it was just a deus ex machina of the plot.

Of all the Avengers the only one who had any kind of emotional connection with Coulson was Stark. And maybe MAYBE Rogers, but that's only based on the few interactions they had, during the course of a single day. Thor didn't give a **** about Coulson. Not really. He didn't really knew him, for Thor Coulson was just another semi-friendly face in the crowd of humans. Banner wasn't even formally introduced to Phil, for all we know.

And even if we assume that the whole team knew him better, the though that an imminent threat of an alien invasion and possible enslavement or destruction of the entire human race was not enough for them to get their s**t togheter, but an intercom message about a death of a guy they hardly cared about, was suddenly enough to infuse them all with the Glorious Wrath of Vengeance, is just silly.

I loved the conversation between Loki and Stark. But as soon as Tony started to talk about "avenging" things, it began to smell a bit fake. As if Whedon was selling something he didn't really believe himself. Like he just had to come up with some explanation for the name Avengers, becouse he knew full well that it didn't make any sense and that Lee and Kirby came up with it in the first place, only becouse it sounded "cool".

Also as a side note, Fernandofan is clearly not the only one who has issue with this. The entire world agrees with that? Really? Then why is it, that almost everytime I read some disscusion about Avengers, someone is bringing up Coulson's death.
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Inception is a top 10 film of all time for me. 9.5/10

Taken is a great action flick, 8.5/10

I know awhile back you mentioned you hadn't seen Following yet....was that ever taken care of? :wink1: If not, in December Criterion is releasing it on Blu.
I know awhile back you mentioned you hadn't seen Following yet....was that ever taken care of? :wink1: If not, in December Criterion is releasing it on Blu.

I did watch it this summer at the BFI in London! They had a Chris Nolan month :)

Really good film - great twist at the end, I'd put it above Insomnia - an 8/10 I think
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