The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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By doing that it diminished part of his back story IMO. Obviously, some of you felt differently but like I said it changed Bane for me a bit. He still was pretty cool as a whole but he was a lot cooler within the story with the back story he had until that scene.

Agree. :lecture:lecture
Just came back from my second viewing of the movie and it is much better. A lot of stuff that I felt were holes can easily be explained or hinted at or even actually set-up from the start but we just didn't see it.

The pacing is also fine to me now. Similar to TDK actually. Sure there are some parts where I felt it is just too conveniently done but then again I understand that this movie is pushing three hours and Nolan feel the need to move things faster and we can fill in the blanks ourselves.

Any perceived plot holes can be easily explained within the context of the movie. Being a guy who have been watching Nolan stuff before he even did Batman, he has this habit of leaving clues and hints everywhere and not really paint the picture for you. Kinda similar to Ridley Scott in that sense. You really have to go in and look for them like a detective and then piece the puzzle together.

Which is why his movies get better on subsequent viewing because you are beginning to piece the puzzle together.

Overall, I put this on par with TDK but below BB. Bane is not as great a villian as The Joker but the stakes are much higher this time and I really almost shed a tear when I thought Bruce really died.

I want to watch it again!!!
Because Rocky III wasn't? :rotfl

The whole focus of Rocky III was psychological, him getting back the mindset, i.e. the "eye of the tiger," he had as a hungry boxer. Guess if it's not directed by Nolan you goofballs don't pay attention.

I'll never understand your approach or why the mods tolerate the way in which you deliver your comments, i dont know if it gives you entertainment but more often than not they do seem to spiral into unnessisary arguments by those members who dont have better judgement than to let it go. it's not what you say but how you deliver it you like to provoke people and seem to have a lot of built up aggression, which is unfortunate because it seems you do have intelligent insight to offer you just seem to lack finesse in your delivery.

Anyways I do agree with you that the eye of the tiger and the motivation to win and what not was psychalogical but not the kind of psychology the original poster backed this movie into a simple Conquor Your Fear and overcome impossible odds cliche which it's honestly really not that cut and dry.

Belive me I'm not a Nolan weenie I'm usually the ones teasing them for takeing it all just a bit too seriously.
At least Nam and a few others are unbiased here and speaks the truth.But like myself probably,he gets entertained by arguing with dweebs.
At least Nam and a few others are unbiased here and speaks the truth.

No one...not me, not you, not nam, not void...NO ONE is "unbiased".

Show me someone that doesn't have an opinion on anything, and I will show you someone who is unbiased.
I'm pretty sure that unbiased can mean being objective, DarkMagic.
At least Nam and a few others are unbiased here and speaks the truth.But like myself probably,he gets entertained by arguing with dweebs.

Insecurity screams the loudest and you seem to be one of a few Salmon swimming against the stream.
At least Nam and a few others are unbiased here and speaks the truth.But like myself probably,he gets entertained by arguing with dweebs.

I usually like to shoot straight too, but as I get older I know more and more that things more tactically put and strategically offered will resonate better in the long run. Too easily not to be taken seriously when you come off as rash and youre more likely to be dismissed as immature.

That being said we are wasting a Sunday talking with strangers on the Internet about a batman movie so that sort of automatically throws all social rules to the wasteside.

Face it WE're all automatically dweebs anyways. :yess:
The way Nolan pushed things was making it seem like it was Bane that was Born in that hole. That IMO gave Bane so much within the movie then he pulls a fast one and its Talia that was the kid. I couldn't care less if he was born in something similar someplace else. Nolan did nothing to sell that since he was selling the other.

Pay closer attention next time you see it. Focus on the prison pit scenes and flash backs and when Talia shanks Batman. I'll break it down for you. Raz Al Goul is a mercenary who was hired by a warlord. Okay pay attention. Raz fell in love with the warlords daughter. They had a child. The warlord found out and exiled Raz. His wife the warlords daughter took Raz's place in the pit prison. Down there she gave birth to Talia Al Goul. Bane... was already a prisoner down there himself. He too as we find out was born "in the darkness." his role was he was Talia's protector. But! :lecture he also loved Talia. That's why you see Bane shedding tears when Talia reveals this info to Batman after she sticks him with a fast blade. Back to the prison pit flashback. One day Bane helps Talia escape. He is over run by fellow prisoners who beat his face to a bloody pulp. Talia successfully escapes. Raz Al Goul started the League of Shadows after he was exiled. Talia found her daddy and had Raz return to the pit to free her protector and friend Bane. Bane was initiated into the League of Shadows but Raz ultimately determined Bane was too much of a monster and exiled him. Anymore questions?
Does it really matter if Nam and Shai like the film? Really? Does it bother you that much? :lol
I'll never understand your approach or why the mods tolerate the way in which you deliver your comments, i dont know if it gives you entertainment but more often than not they do seem to spiral into unnessisary arguments by those members who dont have better judgement than to let it go. it's not what you say but how you deliver it you like to provoke people and seem to have a lot of built up aggression, which is unfortunate because it seems you do have intelligent insight to offer you just seem to lack finesse in your delivery.

Anyways I do agree with you that the eye of the tiger and the motivation to win and what not was psychalogical but not the kind of psychology the original poster backed this movie into a simple Conquor Your Fear and overcome impossible odds cliche which it's honestly really not that cut and dry.

Belive me I'm not a Nolan weenie I'm usually the ones teasing them for takeing it all just a bit too seriously.

So you just flipflopped because you're incapable of admitting you didn't have a clue what you were talking about, or did, and thought to stomp a non-Nolan film with lies in an attempt to pedistal TDKR on undeserving merits. You said, and I quote, "It's more interesting than rocky because it's psychological." which to those with even the most remedial English skills can see that you were inferring there is no "psycological" aspect to Rocky III. This is wrong. Rocky III's main focus is overcoming psychological hurdles. The fact that you continue to post psychophantic dribble pretending that TDKR is vastly more cerebral further proves your ignorant bias. My delivery is blunt because I don't feel like handing out handjobs with reality checks. If you don't like that, perhaps you'd be better off taking your foot out of your mouth and reviewing what you post to determine if it's accurate vs. being blatant fanboy hyperbole.
Not for me I love reading all opinions it makes you think, Im on the fence of how much I liked it myself.

But the opinions offered with respect are the ones I generally seem to be more interested in fading because they leave me with something that will actually resonate.
Pay closer attention next time you see it. Focus on the prison pit scenes and flash backs and when Talia shanks Batman. I'll break it down for you. Raz Al Goul is a mercenary who was hired by a warlord. Okay pay attention. Raz fell in love with the warlords daughter. They had a child. The warlord found out and exiled Raz. His wife the warlords daughter took Raz's place in the pit prison. Down there she gave birth to Talia Al Goul. Bane... was already a prisoner down there himself. He too as we find out was born "in the darkness." his role was he was Talia's protector. But! :lecture he also loved Talia. That's why you see Bane shedding tears when Talia reveals this info to Batman after she sticks him with a fast blade. Back to the prison pit flashback. One day Bane helps Talia escape. He is over run by fellow prisoners who beat his face to a bloody pulp. Talia successfully escapes. Raz Al Goul started the League of Shadows after he was exiled. Talia found her daddy and had Raz return to the pit to free her protector and friend Bane. Bane was initiated into the League of Shadows but Raz ultimately determined Bane was too much of a monster and exiled him. Anymore questions?

In all fairness, even though I do agree with your explanation, it has not been confirmed that Bane was down there at that time does it? But, more importantly, am I the only one who things it's kind of creepy to think Bane and Talia had a romantic connection? He was a grown ass man down there when he let the child escape. Doesn't sit right with me. I think he may have been n love with Talia's mother. But i dont know...
Pay closer attention next time you see it. Focus on the prison pit scenes and flash backs and when Talia shanks Batman. I'll break it down for you. Raz Al Goul is a mercenary who was hired by a warlord. Okay pay attention. Raz fell in love with the warlords daughter. They had a child. The warlord found out and exiled Raz. His wife the warlords daughter took Raz's place in the pit prison. Down there she gave birth to Talia Al Goul. Bane... was already a prisoner down there himself. He too as we find out was born "in the darkness." his role was he was Talia's protector. But! :lecture he also loved Talia. That's why you see Bane shedding tears when Talia reveals this info to Batman after she sticks him with a fast blade. Back to the prison pit flashback. One day Bane helps Talia escape. He is over run by fellow prisoners who beat his face to a bloody pulp. Talia successfully escapes. Raz Al Goul started the League of Shadows after he was exiled. Talia found her daddy and had Raz return to the pit to free her protector and friend Bane. Bane was initiated into the League of Shadows but Raz ultimately determined Bane was too much of a monster and exiled him. Anymore questions?

I paid plenty of attention the first time. Thanks though. I stand by what I said while you can stand by yours. :peace
Just came back from my second viewing of the movie and it is much better. A lot of stuff that I felt were holes can easily be explained or hinted at or even actually set-up from the start but we just didn't see it.

The pacing is also fine to me now. Similar to TDK actually. Sure there are some parts where I felt it is just too conveniently done but then again I understand that this movie is pushing three hours and Nolan feel the need to move things faster and we can fill in the blanks ourselves.

Any perceived plot holes can be easily explained within the context of the movie. Being a guy who have been watching Nolan stuff before he even did Batman, he has this habit of leaving clues and hints everywhere and not really paint the picture for you. Kinda similar to Ridley Scott in that sense. You really have to go in and look for them like a detective and then piece the puzzle together.

Which is why his movies get better on subsequent viewing because you are beginning to piece the puzzle together.

Overall, I put this on par with TDK but below BB. Bane is not as great a villian as The Joker but the stakes are much higher this time and I really almost shed a tear when I thought Bruce really died.

I want to watch it again!!!

Cool man. I agree the second view you are piecing it together for what you missed the first time around. It all made sense the second time I saw it, not because it's too complicated to understand but there's so much going on especially in the last 10 minutes that I personally missed some important dialogue and scenes. But I like this one best outta the three. Why may I ask do you like BB best of all? What about it?
Another thing I loved about the film: in the final scenes, Nolan doesn't pull a Raimi and take his mask off for close-ups. Bale is a strong enough actor to do it with eyes and his mouth. TDKR is by far his best performance.
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