The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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The Bale batman, while I feel it is the strongest live action film version of the character to date, falls short of what the character of batman really is for comic book fans. Basically he is batman for maybe a year and a half from begins to dark knight...then he retires for 8 years and is batman again for maybe another year and change. I don't think the comic character would ever really retire. It could have been cool to allude to him being really under the radar for 8 years becoming a myth-like force again with his fancy new batcave he built. Either way the new batcave is kind of proof that it was always in the back of his mind eating at him to continue. Also, as people were discussing, he does not seem to be the most intelligent force in any of the movies. He seems out of control at points and it just adds to the suspense in all three movies. They may have almost killed him at the end of rises for all we knew. This all works because this is nolan's movie batman...not the comic batman. Which is a little frustrating, because they seem to have gotten joker pretty much exactly spot on with the ideology, but none the less batman is just not all the way there.

On repeated viewings I definitely get the sense that he did become a "myth-like force". He sought to become "more than a man - a legend" and he succeeded. Thus, even though he's not on the streets for those 8 years, there is still a Batman.

Yes, its is. Cause of retirement; body reached its limits. Beyond is through age. TDKR is through injury.

Now, you need to then ask yourself. Beyond happens when bruce retires through age. Which means every story is night on happened before his old age.

That means he has survived and had zero residual wounds or lingering injuries from any of the stories you want to try and make a canon out of.

Do you REALLY think a human being in peak physical fitness could fall 4 stories, get shot countless times, stabbed, beaten, buildings fall on him and just push them away with a broken arm which magically leaves no residual effect?

Exactly. Your applying comic book logic on screen. It doesnt work like that. BB/TDK/TDKR is one story arc covering 16 years 7 months. Begins happens over 7 years. Bruce returns. However long BB is. The bridge between BB and TDK is 1 year, making it 8 years. TDK is however long, say a month. Then its 8 years between TDK and TDKR. TDKR is covered by 6 months meaning 16 years and 7 month or whatever.

He is actively batman for over a year before retirement, then he is back to being batman for 6 months regardless of back breaking. In that year, like ive said before, shot/stabbed multiple times/crowbarred/ fell multiple stories twice. He got driven into a concrete wall by Scarecrow at the start of TDK. Mauled by dogs. Then when he comes back, back broken, stabbed again and severely beaten.

Injuries carry over in this story arc, its a start, middle and end. Whether im happy with how it played out doesnt come into it, the facts are, its one arc spanning just under 17 years. This is what you need to remember which it keeps failing to enter that thick skull of yours Nammy, this film doesnt use comic book logic. Its not like ASM where peter gets clawed on the chest. magically disappears. Its not like Iron man where stark falls out of bloody space, no damage whatsoever physically.

So you can harp about the comics and how long he is Batman there and totally forget all the injuries which magically heal. You can harp about whatever you want because your argument will always fail to anyone with a brain cell when your saying 'he doesnt retire in the comics through injury but he does in the film thats stupid'.

And in TDKR he was itching for a reason to come back as Batman. For Gotham to need Batman. Seriously, did you not watch the film or listen to any of its messages? TDK Rachel says 'there will be a time where gotham no longer needs Batman. But will there ever be a time where Bruce doesnt need Batman'. She was right. Bruce always needs batman.

Gothams time came when it didnt need Batman; The Dent Act. Lowest crime rate for those 7 years. Gordon being shipped off as he was a War Hero in peace time. Dent act keeping Garcia as Mayor for two more terms.

TDKR Alfred says to Bruce that he is itching to come back. Itching for a reason. He has it in his head that he is going to die a martyr. Hold up in the east wing waiting for that day, and the day came with banes return.

Its all there, spelt out to anyone who uses their ears and processes the film.

Unwavering war of crime. Never breaking your one rule. Relentlessness. Always doing what right, even though it casts a bad shadow. Being a legend. Fighting to the bitter end knowing you will lose. Finding the will to act, the will to come back. Learning from your mistake, rising from the ashes, becoming the Legend Batman is.

The films nail that in its storytelling and its arc.

:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap Wish we could sit down and chat over a cup of coffee.

And you don't get to use the "falling 4 stories." He fell off a skyscraper in TDK and crashed into a car and WALKED away unharmed. So clearly that didn't even phase him. And as of TDKR the only injury we see he's sustained is to a knee. That's it. And magically, he has a gadget that heals his knee so that he can kick through brick walls. So the body breaking down issue isn't a valid excuse at all.

Watch it again. The cape was open. Not well, because he had a passenger, but it was essentially a bad base jump, not a fall. I made sure to watch that scene carefully the last time I watched it, and he is struggling to keep the cape open the whole time.

I'll leave this be. There wasn't any "cartilage damage" as Wayne had NO cartilage left in his knee. You're only digging your own hole deeper. :lol :wave

"No cartilage" is the very definition of cartilage damage. It's the worst case scenario of cartilage damage.

Were people this nitpicky over BB and TDK?

Those two movies had just as many "suspend your disbelief" moments as this one.

Do we really need to see Bruce in physio for years? Does it really matter that we didn't see him get back into Gotham? Do we need to know exactly when he escaped from the Bat?

This movie was already clocking in under 3 hours, the last thing it needed was mundane moments like Batman takes a plane, eats a sandwich or has a bowel movement.

:lol :exactly:

Personally, I think Nolan struck the perfect balance between "grounded in reality" and 'comic-booky'.
I see this thread is still the same. :lol

Had my first viewing of this at home the other day. I think it may be my favourite of the three at the minute.

The bloody god damn music. It's unreal. When those drums kick in and Alfred sees Bruce in the cafe, just pure class.
I see this thread is still the same. :lol

Had my first viewing of this at home the other day. I think it may be my favourite of the three at the minute.

The bloody god damn music. It's unreal. When those drums kick in and Alfred sees Bruce in the cafe, just pure class.


It really is, gets me pumping
It was my #1 film of 2012. I'm shocked to say this, but I think Les Misérables is my second favorite. I'm not shocked in that I thought it would be a bad film, but I just thought that there were others that I would enjoy more, but it is a beautiful film with amazing shots, and fantastic performances.

Yeah it's the best movie of the year for people who don't watch too many other movies or genres, or haven't seen other movies such as: Life of Pi, Lincoln, Django Unchained, Moonrise Kingdom etc. :lol

Surely then it would be much harder to just say - yep, hands down best movie of the doubt about it...:lol

But yes, we all have our opinions.
Great video, better than the Avengers and Spider-Man ones (the I'd argue that there's even more wrong with it than those, way more than 73 and not all plot points). That fire/gasoline batsignal is pretty stupid the more I think abuot it. :lol

I know what they're trying to convey there, "da fire rizes" (oooh movie tagline), "Batman has returned", but it is corny as ****. Crazy how he does that, saves Gordon AND saves Blake in mere minutes but couldn't save Rachel and Dent.

Great video, better than the Avengers and Spider-Man ones (the I'd argue that there's even more wrong with it than those, way more than 73 and not all plot points). That fire/gasoline batsignal is pretty stupid the more I think abuot it. :lol

I know what they're trying to convey there, "da fire rizes" (oooh movie tagline), "Batman has returned", but it is corny as ****. Crazy how he does that, saves Gordon AND saves Blake in mere minutes but couldn't save Rachel and Dent.


you are so right :lol:lol:lol
I don't know why bit when the two tumblers are making that turn in front of the sakks fifth avenue I always get goosebumps
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