The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I'll leave this be. You're only digging your own hole deeper. :lol :wave

Why? Because its plausable to have his knee fixed off screen?

I mean, how much happened off screen that you wanted to be on screen and explained just like 'how did he get back into gotham'?

Whats to say he didnt have surgery on his knee? Whats to say he didnt just tank painkillers for a while either? Nothing. Nothing says he doesnt, nothing says he does.

Its clear that your one of those dunces who need everything explained on screen. You need everything explained to you so you dont have to use that limited intellect you possess.

But oh well. All I get is 'you dig a hole deeper' or a comparison to al qaeda. Not one actual relevant argument in which you can back up any of your points.

The Nam syndrome; full of utter sheite.

I'll leave this be. There wasn't any "cartilage damage" as Wayne had NO cartilage left in his knee. You're only digging your own hole deeper. :lol :wave

There are a number of surgical techniques available, such as encouraging the growth of new cartilage.

In the most serious cases, the entire joint may need to be replaced with an artificial joint, such as a knee replacement or hip replacement.

Hole was never there to be dug.
There are a number of surgical techniques available, such as encouraging the growth of new cartilage.

In the most serious cases, the entire joint may need to be replaced with an artificial joint, such as a knee replacement or hip replacement.

Hole was never there to be dug.

Yet all Bruce needed was a magical tourniquet. :lol

But it's irrelevant because you're already a hypocrite. You can't argue his retirement was realistic based on the physical damage his body incurred, and then turn around and defend his recover as being "fantasy." It's all fantasy and Nolan's Batman was a wimp.
I don't frequent this thread often but I actually have a movie related post and question. How did Bane figure out who Batman really was? Was it the Bat flying away from the rooftop fight?
I don't frequent this thread often but I actually have a movie related post and question. How did Bane figure out who Batman really was? Was it the Bat flying away from the rooftop fight?

Talia and Bane knew who he was even before Bane set foot in Gotham. League of Shadows.
Were people this nitpicky over BB and TDK?

Those two movies had just as many "suspend your disbelief" moments as this one.

Do we really need to see Bruce in physio for years? Does it really matter that we didn't see him get back into Gotham? Do we need to know exactly when he escaped from the Bat?

This movie was already clocking in under 3 hours, the last thing it needed was mundane moments like Batman takes a plane, eats a sandwich or has a bowel movement.
Were people this nitpicky over BB and TDK?

Those two movies had just as many "suspend your disbelief" moments as this one.

Do we really need to see Bruce in physio for years? Does it really matter that we didn't see him get back into Gotham? Do we need to know exactly when he escaped from the Bat?

This movie was already clocking in under 3 hours, the last thing it needed was mundane moments like Batman takes a plane, eats a sandwich or has a bowel movement.

it really doesn't matter. But Nolan sometimes shoots himself in the foot. He won't have Ra's come back from the dead (not realistic) but he will have Bruce appear in Gotham after escaping from the pit with no money.
I hate that he loves to be realistic but he will completely bend his own rules when it fits. He is kind of a hypocrite.
In both those stories (The Dark Knight Returns and Batman Beyond), Wayne was old and had been Batman for many, many decades. This Wayne hasn't been Batman for near as long nor been through near as much. Don't forget, the Joker card at the end of BB means TDK happened almost immediately after. So after Joker, he retires for 8 years, which means no physical damage during that time, then comes back for a few months as Batman before quitting again. Not the same thing whatsoever. :nono

Batman beyond he resorted to a gun becuase his body was weak but in the end He still carried on fighting until he pulled out the gun and thats when he knew he needed to retire. He was sixty
it really doesn't matter. But Nolan sometimes shoots himself in the foot. He won't have Ra's come back from the dead (not realistic) but he will have Bruce appear in Gotham after escaping from the pit with no money.
I hate that he loves to be realistic but he will completely bend his own rules when it fits. He is kind of a hypocrite.

Bruce survived for 7 years in Batman Begins traveling the world without his fortune. It seems pretty logical that making it back to Gotham wouldn't be terribly difficult for him once he escaped from the prison.

I'm sure Bruce had an exit strategy to protect himself and his loved ones from day 1 in case he was outed as the Batman. It would seem silly if he didn't have a bank account somewhere with money in it.
Bruce survived for 7 years in Batman Begins traveling the world without his fortune. It seems pretty logical that making it back to Gotham wouldn't be terribly difficult for him once he escaped from the prison.

I'm sure Bruce had an exit strategy to protect himself and his loved ones from day 1 in case he was outed as the Batman. It would seem silly if he didn't have a bank account somewhere with money in it.

I initially thought about that too and almost posted exactly what you did, but at that point in BB, he still had access to his cash so it was very possible he'd set up a slush fund for whenever he decided to return to Gotham. In TDKR, he's in a different position, with all his assets liquidated except for the estate itself, which we know he didn't touch because at the end it's not owned by the bank and left to the orphanage. Plus, even if he did have hidden accounts, you would think that the LoS would know given how deeply seeded they were in Wayne's life. So if he'd touched one, they would've known he'd escaped the prison.
Bruce survived for 7 years in Batman Begins traveling the world without his fortune. It seems pretty logical that making it back to Gotham wouldn't be terribly difficult for him once he escaped from the prison.

I'm sure Bruce had an exit strategy to protect himself and his loved ones from day 1 in case he was outed as the Batman. It would seem silly if he didn't have a bank account somewhere with money in it.

that was just an example, I never really cared about how he got to Gotham because by that point I already hated the movie. And I Was looking forward seeing Batman beat up Bane.

My point is that Nolan says he needs to have a realistic movie but he does a lot of unrealistic s()t. He bends the rules when he needs to. He is a hypocrite about his own movies.

People get caught up in the little details that make no sense only because Nolan made it such a huge point to have a realistic Batman movie when the idea in itself is retarded. Batman cannot be realistic to begin with. And he then goes and bends his own rules.
it really doesn't matter. But Nolan sometimes shoots himself in the foot. He won't have Ra's come back from the dead (not realistic) but he will have Bruce appear in Gotham after escaping from the pit with no money.
I hate that he loves to be realistic but he will completely bend his own rules when it fits. He is kind of a hypocrite.

As I said Earlier. If Nolan truly wanted to be "Realistic" he would have never made two face look like he did and Batman wouldnt survive that fall niether would Racheal.:dunno
As I said Earlier. If Nolan truly wanted to be "Realistic" he would have never made two face look like he did and Batman wouldnt survive that fall niether would Racheal.:dunno

yeah sorry, you are right about that.

Hypocrite Nolan bending his own rules.
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