The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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I do disagree, because Nolan likes to bring actors over to his other films.

Caine and Bale ended up in The Prestige. No one ended up in TDK from The Prestige, which I found odd. But yeah.

Yeah I hear you and totally understand. It was the element that I wasnt surprised which kinda ruined the scene for me.
The only good part of Bane was during the last few minutes of his life. other then that....
Well in that case we can now be friends, and yes disliked the way that Bane was killed off and NEVER mentioned again.... :slap

I wasnt even sure he had been killed and to be shot from the batpod? Could have been better.

Man Bane lookeD BIG!!
The only good part of Bane was during the last few minutes of his life. other then that....

I felt Hardy did a pretty decent job considering he had his mouth covered.
Must have been dam hard getting his charactor and emotions across.
That emp gun was bad ass but it was barley used I thought it was going to play a bigger part in the movie.
Is Bane showed without his mask at all?

Yes. We see Hardy's face during a flashback.

I felt Hardy did a pretty decent job considering he had his mouth covered.
Must have been dam hard getting his charactor and emotions across.

He did...but his voice. I hated it. I was so obviously a redub. It sounded halfassed, and out of place.
Great movie! Epic scale and sense of fear/urgency. Definitely comes full circle with BB. Not sure I like it as much as TDK, but its a different movie all together. Great acting all-around. Loved Bane's voice.

Banes voice was a bit silly. Not because you could not understand him. I could just fine. To me he sounded like a 65 year old english college professor and his lines sounded like questions. Like in the trailer when he says "Let the games begin". Sounds like a question when he says it.
Nolan accidently added a ? in the script.

Hardy reads his lines. Word for word. Punctuation, by punctuation. :lol
I thought at times it sounded quite chilling but mainly it felt like Hardy was trying to hard and the mask was restricting him.
The voice was dubbed later. I don't think any of it was in camera. At least none left in the film.
someone made a good point in another thread that the bat symbol that is on chalk on the wall you turn it upside down it looks like night wings symbol almost
It was sad to see bruce wayne lose all his money.
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