But, he actually did that. I have video. 

Yeah, you're wrong.
Different edits are made to films for many reasons, not all of them artistic or story-related.
Also, the case could be made that Extended Cuts could validate some of the choices made for the Theatrical Cut. They don't necessarily mean they're better. I'm definitely not one who goes for the "more is better" stuff. In fact, I still very much prefer the Theatrical version of FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, as one example.
And this is just on the subject of Extended Cuts. What's the excuse for not including Deleted Scenes or doing audio commentary?
How many edits of the Evil Dead flicks are there? Some serious flawed movies. (and none of them help the turdfest Army of Darkness)![]()
But, he actually did that. I have video.
Every porn movie should be extended cuts.![]()
Don't you diehard TDK fans want to see every IMAX scene in all its uncropped glory? Wouldn't that be Nolan's *true* vision of the film, not its bastardized Liemax incarnation? Even with the shifting aspect ratios on the blu-ray you still don't see Joker's feet at the beginning of the bank heist. What's the deal Nolan?
35 mmm:
I think Nolan has mentally moved on from the Batman thing. That and he's never been big on Extended Cuts, Deleted Scenes, Commentary, etc. It just wasn't going to happen.
Sadly, even the initial standard MAN OF STEEL Blu-Ray will blow this away features wise. Considering that this is an "Ultimate Edition" release of a completed trilogy that is beloved and made gazillions... this is a damn shame. But it's on Nolan. He just pimp-slapped his diehard Batfans right in the face, did a mic drop, and walked off the stage.
Need a runtime of that new doc. Plus I hate hate hate it when that ****head Lindelof gets his annoying quasi-90210 accent into everything. I don't care for his opinion. But it will be cool to see Mann speak about TDK, given the film is a Nolanized version of Heat.
How many edits of the Evil Dead flicks are there? Some serious flawed movies. (and none of them help the turdfest Army of Darkness)![]()
This is one case where I disagree with you, Boidcat. Nolan's vision is a copout. He goes into all of this in-depth behind the scenes stuff, but he won't show the footage because it ruins the illusion. Whatever, looks like I've got to go to plan B and make it big in Hollywood. To paraphrase Scarface, "first, you get the money. Then, you get the power. Then, you get the deleted scenes."
I'm too lazy to look it up. To what extent will Michael Mann be commenting? That sounds pretty cool. I've always thought it'd be a cool idea actually to have a well known movie maker do a commentary on another film that he had nothing to do with.