The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Well I saw the movie when I was like thirteen and didn't like it. After watching the show and numerous comics I pictured a different look. I remember as a kid I didn't even know the89 movie existed. I idiotically thought batman returns was the first movie so when I finally saw 89 I hated the joker look.
Exactly. I wish I were there. I was not. I can't say Jack was a terrible Joker, because I have no context.

Just like I can't say Gene Hackman was a terrible Lex Luthor.

I can, however, say..... Channing Tatum was the worst choice for Duke, because he sucked horribly in the role.
To be honest, I never cared much for Jack's Joker. Not really sure why to this day. I mean, he's believable most of the time and all, but something about him was off.

Still, he was more entertaining to watch than DeVitto as Cobblepot.

Oh and by the way, I saw both Batman '89 and Batman Returns in theaters. Batman '89 was my first movie theater experience, in fact.
To be honest, I never cared much for Jack's Joker. Not really sure why to this day. I mean, he's believable most of the time and all, but something about him was off.

Still, he was more entertaining to watch than DeVitto as Cobblepot.

:lecture:lecture:lecture The difference between those movies was night and day. It's like Burton struck out on the same pitch he'd turned into a homer with the '89 film.
:lecture:lecture:lecture The difference between those movies was night and day. It's like Burton struck out on the same pitch he'd turned into a homer with the '89 film.
Well, that's what happens when you hire someone who's, essentially, a comedian for a comic book villain. It ends up cheesier than double stuffed cheesy bread at Pizza Hut on a Friday night.

At least Nicholson had a degree of various acting roles under his belt, despite whether or not he played very similar characters at times.
Well, that's what happens when you hire someone who's, essentially, a comedian for a comic book villain. It ends up cheesier than double stuffed cheesy bread at Pizza Hut on a Friday night.

At least Nicholson had a degree of various acting roles under his belt, despite whether or not he played very similar characters at times.

I wouldn't be so quick to discount DeVito. He's a great actor and has had some great roles of his own. While on paper it might've looked like a home run, he just didn't fit as Penguin. Hell, the great Walken didn't even sell as Max Shreck (despite the role being created for the movie). :lol I'm guessing that's what happens when the studio let Burton off his leash for the sequel.
I guess I can appreciate your thoughts on Jack Joker ironwez. I have no idea who that anime guy is in your avatar and I know for a fact if I found out, read up or watched it I'd think it was ____.

As for Returns Penguin, I thought/think Devito was a great Penguin. Much better than the little bastard from the comics. Not really a fan of the squawking, monocle wearing, proper arms dealer from the comics. Though, I love the Burgess Meredith interpretation and the amalgamation of the Devito Penguin and comic Penguin for the BTAS animated Penguin.

I really enjoyed the foul, bile spewing, sideshow freak that was abandoned and thrown away by his parents. Sometimes you feel sympathy or pity for him but deep down he's sexual innuendo saying garbage. Batman picks up right away on the Penguin's true intentions and his whole plot of killing off first born children is disturbing but in some way poetic. It has this whole nature vs. nurture element to it. Is Oswald like this because he was cast out or is he this monster because he was born that way. I don't know, I really dug what Burton and Devito came up with. That whole "Penguin man of the sewers" thing. Most of the time I can't even tell it's Devito in that rotund costume.

His death is one of my favorite on screen deaths too. Like the sympathetic end to an old black and white horror villain/monster. There's something operatic about it from the music to the way it's shot when he falls down with a thud.

I know, "OH NOT COMIC ACCURATE" but there are few comic book film translations that are spot on in appearance/characterization and what have you. I thought Penguin here was better than the one dimensional comic interpretation with his blue coat and yellow umbrellas. Devito Penguin is a nasty ____.
I'm not saying it was terrible, I'm just not fond of anything DeVito does. It was certainly miles above the villains that followed in the next two films. However, it wasn't as entertaining as Jack's Joker though, and even that wasn't my cup of tea. Point is, comedians don't make for "great" movie villains, if you ask me.
I'm not saying it was terrible, I'm just not fond of anything DeVito does. It was certainly miles above the villains that followed in the next two films. However, it wasn't as entertaining as Jack's Joker though, and even that wasn't my cup of tea. Point is, comedians don't make for "great" movie villains, if you ask me.

Robin Williams was pretty ____ing scary in Insomnia and One Hour Photo.
Never seen Insomnia. Although, I think I did see One Hour Photo. In any case, yeah I guess it works for some, but not everyone. Especially when they sometimes play an already eccentric or kooky character.
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If you guys remember in the "The Dark Knight". after Joker killed gamble he said to gambles companions that they had to do tryouts. What did that mean?
If you guys remember in the "The Dark Knight". after Joker killed gamble he said to gambles companions that they had to do tryouts. What did that mean?

Fight to the death for a position in his posse.
This is what the IMAX poster should have looked like:

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