The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Its not hating, its just not enjoying. Big difference! Amazing Spiderman was a brilliant film and alot more to it than people think. I just didnt enjoy Avengers, but thats because the only Marvel Characters I like are Spiderman, Wolverine, Punisher and Iron Man. Never liked Cap America, Hawkeye, Widow, Hulk and I think Thor is abysmally boring. On the flipside, I hate DC apart from Batman. Batman to me is the greatest character of all time, but DC only has one character to me.

I love how Nolan uses the comics but doesnt like, copy them. BB clearly takes elements from Year one, Legends of the dark knight; Shaman with the use of fear and the blue flower, As the crow flies, falling down the well is inspired by Dark Knight Returns and The man who falls, Batman #232 first had Rhas in the himalayas, Year two had bruce going to kill Chill but someone else doing it before he could, Long Halloween inspired the interrogation of Flass.

I could go on for hours about the comic references, about how they take things from the comics but they dont copy them from the page. They take a story, a piece, adjust, mould and resemble it to make their own interpretation, to make a fresh story which has never been in the comics. You can see the visual influences from the comic panels and you sit there going 'i see what they did there, thats just like from XXXXXX where XXXXX'.

I prefer TDK over BB. I love BB, but TDK to me was like a crime thriller NOT a comic book film! Joker was a perfect on screen rendition. He was frightening but playful in a sick way. Batman was a detective in the film, I loved how he did the ballistics analysis, cutting the bullet out of the wall. As bruce on the motorcycle at Loebs funeral, doing his own investigative work. Batman IS the worlds greatest detective and finally they was showing that side. Batman to me has always been about sacrificing everything in the name of Gotham, his parents, in vengeance to protect. TDK nailed that again for me, the one time he thought for himself to save Rachel, Joker knew he would chose rachel which is why he lied to Batman and told him the opposite location for each person and it punishes him.

I love how there seems to be little hope and depressing. Thats how Batman is, it is depressing at the start, it does seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing that changes is Bruce's age. It always stays the same which is why he often questions himself about his own happiness with Silver st Cloud etc.

But what made TDK for me was the ending. That was just pure Batman. Taking the wrap for the murders, doing the right thing for gotham even if its the worst thing for himself. That epitomises Batman in the purest form. Its the way Bale delivers 'I killed those people', the whole exchange with Gordon, the relationship between Bale and Oldman, its nailed to perfection for me.
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Its not hating, its just not enjoying. Big difference! Amazing Spiderman was a brilliant film and alot more to it than people think. I just didnt enjoy Avengers, but thats because the only Marvel Characters I like are Spiderman, Wolverine, Punisher and Iron Man. Never liked Cap America, Hawkeye, Widow, Hulk and I think Thor is abysmally boring. On the flipside, I hate DC apart from Batman. Batman to me is the greatest character of all time, but DC only has one character to me.

I love how Nolan uses the comics but doesnt like, copy them. BB clearly takes elements from Year one, Legends of the dark knight; Shaman with the use of fear and the blue flower, As the crow flies, falling down the well is inspired by Dark Knight Returns and The man who falls, Batman #232 first had Rhas in the himalayas, Year two had bruce going to kill Chill but someone else doing it before he could, Long Halloween inspired the interrogation of Flass.

I could go on for hours about the comic references, about how they take things from the comics but they dont copy them from the page. They take a story, a piece, adjust, mould and resemble it to make their own interpretation, to make a fresh story which has never been in the comics. You can see the visual influences from the comic panels and you sit there going 'i see what they did there, thats just like from XXXXXX where XXXXX'.

I prefer TDK over BB. I love BB, but TDK to me was like a crime thriller. Joker was a perfect on screen rendition. He was frightening but playful in a sick way. Batman was a detective in the film, I loved how he did the ballistics analysis, cutting the bullet out of the wall. As bruce on the motorcycle at Loebs funeral, doing his own investigative work. Batman IS the worlds greatest detective and finally they was showing that side. Batman to me has always been about sacrificing everything in the name of Gotham, his parents, in vengeance to protect. TDK nailed that again for me, the one time he thought for himself to save Rachel, Joker knew he would chose rachel which is why he lied to Batman and told him the opposite location for each person and it punishes him.

I love how there seems to be little hope and depressing. Thats how Batman is, it is depressing at the start, it does seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing that changes is Bruce's age. It always stays the same which is why he often questions himself about his own happiness with Silver st Cloud etc.

But what made TDK for me was the ending. That was just pure Batman. Taking the wrap for the murders, doing the right thing for gotham even if its the worst thing for himself. That epitomises Batman in the purest form. Its the way Bale delivers 'I killed those people', the whole exchange with Gordon, the relationship between Bale and Oldman, its nailed to perfection for me.

quoted for extreme truth, :lecture
this guy gets it
No. It is.

It's something that was once thought impossible, but it was done so well, it became a legend.

The Avengers gave everyone what they wanted. Comic fans, movie fans, Whedon fans, Average Joes....everyone who came out of that movie was happy.

Unless you're soulless and sad.

And no one was crazy with it. Like TDK. I should know, I was one. TDK, like Avatar, had it's fans ruin the film. That being said, TDK is actually a good film. Unlike Avatar.

But yeah, you're saying The Avengers is overrated and TDK isn't, with a TDKR sig and Avi. So....:lol

Which is what all the Avengers fanboys say. Its great because we never though it would happen. Not that its great because it had a fantastic story and fantastic acting and everything was perfect. It wasnt. Hawkeye was heavily underused. I didnt like the do a flip or something, look at the camera for dramatic fashion for like 5 seconds then move. I hate that. Like some ____ from power rangers.

Downey Jr owns iron man. The rest? Not convinced on the character.
I loved The Amazing Spider-man, as I loved Spider-man 1 and 2.

I have so many comic book movies, and those inspired by comic books, that I can safely say I would hold The Amazing Spider-man up there with the best of them. Granted, that's my opinion, but it's one rooted in decades of comic book movies, dating back to TMNT and the '89 Batman.

The Amazing Spider-man is as good as Spidey 2, in my honest opinion. Something I have little faith the future Batman reboot will be able to pull off. That's why I'm going to savor this moment. The Dark Knight Rises looks very promising and I hope it goes out with a bang.
Not wrong. TDK is up there with Avatar as the most overrated film of all time.

It's been 5 years, and people still hold it higher then life. :lol

And they don't recognize the flaws it has. Which is what makes it overrated.
Wrong on both counts.

Damn right amazing spiderman was absolutly awesome. Celtic's thinks his opnion is the only one that matters. I loved avaengers but to me it was a fun movie. It put some of the most well known superhero's together on the big screen. its somthing people have been waiting for for years and it was great. Aside from that the story was cliche and transformers already beat it to the punch with giant alien robots attacking a giant city
Not wrong. TDK is up there with Avatar as the most overrated film of all time.

It's been 5 years, and people still hold it higher then life. :lol

And they don't recognize the flaws it has. Which is what makes it overrated.

Nah bro. you cn stop being Mr hipster for a sec. The dark knight was a fantastic film. I believe joker made that movie. Not the best movie but tis a damn fine batman movie that gives you that batman vibe. hated jack nicholson Joker so heath being the joker was just awesome.
Nah bro. you cn stop being Mr hipster for a sec. The dark knight was a fantastic film. I believe joker made that movie. Not the best movie but tis a damn fine batman movie that gives you that batman vibe. hated jack nicholson Joker so heath being the joker was just awesome.

Spell check!

Anyway, I've already said the film is great, and I love it so very, very much. But it is overrated. It's not a bad thing. It did live up to it's hype...but it never died down. It kept going. And going. And making people crazy.

I'm sure people would die for Nolan...which makes the film overrated. :lol

Love Jack's Joker. He was awesome. Love Heath's Joker. He was awesome.

But i'd day 89 Bats had a more Batman vibe. When I think Batman.

But these films did something different. Something unique.

Same with The Avengers.
Transformers had more heart then Amazing Spider-Man did.

see you are giving us the right, You say transformers has more heart than Spidey, and like ironwez20 said he is right Transformers did the aliens attacking, so transformers has more heart than Avengers AND it did the scenes of alien attacking first,

like he said, avengers is Good, yes, but not AS good as you and everyone says, is just because they got the heroes together that is good, that's like the only really good thing it has going on for it, even transformers being a piece of crap did it first
Uh huh. Celtic its about five o clock in the morning how about getting some shut eye . Must get plenty of rest in anticipation for this movie.

HO BOY!!!!
See, you're understating the value of the film, and it's genius.

The film had to develop, and make all these characters work, while still maintaining a good script, good action, good story, and trying to please the masses.

Michael Bay can do this well. But you called those movies what they are. Crap. The Avengers is so far from crap. The Avengers is the least dumb summer blockbuster in recent years.= And it's very sad you can't see that.

Nolan is doing something incredible with this series. Everyone recognized his genius. Why can't you just accept Joss'?
See, you're understating the value of the film, and it's genius.

The film had to develop, and make all these characters work, while still maintaining a good script, good action, good story, and trying to please the masses.

Michael Bay can do this well. But you called those movies what they are. Crap. The Avengers is so far from crap. The Avengers is the least dumb summer blockbuster in recent years.= And it's very sad you can't see that.

Nolan is doing something incredible with this series. Everyone recognized his genius. Why can't you just accept Joss'?

apples and oranges bud, apples and oranges
why do pickles taste better than cucumbers?:dunno
Nolan is great an all but he aint no genius. That goes to M Night shamalanfhsoal. I mean the guy had a plot laid out right infront of him but he decided he would change the names of the main cast and make all the characters white. The man is a genius I tell ya.
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