The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Well yeah. But at the same time, no. I felt more for Jazz then I did Peter or Gwen. But that was because I already knew their story, from the last film. I didn't know anything about dem Formers.
Well yeah. But at the same time, no. I felt more for Jazz then I did Peter or Gwen. But that was because I already knew their story, from the last film. I didn't know anything about dem Formers.

Wrong the other series had MJ and peter and this is Gwen and peter we dont know how this story will go. Gwen may end up dying.
Well yeah. But at the same time, no. I felt more for Jazz then I did Peter or Gwen. But that was because I already knew their story, from the last film. I didn't know anything about dem Formers.
Gwen Stacy and Peter Parker weren't even romantically involved in Spidey 3. In fact, she was thrown in merely as eye candy and fan service, who just so happened to serve a few purposes, the most notable of which were being Eddie Brock's temporary girlfriend and as a rebound date for Peter to try and get a rise out of Mary Jane. Not that I'm complaining, I think Bryce Dallas Howard looked hot, lol.

The reboot is meant to follow the comics a bit more and also tries to be a little darker. In the comics Gwen Stacy is the first love interest of Peter. Once fate changes that, he slowly builds a relationship with Mary Jane next. From there, he's been on and off again with her and has even, at times, had something with Felicia Hardy and a few others, I believe.

Could be wrong on that last bit, as I stopped actually reading the comics around the time Spidey 2 hit theaters, because by that point I began to mostly collect comics... and not very often. However, as a big fan of Spidey, and Batman, I love The Amazing Spider-man and think it's as good as Batman Begins. They're two reboots that worked very well, especially when you consider how some reboots can actually turn out.
Spiderman was awsome. Saw it for the 2nd time at odeon last night. Some cocky comments did feel really forced like 'im swingin here!', and some of the CGI was pretty in your face. hated Lizard's face, looks like a Goomba from Super mario film.

I wish they had more development of Connors as a man. They couldve really nailed him as like a scientific link to his father but hey ho.
Nah bro. you cn stop being Mr hipster for a sec. The dark knight was a fantastic film. I believe joker made that movie. Not the best movie but tis a damn fine batman movie that gives you that batman vibe. hated jack nicholson Joker so heath being the joker was just awesome.

Oxymoronic. :lol
What did you hate about him, bro?

It was just that I didn't believe he was joker. He was just jack Nicholson in makeup acting silly to me. Plus I always pictured joker as this scrawny guy but jack was like way to bulky.
You weren't alive to see Jack as the Joker. You can't say you always pictured Joker as this, because Jack came before you were conceived.
You weren't alive to see Jack as the Joker. You can't say you always pictured Joker as this, because Jack came before you were conceived.

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :goodpost:

Had he been alive, he might've been there talking ____ with all the naysayers about Jack as Joker and Keaton as Batman, only to be there in the theatre opening night giving the film a standing ovation at Batman's introduction, the Batmobile's intro and Joker's intro. :lol
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