The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Reviews only matter when the movie has the potential to suck. This movie doesn't have that factor so who cares about em!
I cant forgive myself for spoiling this film for myself. ive opened every spoiler button.
Don't read any of the rotten tomatoe reviews. Accept it gets 100% and click away.
Don't read any of the rotten tomatoe reviews. Accept it gets 100% and click away.

darkknight1.jpg them! :D
I'm no longer reading any posts in this thread. I just wanted to say I took my son to see Spider-man yesterday and the TDKR trailer blew me away. Now I'm really eager to see this movie.
Alright show of hands who is seeing this Thursday night !!!

Have to work on Friday, but I"m taking a half day to see the 2p.m. showing. I'd love to go to the midnight show, but the boss is a Whedon fan and laid the smack down on my request for a full day off when I told I wanted to see Batman.
I wanted to go to the AMC Batman marathon this Thursday, but NOW something has come up and I won't be able to see it until SATURDAY with the other zillion people. :monkey2
I made the mistake of watching Batman Forever last night. I wish I could un-see what I have seen. I remember that movie being so much cooler when I was 13.
Have to work on Friday, but I"m taking a half day to see the 2p.m. showing. I'd love to go to the midnight show, but the boss is a Whedon fan and laid the smack down on my request for a full day off when I told I wanted to see Batman.

Yikes, I'm glad I don't have to give a reason to use my off time. :google
Found this interesting:

Isn't that the differential that Nolancompoops are using to separate Avengers from TDKR? :lol
Every movie is a popcorn movie, blockbuster or not... and I don't even eat popcorn, lol. Never understood that reference. Like, somehow the popcorn makes the movie better. :huh

Hate the idea of him stopping being batman after TDK and then coming back for TDKR years later, Batman would never stop being Batman until he dies :lecture
I actually think it's awesome. Batman, like the rest of us, is human. Even the perfect warrior gets old and dies.

This is why I wish someone would make a movie, or two, about Batman in his later years fighting crime and then having to pass the torch unto a new Batman with his own style. Think of it like Batman Beyond, without the bull____ Iron Man suit, lol.

It matters when common sheep can't decide things for themselves.

I haven't read one single movie review in my entire life, unless you count the praises posted on the front, and back, of dvd/blu ray releases.

And while I do read many video game reviews, I use them as a general census as a kind of turning point of whether or not I should hop off the fence and buy it anyway. I enjoy games that most reviewers don't, so it has to be pretty damn bad for me to actually even take into full account the opinions of those people. Otherwise, meh.

I made the mistake of watching Batman Forever last night. I wish I could un-see what I have seen. I remember that movie being so much cooler when I was 13.
That was because you were thirteen and Nicole Kidman was hot as hell, lol. That's the saving grace for that movie, in my opinion. That and Robin wasn't a total disappointment, like the rest of the movie.
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