The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You seem to forget that Nolan uses EVERYTHING he shoots. I'm still not sure why you're angered about this?:dunno Once again. The fight choreographing looks MUCH better. More punches, kicks etc. Batman isn't thrown' bows as much either. You do know that Batman and Bane are in that clip right? You didn't miss them did you? Analyze it again. The fight scene (no matter if there is gonna be cut-backs to anything else going on in the film) will be longer then in previous Nolan Bat-films.

Funny thing is, I know more about editing then you ever will. Here's my YouTube page. All fan made music videos and Trailers.

Also, I am in the process of getting my Mass Communication degree. If you'd like me to fax you my class schedule let me know.

Any other pointless things you'd like to argue about?

Funny, i was about to start my reply with the same sentence as your last sentence in your post: Any other pointless things you'd like to argue about? :)
Makes me wonder, do you really know how pointless this discussion really is? Cause you just keep on going, its funny :)

Other thing I need to mention, your arrogance. So what if you know a whole lot more of editing, could be, but fact is: you don't know ____ about me!
For the same matter I could be Thelma Schoonmaker...just saying, dont be arrogant about your own skills when you know nothing about the person you are having a discussion with.

Last thing. You said: You seem to forget that Nolan uses EVERYTHING he shoots
I say: Ow Really?
How about this:

I didn't see this in the movie, so hmm I guess he didnt use EVERYTHING he shoots huh..
Point proven.

What I was trying to say I will try to make clear with an example.
Imagine the director filming something for 50 minuits. In post production he sees not ALL of those 50 minuits are interesting for various reasons.
So he can deceide to cut out/edit/remove (whatever you wanna call it) some footage of that initial 50 minuits.
So just that simple example shows how strange your statement is that he uses EVERYTHING he shoots...

And what we saw is from the perspective of a guy holding a videocamera on the sidewalk far away from the shooting, how can you tell from that perspective how the close ups will look like?
You can't. Its just assumption.
Who knows what will happen in postproduction! We can only guess.
So you cannot say with 100% certainty that how the choreography will look like, you can't say with 100% how long the fights will be, because those are all assumptions until we see the final product!

What you witnessed on that youtube film is the film in its production fase, its not finished yet!

Now let it rest, if you feel the need to reply to this, you again prove my first point:
That you actually don't know how pointless these kind of discussions really are, but for some reason you always want the last word in such pointless discussions :)

So, can you pls let it rest, please? :peace
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Of course I'm gonna reply. I never said I knew with 100% certainty that the fights would have been longer or have better choreography. I simply said they looked like they are going to be. Nolan left out at the most 30 seconds of TDK. The scene you mentioned and the scene where joker is in the bus. He's not gonna cut a fight between bats and bane. I used my sources to let you know that I knew about editors. Once again, not to sound cocky but more then you. Now. You done trollin? If you wanna argue about stupid pointless ____ then troll on back over to superherohype where you came from.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yes, I am done here.

No, I dont wanna argue about stuid pointelss ____, so no, I wont go back to the superherohype, since I didnt came from there.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Nolan left out at the most 30 seconds of TDK. The scene you mentioned and the scene where joker is in the bus.

Uh... no. There was more than that. There was also Joker getting into his car after crashing the party and there is certainly many more shots that never made it into the final film.

Much more than "30 seconds" worth.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I hope that once TDKR hits Blu, we get a CE trilogy with all of the deleted footage. I'd love to see what all was actually cut. If they could incorporate the deleted footage into the films it'd be even better.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Uh... no. There was more than that. There was also Joker getting into his car after crashing the party and there is certainly many more shots that never made it into the final film.

Much more than "30 seconds" worth.

You gotta link? Not that I don't believe you. Just that I have never heard of the joker scene you mentioned. Sounds interesting.

EDIT: Does it have something to do with this pic, never in the movie. Pretty cool.

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You gotta link? Not that I don't believe you. Just that I have never heard of the joker scene you mentioned. Sounds interesting.

EDIT: Does it have something to do with this pic, never in the movie. Pretty cool.


Its in the script. Also, the picture of Joker in the back of the getaway car was one of the "Joker Images" released during production. The one wear he has his gloved hand up to his face.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'd kill to see any different takes of Heath's performance, as well as a Nolan commentary on all three.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not a fan of those sort of videos. It really takes you out of the atmosphere created within the movie. Like the Joker's taste would be papa roach or limp bizkit or drowning pool or whatever. I bet he'd listen to classical music or just straight up noise...maybe some obscure 1930's church music. maybe he hates music...probably. I'd rather it be the score from the movie, a movie...or even something that isn't mainstream music. At least not some 'heavy', 'alternative' rock band. Like, oh man, the joker's so 'alternative,' he loves heavy metal music. It might as well be insane clown posse...he's into clowns right? The deduction of things like that is so insanely obvious and almost juvenile. It's almost insulting to the ideology of the character. If the Joker is anything, he's not obvious. Plus, if his fashion designer said she was going for a johnny rotten thing with'd even be so obvious to use the sex pistols..but at least it would have some grit over-produced music simply does not have. There would at least be a jumping off point to go from if that was the case.

That being said, the editing is quite good from what I could stomach watching... from that song.

No offense to your taste, I meant more about those sorts of things in general. And I'm insanely picky with music...but I know it's just personal tastes. I just feel strongly that I hate that song.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Going to heinz field on Sat to be an extra in the crowd. They are filming a scene with the Gothem knights football team.

So after this I will be known as JAWS/Movie Star
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Going to heinz field on Sat to be an extra in the crowd. They are filming a scene with the Gothem knights football team.

So after this I will be known as JAWS/Movie Star

You won't get paid like I do. :nana:

Seriously though, I wish I could have participated at Heinz field but I'm going out of town this weekend. Then again, you might be roasting with winter clothes in August heat Saturday.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not a fan of those sort of videos. It really takes you out of the atmosphere created within the movie. Like the Joker's taste would be papa roach or limp bizkit or drowning pool or whatever. I bet he'd listen to classical music or just straight up noise...maybe some obscure 1930's church music. maybe he hates music...probably. I'd rather it be the score from the movie, a movie...or even something that isn't mainstream music. At least not some 'heavy', 'alternative' rock band. Like, oh man, the joker's so 'alternative,' he loves heavy metal music. It might as well be insane clown posse...he's into clowns right? The deduction of things like that is so insanely obvious and almost juvenile. It's almost insulting to the ideology of the character. If the Joker is anything, he's not obvious. Plus, if his fashion designer said she was going for a johnny rotten thing with'd even be so obvious to use the sex pistols..but at least it would have some grit over-produced music simply does not have. There would at least be a jumping off point to go from if that was the case.

That being said, the editing is quite good from what I could stomach watching... from that song.

No offense to your taste, I meant more about those sorts of things in general. And I'm insanely picky with music...but I know it's just personal tastes. I just feel strongly that I hate that song.
I'm guessing this was directed towards my video? If so, it's all good man. I really can't do anything if you don't like the song. I was just trying to make the video fast paced. So I used Poppa Roach (the only song I like by them). I think if the joker would listen to anything it would be Micheal Jackson. Don't know why :dunno just think he might be a M.J. fan in a weird ironic way.

I do have a more traditional slower video set to The Pixies. It was one of my first edits so it's kinda dated and not as "clean cut" (my old account got suspended so I had to reupload it to my newer account).
[ame=""]‪The Joker- "Where is My Mind"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Everyone knows the Joker loves Prince. Why is this even a debate?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Going to heinz field on Sat to be an extra in the crowd. They are filming a scene with the Gothem knights football team.

So after this I will be known as JAWS/Movie Star

lol if you can take a picture of the football team! i wanna see if they look like the steelers or not
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Everyone knows the Joker loves Prince. Why is this even a debate?

Yup, Prince or MJ. :lol This video is what put the thought of MJ in my head a while back pretty awesome actually.
[ame=""]‪The Dark Knight: Don't Stop‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Its in the script. Also, the picture of Joker in the back of the getaway car was one of the "Joker Images" released during production. The one wear he has his gloved hand up to his face.

I am pretty sure that pic is from a deleted scene before or after the Joker crashes the party at Wayne's penthouse.
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