The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Only one more year, gotta keep telling myself that.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is it possible that some, not all, but some of the filming done in public view were fake scenes meant to create confusion.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is it possible that some, not all, but some of the filming done in public view were fake scenes meant to create confusion.

Maybe, but I'm not sure if WB would drop the cash on something like that. They don't care about what the movie is about. As long as it makes money.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Is it possible that some of the filming done in public view were fake scenes meant to create confusion.

Or Chaos.


Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:rotfl you can tell by this video that the fight is better choreographed! This isn't a fan made video, they're filming people from the movie fighting :lol I'm just a little confused with the reasoning behind your comment

lol, you quoted the wrong guy :)

what you are telling me here, was what i was trying to tell ZaCHw117 :)

maybe you didnt read the last paragraph very well, here again for you:

Well. No ____ Sherlock.
No one can tell what it will look like on screen.
You can clearly see that the fight is longer just by the footage. they start at the bottom of the stairs and work their way up. so naturally it will be longer. Plus. You can clearly see that the choreography is much better.

Again, HOW the ____ can you SEE THAT:
- "the fight is longer just by the footage"?
you realize they in movies they somebody called a editor right? and you know what an editor does with footage they bring to him right? indeed, they editors cut :)

- "the choreography is much better"?
didnt you read my previous post? the choreography will mostly be the same for this movie as for the other movies, but how will they show the choreography is the key question...will we see anything of it or will they ____ up the fight scenes by fast editing, fast camerawork and fast editing like on BB and TDK thus losing the hard work put into the choreography?

How can you see all of that based on (and I quote):
:rotfl you can tell by this video that the fight is better choreographed! This isn't a fan made video, they're filming people from the movie fighting :lol I'm just a little confused with the reasoning behind your comment

I ask the same quesiont HOW?
Only thing I can come up with is that you dont know that there is still a big post-production process after all the filming....

So,I'm not sure what your point is.

what I and wHySoSeRiOuS20 said
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I watched the clip and I really don't think you can take much away from it except:

- Bane and Batman fight
- It's a chaotic scene with lots of people fighting
- It's snowing

Otherwise I don't see anything else standing out, the fighting action seems same as usual in Nolan Batman. Could even be a night scene just shot in the day and tweaked in post.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Highly doubt it will be a night scene - knowing Nolan's approach, if he wanted to do a night scene, he'd film it at night

Also, there's compelling plot reasons for this to be a day time scene (just speculating here) - perhaps Bane wants to draw Batman out in the day time against his better judgement etc
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The only one I can think of off the top of my head - Batman running on top of cop cars, footage that was aired at Comiccon for TDK but never made it to the film.

I'm sure there are others but knowing Nolan, we may never see them. I guess his philosophy is that what he puts in his films is exactly what he wants to put there (it is pretty much the Director's cut as it is), if anything was deleted, it's gone.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Highly doubt it will be a night scene - knowing Nolan's approach, if he wanted to do a night scene, he'd film it at night

Also, there's compelling plot reasons for this to be a day time scene (just speculating here) - perhaps Bane wants to draw Batman out in the day time against his better judgement etc

Yeah, but where it's a location shoot, that may the only time of day he can use that spot the way he wants. It could be a day scene, just pointing out that with today's post production tools, lots of night stuff is shot in daylight.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

lol, you quoted the wrong guy :)

what you are telling me here, was what i was trying to tell ZaCHw117 :)

maybe you didnt read the last paragraph very well, here again for you:

Again, HOW the ____ can you SEE THAT:
- "the fight is longer just by the footage"?
you realize they in movies they somebody called a editor right? and you know what an editor does with footage they bring to him right? indeed, they editors cut :)

You seem to forget that Nolan uses EVERYTHING he shoots. I'm still not sure why you're angered about this?:dunno Once again. The fight choreographing looks MUCH better. More punches, kicks etc. Batman isn't thrown' bows as much either. You do know that Batman and Bane are in that clip right? You didn't miss them did you? Analyze it again. The fight scene (no matter if there is gonna be cut-backs to anything else going on in the film) will be longer then in previous Nolan Bat-films.

Funny thing is, I know more about editing then you ever will. Here's my YouTube page. All fan made music videos and Trailers.

Also, I am in the process of getting my Mass Communication degree. If you'd like me to fax you my class schedule let me know.

Any other pointless things you'd like to argue about?
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You seem to forget that Nolan uses EVERYTHING he shoots. I'm still not sure why your angered about this?:dunno Once again. The fight choreographing looks MUCH better. More punches, kicks etc. Batman isn't thrown' bows as much either. You do know that Batman and Bane are in that clip right? You didn't miss them did you? Analyze it again. The fight scene (no matter if there is gonna be cut-backs to anything else going on in the film) will be longer then in previous Nolan Bat-films.

Funny thing is, I know more about editing then you ever will. Here's my YouTube page. All fan made music videos and Trailers.

Also, I am in the process of getting my Mass Communication degree. If you'd like me to fax you my class schedule let me know.

Any other pointless things you'd like to argue about?

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
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