The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I personally don't have to be surprised to like a movie. Even if I know all the twists and what not, if it's a good film I'll still enjoy it. Probably the reason why I can re-watch movies over and over again and still enjoy them. Just me.

Same here.

I didn't know anything about Batman Begins going into theaters. The only thing I did know was that it was a complete reboot. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

For TDK, I followed it since it was first announced, every single day. Not everything was spoiled. The only major thing I knew about was that Two-Face and Rachel die, and somehow, Batman would be on the run from GPD. That was it. I didn't know why, I didn't know anything about the climax or even what would happen to the Joker (I figured he was going to die). Just like Begins where I didn't spoil anything, I enjoyed the hell out of it.

It doesn't really matter to me. The Dark Knight to date is the only film I really "spoiled" the hell out of myself with. Everything else I just go see and don't really follow.

I will say this, it's so hard to keep away from spoilers here in Pittsburgh. The Post Gazette (the Pittsburgh newspaper) reveals ALL of this stuff the very next day it's revealed online. Everything, with pictures included. They showed the Carnegie snow scenes, Batman, Bane, and just Catwoman today. No doubt they'll have coverage of all this Heinz Field crap too. So what am I supposed to do in the morning? Not look at the paper?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Of course they do. I think the only people who look at them are the ones selling them though.

Eh, it's redundant to read them but I still do in the mornings. Especially when it's local news. I don't exactly follow obituaries, sales, and other local info online. Just nationwide and worldwide news.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Really weird voice - I totally did not expect that! Don't hate it don't love it but really keen to see how it turns out on film - I was kind of expecting the 'back full circle' earthquake device - I hope it brings some major destruction
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

[ame=""]‪Bane warns Gotham to "take control" Dark Knight Rises filming‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Dark Knight Rises can easily tell he's yelling through his mask. It will obviously be redubbed in post. Probably ALL of lines will be dubbed in post.

Bingo. It will all be redone in post production so who cares what he sounds like now.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

... So much for the secret identity, unless these are homages to Bat's car and he gets a new car.

I'm curious as to how Bane get's a fleet of Tumblers without anyone wondering about the connection to wayne industries :dunno

I'm guessing Thalia has access to the tumbler specs and has multiples made for Bane and the League while under the guise of Bruce's assistant/exec at Wayne enterprises. Just wild speculation on my part.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

My nephew was cast to play one of the football players but then the dolphins signed him so he had to back out.

Who's your nephew?Miami needs all the good players it can get.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm guessing the pause in his voice is to add in/modify his inhale and exhale sounds. Just a theory though. I'm sure that his voice will sound a lot better in post as well. I still am keeping hope in this film, In Nolan I Trust!:bow
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

With all this Pittsburgh filming, I'm just wondering how they're going to cover up all the Appalachian Mountains in the backgrounds since they didn't show up in the previous two films. Robocop had a similar issue. The steel mill scenes were shot near Pittsburgh, and several times the mountains popped up in the back.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bingo. It will all be redone in post production so who cares what he sounds like now.

Because Hardy is doing a really silly WW2 German accent?
That won't be redone in post. That's obviously a choice for the character by Nolan.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Do you not think he was doing "ve ave vays of making you talk.." type of thing? I did. :dunno

Sounded pretty silly anyway. I hate when great actors put on stupid accents.
Scene description sounds pretty cool though!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I heard weird british accent myself - I'll reserve judgement on the voice at least till a full trailer hits
Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Why's he grinning while looking at Bane's behind??:monkey1
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

He's thinking about what Killer Croc is gonna do to Bane in Arkham.
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