The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Holy ____, he sounds exactly like Mitch in "A Mighty Wind".
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Humungus' voice > Bane's voice so far

Bane sounds like Vincent Price straining to take a poop.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Someone said he sounded like this on another forum,

[ame=""]‪Police Academy - "Good Speech"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

i was hoping bane wouldnt mutter one word in this..... btw i think my time is done here... too much spoilers! goodbye!
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I lol'd. I've been consistently defending this film to friends who are skeptical of it being as good as the previous two. I'm finding it ever harder to do so.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises can easily tell he's yelling through his mask. It will obviously be redubbed in post. Probably ALL of lines will be dubbed in post.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises can easily tell he's yelling through his mask. It will obviously be redubbed in post. Probably ALL of lines will be dubbed in post.

Yeah, of course but you can still get the idea from the deliverance, slight accent, and pauses in words/sentences. Old man Bane.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

True. But that can all be changed in post. He can easily alter his voice if Nolan see's fit.

That's what they did for the ____ty Nightmare remake. Freddy went from sounding like The Grinch, to Rorschach. So who knows....
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I can't take it seriously. Not much else I can say...except that an orb that causes earthquakes sounds a lot like that ____ from Jonah Hex.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Has nothing to do with him saying his lines through a mask or not. What's up with the stupid ass voice he's doing!?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

When i think of Big, Bald and Scary, i think of WWE's Kane
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I can't take it seriously. Not much else I can say...except that an orb that causes earthquakes sounds a lot like that ____ from Jonah Hex.

Who cares about the voice, Nolan could have said "Deliver it insanely goofy and we'll change it back in post to f with them"

The actual words said are all that matter for the crowd to react to, the voice could be done by James Earl Jones later for arguement sake.

I'm genuinely worried about this orb. The microwave had a realistic spin, what orbs exist that cause earthquakes?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Sounds bad.

Still not as bad as a suit from Warner's forcing a different shooting location on the filmmakers in order to shoehorn in some boring ass football team. The last couple days have really hurt my enthusiasm for this film.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Im still trying to figure out why its that all of you go out your way to figure out the movie. You're just ruining it for yourselves. When the movie actually does come out youre not going to be suprised by anything. Im unsubcribing to this thread so the movie isnt ruined for me. See ya. :wave
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Supposed "insturment of liberation",

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Im still trying to figure out why its that all of you go out your way to figure out the movie. You're just ruining it for yourselves. When the movie actually does come out youre not going to be suprised by anything.

I personally don't have to be surprised to like a movie. Even if I know all the twists and what not, if it's a good film I'll still enjoy it. Probably the reason why I can re-watch movies over and over again and still enjoy them. Just me.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Has nothing to do with him saying his lines through a mask or not. What's up with the stupid ass voice he's doing!?

Sounds like Hardy's regular speaking voice, just yelling. I'm assuming the pauses are for breathing, which is why he wears a mask in the first place. Bale's Batman voice is digitized so I would assume Bane's will be as well.
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