The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That is exactly why Nolan chose Bane - the physical threat - the ultimate physical Batman villain, that's what he says in the Empire interview while adding that his Bane will have a similar emotive backstory as Batman does and that he will be a very smart character and not just a brute

But in giving Bane "a brain" if you will, he's cheating by making it easier to explain. He gives Batman someone to reason with. In a sense, he's dumbed down the character and his motives by making him more complex. Hence my metaphor of cheating at chess. Part of what made Bane Batman's worst nemesis in years was the fact that he couldn't be reasoned with. He couldn't be predictable. He couldn't be rationalized and Batman couldn't match that.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm with Umair on this one, Hardy is an excellent actor and I think Bane will have a rich storyline in this one.

The Rock or Vin would be too silly and just unnecessary big guys running around destroying everything...this is Nolan's Batman, not Joel Schumacher's!
This isn't the comics no mo.

Changes and new interpretations are allowed to be made to characters unless you're the Returns Penguin or basically any non-Nolan related character/villain. These changes are acceptable and viewed as creative inspired ONLY if you're from a real Batman film.

Regular comic films < Comics

Chris Nolan comic films > Comics

Compared to Hardy, the comic Bane is just a lame, 6'0" whatever, luchador mask wearing, fruit cake. TDKR will give Bane an actual heart, soul and a practical reason to wear a "mask", for Darth Vader syndrome.

Have to agree. Honestly I don't even look at the Nolan films as a "comic book movie." I do the Burton films and films like Thor and Spider-Man. But these films more like telling the story of the comics in a hyper realistic setting, making it feel more like a crime/drama then anything else. I think that's because other "comic book movies" stick so close to the source material and don't question it. Which isn't a bad thing it's just how traditional comic movies are made.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

As well as giving Bane unnecessary attributes. I would've better liked seeing a Bane that's rage incarnate, something that can't be reasoned with, fighting Batman, than basically combining the genius of Edward Nigma with the brawn of Bane. It's like cheating at chess. :huh

That's how Bane was portrayed when he was created. And that's how he was depicted in B&R. All brawn, no brains. This is straight from Wikipedia describing Bane's character:


* Peak human physical condition; Venom enhances his physical abilities to superhuman levels
* Genius-level intellect
* Expert strategist, martial artist, escapologist and Master of Disguise

Hmmm... Seems the character evolved into something worthwhile over the years instead of the stupid gimmicky muscle man he started out as. He's ANTI-BATMAN.

Saying Bane has to be 6' 5" and 300 lbs is the same as saying Joker has to be permawhite or Two-Face has to be scarred by a vial of acid in a courtroom or Ra's al Ghul has to be an Arab. Yes, Nolan changed all of those things. But did the characters themselves really change TOO much? Their motives and/or methods for the most part have remained intact.

I don't get people that bring up the microwave emitter as being lame but then bash this series for being too serious. What do you want?! Make up your mind. I think the microwave emitter was a very realistic sci-fi element to add as opposed to what we saw in BR, BF, and B&R.... Mind controlled penguins with rockets? A box that makes tv 3D and then steals your thoughts? Freezing the entire city with a giant telescope? I like the serious tone and heightened/illusionary realism of these films with comic book elements mixed in.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

As far as "epic speeches" go DiFabio, this will be the first in the series I don't remember Ras or Joker (besides the little news vlogs) speaking directly to Gotham, face to face.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That post was actually full of sarcasm and hyperbole Zach. :lol

While it isn't the comics and I understand the re-imagining of characters to fit a particular interpretation, I think it's a bit of a double standard on most people's parts.

Where was this acceptance for the Devito/Burton Penguin? Like Bane, he was totally re-imagined and in some ways, bettered than the comic counterpart and yet, it's not an interpretation that's looked highly upon and is criticized for being "inaccurate". In fact I've noticed quite a few that would condemn the likes of other directors "inspired" choices for these film characters and yet they'll tirelessly defend Nolan's. This happens all the time in comic book films (look at Raimi's Doc Ock) but when Nolan touches them and tweaks things it's all fine and dandy? That's not really fair.

It's not even anything against Christopher Nolan, I'm sure he's a great, gifted guy (I love his Batman films so far) it's just the fan base's jaded attitude towards non-Nolan films, specifically that of Batman or comics (the whole "better than thou" thing again).

As far as Bane goes, I'm definitely going to give the character a chance and I AM looking forward to seeing him. I just think it's too early to be praising and accepting anything yet, I mean, how can you? Height aside, he could just ____ing suck. For every cool picture of him on here, there's quite a few goofy ones.

That would apply to criticism (height, garments) against the Hardy Bane as well. Though, he is short. :monkey3
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I like the serious tone and heightened/illusionary realism of these films with comic book elements mixed in.

What I don't get are the people defending Nolan's film as outside the realm of, quote, "comic book movies" and then racing right back to "it's a comic book movie" or "has comic book elements mixed in" as the fallback defense. It's oxymoronic. :cuckoo:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Bane's origin from his first appearance in "Vengeance of Bane", he was extremely intelligent, powerful, and a leader. Then that Bane carried over to Knightfall which is also definitely a huge influence on Nolan's Batman movies.

Already addressed this. :wave :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Reading the last few pages has been interesting but a bit confusing. How exactly has Nolan drastically altered Bane from his comic incarnation? I understand, from gleaning what details are available about Hardy's Bane (aside from physical differences), that the character is essentially the same in terms of what kind of threat he'll present to Batman. Aside from the usual changes in character origin and appearance, he's Bane from the comics.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Then Im not really sure what your argument against Nolan's Bane is? You referenced a few posts down that the "origin" as what Nolan should do, but then you mocked giving Bane a brain and that Nolan's Bane will be too complex.

You want the origin, but you don't want the origin? :dunno

Also, your saying things about Bane and all we have to go by that is official is a magazine article. We haven't seen the film yet, so we all sort of have to wait and see what Bane will actually be.

His argument is that he doesn't like Nolan's Batman. There is no argument. He would rather have the Bane from 1997.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Then Im not really sure what your argument against Nolan's Bane is? You referenced a few posts down that the "origin" as what Nolan should do, but then you mocked giving Bane a brain and that Nolan's Bane will be too complex.

You want the origin, but you don't want the origin? :dunno

Also, your saying things about Bane and all we have to go by that is official is a magazine article. We haven't seen the film yet, so we all sort of have to wait and see what Bane will actually be.

Re-read the posts. You're not understanding my point at all.

His argument is that he doesn't like Nolan's Batman. There is no argument. He would rather have the Bane from 1997.

No, but I can understand how the big words would've confused you. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Re-read the posts. You're not understanding my point at all.

No, but I can understand how the big words would've confused you. :lol

There's no way ANYONE could understand your point because you contradict yourself over and over.

Again with insults to my intelligence. Instead of debating, you choose to insult and you always go in that direction. Sounds like you're felling a little inadequate in the intelligence department yourself.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Plasmid you're doing it wrong,

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I re-read your posts, and your not making a point. You said earlier in a response to another's post that you would like to see Nolan use Bane origin, which if you know the origin, is he is intelligent, strong, and a leader. Then a few posts later you mock the idea of giving Bane a brain. Saying Nolan is cheating by making him more complex? :dunno

what else am i missing from your posts?

Thank you.

This thread is going places.


Damn right it is.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I re-read your posts, and your not making a point. You said earlier in a response to another's post that you would like to see Nolan use Bane origin, which if you know the origin, is he is intelligent, strong, and a leader. Then a few posts later you mock the idea of giving Bane a brain. Saying Nolan is cheating by making him more complex? :dunno

what else am i missing from your posts?

Essentially, this:
But in giving Bane "a brain" if you will, he's cheating by making it easier to explain. He gives Batman someone to reason with. In a sense, he's dumbed down the character and his motives by making him more complex. Hence my metaphor of cheating at chess. Part of what made Bane Batman's worst nemesis in years was the fact that he couldn't be reasoned with. He couldn't be predictable. He couldn't be rationalized and Batman couldn't match that.

He had no other agenda than beating down Batman and breaking him. While that might seem simple, it's much more complex than a political agenda. I used Halloween as a comparison (the original '78). While it might seem shallow on the surface, the character of Michael Myers is much more complex and much more terrifying in his simplicity than he was in Zombie's remakes which explained an origin and motive for the lowbrow audience.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought about quoting your pic originally but that would have been in bad taste. Always best to let the Devil do the honors.

After these pics and the whole, political angle with Bane I personally think that Napoleon was inspiration for this character.

We'll have to wait and see . . .
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I thought about quoting your pic originally but that would have been in bad taste. Always best to let the Devil do the honors.

After these pics and the whole, political angle with Bane I personally think that Napoleon was inspiration for this character.

We'll have to wait and see . . .

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

And let it be known. If Hardy Bane does turn out to be fantastic and this really, great villain, sure, I'll eat some crow, whatever. I have nothing invested in this ____ other than being entertained (if it's good) or amused (if it's crap).

I think the biggest issue is the misunderstanding from both sides (the "THIS IS GREAT" and the "Eh, this looks like ____" groups). We tend to take each others views way too seriously. It's only speculation so far and I don't think it's wrong for people to criticize or praise what has been shown so far (unless you pull the "Trust Nolan" crap, then I have no respect for you :lol).

In some pics, some pics, Bane looks cool to me and I like that little bit of him at the end of the teaser. He seems to have potential when he's low lit and doesn't have the jacket on. I kinda dig the article descriptions of him too. However, I don't necessarily like the whole political agenda I'm seeing and Hardy, acting aside, is a pretty short mofo. There's also the hilarious "old man" voice that he was sporting at Heinz Field and the fact that he's associated with DA LOS and Ras. That's all. I'm just not all that impressed with what I'm seeing like I was this time of year, 4 years ago with the Joker.

But that's so far. Maybe the trailer and prologue will blow me away or maybe, there won't be that much difference from how I view Bane now. I don't know.

Different strokes I guess.
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