The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Difabio, what's the point of taking such a long-winded effort to explain yourself, man?
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

But if what we are reading is true, giving Bane a political agenda does make a lot of sense in this day of age and for Nolan's World. There is nothing more important right now in our world than politics right now. How many countries have we seen lately have drastic change in their politics and governments and some have had their own civil wars in just the past year or so....and Nolan always said his movies are like what if Batman actually existed in our world. Politics has played a big role in Nolan's world. League of Shadows was said to have brought down cities and governments. And if Bane is part of LOS, which seems like he is, then it makes perfect sense that Bane is someone Ras always wanted and thought Bruce Wayne could of been.

Bane as a revolutionary figure just kills it for me though. Go ahead, don't give him his luchador mask, make your own. Don't make him this hulking 6'0" plus brute, get rid of his Spanish ancestry. You have a better origin? Okay fine. But why bother using "Bane" if you're going to radically change him into this anti-establishment, LOS member? The main point of these films is to see the characters come to life. Someone like the Joker can afford to have all these different interpretations because, well, that's the character. With Bane though, you basically have one shot to show and get it right.

I like the realism, or atleast the grounded realism take but only in small does like Begins where it was balanced. I mean, personally, I don't want a "current events" Batman tale. I know there are those that find they have to categorize and find meaning and relation in everything, the perfect example being the comparison to Batman's sonar actions in TDK with George Bush, the war on terror and all that big brother stuff. I get that. But you can take it too far. Batman and Robin was ridiculous, nonsensical crap with little to no meaning, "the epic" that's being promised with TDKR is the exact opposite. I want a nice balance.

I'm totally game with this grounded realism stuff and that look but when someone tells me that "these films are Batman if he existed in our world", well then I'm sorry, none of this ____ could ever happen. Batman wouldn't last and Wayne would be figured out by the government before he could even make a name for himself. Yeah, Batman is the most identifiable and realistic comic hero, but even then you have to have this suspension of disbelief. I'm not talking "hey, that ____ing red and blue guy can fly and shoot lasers" but, you know what I mean.

Our world is boring, isn't the point of film in general meant to be escapism?

Difabio, what's the point of taking such a long-winded effort to explain yourself, man?

I dunno, I haven't done this in awhile and I've got time to spare? They take me, what, a minute or two to make? I've always been a good bull____ter, maybe I'll inspire someone? :huh
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

But if what we are reading is true, giving Bane a political agenda does make a lot of sense in this day of age and for Nolan's World. There is nothing more important right now in our world than politics right now. How many countries have we seen lately have drastic change in their politics and governments and some have had their own civil wars in just the past year or so....and Nolan always said his movies are like what if Batman actually existed in our world. Politics has played a big role in Nolan's world. League of Shadows was said to have brought down cities and governments. And if Bane is part of LOS, which seems like he is, then it makes perfect sense that Bane is someone Ras always wanted and thought Bruce Wayne could have been.

I've already agreed with this, but essentially, it dumbs down the character, making him less epic, and essentially spoon feeding the audience with dribble vs. making him the force of nature that Batman hasn't confronted yet and cannot overcome.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Essentially, this:

He had no other agenda than beating down Batman and breaking him. While that might seem simple, it's much more complex than a political agenda. I used Halloween as a comparison (the original '78). While it might seem shallow on the surface, the character of Michael Myers is much more complex and much more terrifying in his simplicity than he was in Zombie's remakes which explained an origin and motive for the lowbrow audience.


The Shape > The Zombie Bane :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Hey, don't group me in with Nam! :mad:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

And let it be known. If Hardy Bane does turn out to be fantastic and this really, great villain, sure, I'll eat some crow, whatever. I have nothing invested in this ____ other than being entertained (if it's good) or amused (if it's crap).

There will $1000 silicone sculpts and $1200 Kato vest interest threads.

In the end I think Hardy will do fine even though he is short and has a very silly looking outfit.

But just because someone has shown acting ability in something else, doesn't mean jack. George Clooney runs circles around Hardy in the acting department yet flat out sucked as Batman.

It would be nice to see comic elements embraced instead of embarrassed by them. 70 years from now Batman comics will prolly still be produced while these films forgotten.

As much as I enjoyed Nolan's Batman flicks, I do hope that whoever takes over the next series ungrounds him.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It would be nice to see comic elements embraced instead of embarrassed by them. 70 years from now Batman comics will prolly still be produced while these films forgotten.

As much as I enjoyed Nolan's Batman flicks, I do hope that whoever takes over the next series ungrounds him.

Well said. :exactly:
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Just curious...Why? Why do they need to unground him? Is there anything wrong with just continuing just making great Batman movies? I just dont understand why there is so much hate towards Nolan sometimes? Its like some people take it personally that Chris Nolan has been a successful movie director and that he has upset them in some personal way.

And the same can be said about the Nolan fanboys when people even make simple observations.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:exactly: I don't wanna be grouped with some hormonal tranny. :tap

ONE time, ONE time.

It's not my fault that I had to wear your wife's soft pink panties when you caught us and threw my ass out.

No way was I going out there naked, I had to wear something and that was the closest thing.

There will $1000 silicone sculpts and $1200 Kato vest interest threads.

In the end I think Hardy will do fine even though he is short and has a very silly looking outfit.

But just because someone has shown acting ability in something else, doesn't mean jack. George Clooney runs circles around Hardy in the acting department yet flat out sucked as Batman.

It would be nice to see comic elements embraced instead of embarrassed by them. 70 years from now Batman comics will prolly still be produced while these films forgotten.

As much as I enjoyed Nolan's Batman flicks, I do hope that whoever takes over the next series ungrounds him.

Agree with everything, customs, acting, everything.

While it's kind of a bummer that this Batman series is over, like you, I'm looking forward to a more, fantastic take on Batman. I want to see villains like Clayface, Man-Bat, Mr. Freeze etc. in a serious take that I suppose wouldn't be possible in this series.

Something along the lines of the animated series, maybe a period piece, 30s/40s setting (a time where a Batman COULD exist) where the villains are more colorful (in appearance and in character) and have actual pathos.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I actually think Clayface could've existed easily in Nolan's universe (if handled like Sandman), if 2-Face could. Same with Manbat and Mr. Freeze. :huh

And getting caught red-handed, naked, raiding my wife's panty drawer, does not constitute being with her. Still trying to block out the moobies and power muff. :monkey4
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I actually think Clayface could've existed easily in Nolan's universe (if handled like Sandman), if 2-Face could. Same with Manbat and Mr. Freeze. :huh

You wouldn't even have to go the Sandman route with him if you wanted to keep it "realistic". Could have been a guy with a face deformity that's like a master impersonator or something. To connect him to Bruce/Batman, all you'd have to do is give Clayface a reason to frame or impersonate Wayne.

Hell, by that logic, Man-Bat could really work by being this literal creature of the night that everyone thinks is this, ape ____, killer Batman.

Really, the key is finding a tragic psychological profile that emulates or mirrors Batman's in some way (as long as you don't say that said character was a LOS member or Bruce Wayne's cousin twice removed).


I don't have "moobies" (had to look that up, sounded like a holiday chocolate treat LOL) you son of a _____!
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That post was actually full of sarcasm and hyperbole Zach. :lol

While it isn't the comics and I understand the re-imagining of characters to fit a particular interpretation, I think it's a bit of a double standard on most people's parts.

Where was this acceptance for the Devito/Burton Penguin? Like Bane, he was totally re-imagined and in some ways, bettered than the comic counterpart and yet, it's not an interpretation that's looked highly upon and is criticized for being "inaccurate". In fact I've noticed quite a few that would condemn the likes of other directors "inspired" choices for these film characters and yet they'll tirelessly defend Nolan's. This happens all the time in comic book films (look at Raimi's Doc Ock) but when Nolan touches them and tweaks things it's all fine and dandy? That's not really fair.
Personally, I view every medium that takes on the same subject matter completely different then on another. I don't make comparisons, maybe that's why I never really have a problem with the batsuits/character designs in the movies compared to comics.

When I watch Nolan's batman movies they are batman MOVIES not movies based off of batman comics therefore I can accept them easier. They are by far my favorite take on the world out of all it's mediums. I also grew up in the 90's so the only batman I knew while growing up was TAS/Burton's until I got into reading graphic novels. So personally this will be the first form of bane I have been interested in. I think that's why people get upset with the director's choice on characters because they grew up knowing that style of the character. They don't realize that certain looks do not transfer into film. That's why directors get criticism.

Plus, people love to hate something that has a huge following. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Personally, I view every medium that takes on the same subject matter completely different then on another. I don't make comparisons, maybe that's why I never really have a problem with the batsuits/character designs in the movies compared to comics.

When I watch Nolan's batman movies they are batman MOVIES not movies based off of batman comics therefore I can accept them easier. They are by far my favorite take on the world out of all it's mediums. I also grew up in the 90's so the only batman I knew while growing up was TAS/Burton's until I got into reading graphic novels. So personally this will be the first form of bane I have been interested in. I think that's why people get upset with the director's choice on characters because they grew up knowing that style of the character. They don't realize that certain looks do not transfer into film. That's why directors get criticism.

Plus, people love to hate something that has a huge following. :lol

Disagree with that 100%. Aesthetically, maybe, but character, Bane could've fit in just fine.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Just curious...Why? Why do they need to unground him? Is there anything wrong with just continuing just making great Batman movies? I just dont understand why there is so much hate towards Nolan sometimes? Its like some people take it personally that Chris Nolan has been a successful movie director and that he has upset them in some personal way.

Ever read a Batman comic? He's been ungrounded for 70 years and doing fine.

Like mentioned above, we would never see 95% of Batman's Rouge Gallery because they aren't realistic unless they can be portrayed in a business suit.

I wanna see Batman karate chop through bricks or deliver a kick to a tree that breaks it like in Year One.

I want The Dark Knight Returns put on screen by Zack Snyder . . .

A 40's set piece would be awesome.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Now jye, you know I make some pretty short-winded lolzy posts. :nono

But never. never, any lolz catz :tap

But just because someone has shown acting ability in something else, doesn't mean jack. George Clooney runs circles around Hardy in the acting department yet flat out sucked as Batman.


ONE time, ONE time.

It's not my fault that I had to wear your wife's soft pink panties when you caught us and threw my ass out.

No way was I going out there naked, I had to wear something and that was the closest thing.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Disagree with that 100%. Aesthetically, maybe, but character, Bane could've fit in just fine.

Aesthetically is what I meant most. But if a director is going to pick from a huge rouges gallery for a character that best fits the story he might change the character a bit to help fit into the story arch.

From the vibe I'm getting Bane might be pretty close to his certain comic counterparts. I think he doesn't have a political campaign as much as he want's to break gotham by breaking it's savior.

Anyways, I know you guys on here who love the Burton films and were actually alive to experience them when they first came out. And read batman comics even before that. So it's probably frustrating seeing the difference between films and seeing fans lose their ____ over it. These are the Burton films for me, and when there over I'll probably have a hard time getting to like the eventual reboot.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Anyways, I know you guys on here who love the Burton films and were actually alive to experience them when they first came out. And read batman comics even before that. So it's probably frustrating seeing the difference between films and seeing fans lose their ____ over it. These are the Burton films for me, and when there over I'll probably have a hard time getting to like the eventual reboot.

I don't think that's it at all, atleast not for me. What does Burton have to do with this?

Begins and The Dark Knight are great, I love em, I'm just not impressed with what I've heard and seen with the direction, Bane and Catwoman so far. At this stage in 2007, my mind was blown. I mean, holy ____, new images of Batman and The Joker, Batman has a new suit, some kind of crazy ass bank heist filmed in IMAX, Harvey Dent, possibly Two-Face? It was nuts and the more I saw, the more I loved.

With TDKR it's really different. The only thing so far that I've dug was actually being a part of a Batman film in August (especially the Batman and Bane steps scene). The stuff with Bane, LOS, and even some of these rumors do nothing for me so far. I mean Bank Heist > terrorist plane hijack. Overall, it could be great, could be bad but it won't have any bearing on my feelings towards Begins and TDK (except the fact that I may not consider TDKR as part of the series if it sucks).
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

From the vibe I'm getting Bane might be pretty close to his certain comic counterparts. I think he doesn't have a political campaign as much as he want's to break gotham by breaking it's savior.

But that's my point. Breaking him publicly by tarnishing a reputation dilutes the impact of just beating his ass publicly and leaving him broken, for all to see. It makes the fight more about turning the people against Batman than taking the fight straight to him. And arguably, Nolan would get a better result having them hate Batman for hoping in a savior who failed them than turn against him because of a smear campaign.
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