The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

My brother sent me this vid for God knows what reason. If anyone can watch it without falling alseep, does the guy in the vid have a point, or is he just talking out of his ass?

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

The Invisible Man: You can't see him but you always know where he's been.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

it looks like she is blowing an invisible ____.

Maybe she's giving Casper something special
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

no really? :lol :cuckoo:

batman studied everything and in different areas of the world before he even came back home....and what you're asking has zero bearing on the actual discussion :dunno

Actually it does because your response tells me what I had already guessed, you don't know what you're talking about.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That is actually a common story told many times over, most recently in the The OMAC Project and dovetailing into Infinite Crisis where Batman who stop trusting his JLA counterparts due the events of Identity Crisis where he was mind altered concerning Doctor Light. Brother Eye had all the weaknesses of the most powerful metahumans and how to take them down. He gathered all of this information through simple detective work.

Elseworlds most notably takes this line a lot and while I don't think Nolan's version could have done that since it's a whole thing onto itself, it would be an interesting way to introduce other heroes to the audience through Batman's work.

Yeah, I know. I thought he was talking about another story.

yea, Ink has a great point. the Nolan films are cool but as far as the Bat's fighting style all he does is that lame keysi fighting method or whatever. That elbow crap has gotten old. where's the punching and kicking? where is kung-fu, taoism, jujitsu, ninjitsu? Batman is supposed to be one of the best fighters in the world, that's why he traveled and studied throughout the world. A couple of years hanging out with Asian criminals and spending a year or two with this ninja army that teaches elbow dances doesn't cut it in my opinion.

Keysi fighting method is far from lame. It's one of the most reliable forms of martial arts.

Taoism is not a martial arts, technically neither is Ninjitsu. And he's used elements of Ninjitsu in both films.

The truth is we don't know how long Bruce trained before he joined Ra's, but I never got the feeling that it was only a year or two. More like 7 or 8.

It's happened several times in the comics and I believe even happened in an episode of the JLA toon.

Yeah, I know. I thought he was talking about Tower Of Babel, which would mean he's facts are incorrect. However, he didn't answer, just choose to act like an ass.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

Unlike you, not everybody has the benefit of being well schooled in Mr. Furley Combat Karate.

Make jokes all you want Nam. Unlike alot of people on the internet I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this particular topic. People going on and on about fighting method when they've never trained a day in their life is like flying a plane without going to aviation school.

And just when we were getting along too... shame.
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Make jokes all you want Nam. Unlike alot of people on the internet I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this particular topic. People going on and on about fighting method when they've never trained a day in their life is like flying a plane without going to aviation school.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think you have to know a martial art to make the point being raised, seems to me that folks are getting at the idea of Batman in comics never ceasing to learn and add to his skills, that the singular fighting method he learned with the League of Shadows in Begins would not become his lone means of fighting criminals. They hinted at Bruce studying numerous forms of martial arts when he initially goes at it with Ra's, but the implication in Begins seems that Bruce comes away from that loss thinking the styles he's studied aren't enough and he takes to just the League's style for himself.

It seems like people want a Batman in film who has seemingly no limit to what he is able to do to fight crime because he pours himself into the role so much that he is always looking for new things and open to adding anything he encounters.

They hint at this in the Nolan films but it isn't prominent. I like that they made Bruce so smart with weapons that he can disassemble a gun in seconds, though knowing nothing about weapons, I don't know if what Bale does is realistic or movie magic.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I don't think you have to know a martial art to make the point being raised, seems to me that folks are getting at the idea of Batman in comics never ceasing to learn and add to his skills, that the singular fighting method he learned with the League of Shadows in Begins would not become his lone means of fighting criminals. They hinted at Bruce studying numerous forms of martial arts when he initially goes at it with Ra's, but the implication in Begins seems that Bruce comes away from that loss thinking the styles he's studied aren't enough and he takes to just the League's style for himself.

It seems like people want a Batman in film who has seemingly no limit to what he is able to do to fight crime because he pours himself into the role so much that he is always looking for new things and open to adding anything he encounters.

They hint at this in the Nolan films but it isn't prominent. I like that they made Bruce so smart with weapons that he can disassemble a gun in seconds, though knowing nothing about weapons, I don't know if what Bale does is realistic or movie magic.

You're right to an extent, but I think most people over look the hints. They want everything spoon-feed to them. They have to see or it didn't happen. I often wonder just how long people want these movies to be.

There have also been a few posts where the users facts need to be checked.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

You're right to an extent, but I think most people over look the hints. They want everything spoon-feed to them.

I think a sufficient point can be reached between the hints Nolan makes and spoon feeding the audience.

To be honest, if I hadn't watched Gotham Knight, I wouldn't have even thought anything of him breaking the gun. Nolan hints at Bruce knowing more than we may think, but what Nolan makes more obvious is that Bruce is resourceful and turns to Fox for a lot of things. I think the type of Batman people are looking for, for example, is one who not only would have matched the type of bullet removed from the appartment to get a fingerprint, but would have come up with the fingerprint completely on his own without Fox doing it for him.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I think a sufficient point can be reached between the hints Nolan makes and spoon feeding the audience.

To be honest, if I hadn't watched Gotham Knight, I wouldn't have even thought anything of him breaking the gun. Nolan hints at Bruce knowing more than we may think, but what Nolan makes more obvious is that Bruce is resourceful and turns to Fox for a lot of things. I think the type of Batman people are looking for, for example, is one who not only would have matched the type of bullet removed from the appartment to get a fingerprint, but would have come up with the fingerprint completely on his own without Fox doing it for him.


i personally think the Nolan Batman is fine but some of his attributes in the physical and detective areas leave a lot to be desired. in those 7-8 years batman should have honed in on his skills and have the mental prowess resources and I don't think nolan, with all of his explanations really accomplished what makes batman batman. what was that 7 to 8 years for exactly? in the comics it's meant to make his body and mind to near physical perfection. in the film however it is anything but. he worked and trained very much yes but it isn't quite a definitive account. while i can appreciate the keysi fighting style it isn't showcased well enough in the fighting scenes. behind the scenes in the sp features it is marvelous but the way it is shot is very poor. Plus, batman, like bruce lee would take all of the styles he learned and make his own "batman fighting method" if you will, lol. not just stick to keysi and elbows.
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