The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

there's a whole JLA story arc where batman took down all the other members just to prove a point

I find it so funny how Batman can find all these weaknesses, yet for some reason, they can't find his? :lol

I KNOW who did though. Lets show them again Deathstroke. Whup Batmans ass.


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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I see your point and yeah, it would have been cool sure to see a little more of the scifi element integrated into the Batfilms, but i'm allright with the approach taken thus far. This batwing though looks pretty scifi, almost terminator'eque:lol

That I can't argue with, although with such an eccentric Batwing it still causes more questions now considering what could have been. :lol

:lol at the Nicholas Cage cartoon head :lol

I thought you'd like that. :lol

All the ladies want D!cK, and they'll rape him to get it

That had to be quoted. I'm still laughing. I agree with the majority of Ink's points, Nolan's films may be good as I have admitted before but they'll never be the perfect or even the best interpretations of the character because he handicapped him more than anything. Hell even Clooney did more detective work than Bale. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

That I can't argue with, although with such an eccentric Batwing it still causes more questions now considering what could have been. :lol

I thought you'd like that. :lol

That had to be quoted. I'm still laughing. I agree with the majority of Ink's points, Nolan's films may be good as I have admitted before but they'll never be the perfect or even the best interpretations of the character because he handicapped him more than anything. Hell even Clooney did more detective work than Bale. :lol

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I agree with the majority of Ink's points, Nolan's films may be good as I have admitted before but they'll never be the perfect or even the best interpretations of the character because he handicapped him more than anything. Hell even Clooney did more detective work than Bale. :lol

This is why the purest Batman moment in these films so far is when Batman is at the crime scene where the cops "Dent" and "Harvey" were murdered. Gordon and Ramirez get there and he steps out of the shadows, says "Check the names" and then tells Gordon he needs a few minutes with the crime scene "before your people contaminate it. THAT is Batman. Unfortunately, there are far too few of these scenes and the villains actually get most of the intelligent, calculating, intellectual stuff.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

This is why the purest Batman moment in these films so far is when Batman is at the crime scene where the cops "Dent" and "Harvey" were murdered. Gordon and Ramirez get there and he steps out of the shadows, says "Check the names" and then tells Gordon he needs a few minutes with the crime scene "before your people contaminate it. THAT is Batman. Unfortunately, there are far too few of these scenes and the villains actually get most of the intelligent, calculating, intellectual stuff.

Oh, you mean the second movie where Batman was the special guest star :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

It's ridiculous comparing Inception and Dreamscape. It has as much in common with The Cell or A Nightmare on Elm St. Which is to say one plot point. Dreaming. If you think Inception is about dreaming though it doesn't surprise me if you can't look past a superficial plot device.


Protagonists who have a high concept ability for hire. They can enter the mind of an unsuspecting host, altering and changing his very thoughts to suit their mission.
Entering different levels of a targets sub-concious mind whilst they sleep.

Which movie are we talking about? Could be either, I suggest you go and watch Dreamscape again and then Inception. You probably know every frame of it. And please explain to me how thats ONE plot point, it's the complete high concept backbone of INCEPTION not a plot point!:lol

No one is debating which is better or if the resulting movies are comparable, how could they be?
The point is, the basic concept itself has been filmed before.
And why so agressive?
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It's ridiculous comparing Inception and Dreamscape. It has as much in common with The Cell or A Nightmare on Elm St. Which is to say one plot point. Dreaming. If you think Inception is about dreaming though it doesn't surprise me if you can't look past a superficial plot device.

:lecture No kidding. There's a big difference between a basic concept and a movie's overall story, characterizations and, most of all, theme. Comparing INCEPTION to DREAMSCAPE (a nostalgic 80s flick I dig myself) on these points is a fool's errand. INCEPTION is wholly original, because it was conceived by Nolan himself and there is nothing else like the resulting movie, which plays like a mega-budget existential art film about the very nature of consciousness. DREAMSCAPE doesn't even come close to approaching that. It's just a fun, cheesy 80s genre flick. It doesn't make you think or expound at all, much less stimulate pseudo-intellectual discourse.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Oh, you mean the second movie where Batman was the special guest star :lol

QFT! :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:

Though in Carl's case, I'd argue that the majority of Nolancompoops couldn't follow a highbrow Detective Batman storyline anyway. "Wait, you mean we actually have to think?! ____ THAT!" :lol
QFT! :lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly::goodpost:

Though in Carl's case, I'd argue that the majority of Nolancompoops couldn't follow a highbrow Detective Batman storyline anyway. "Wait, you mean we actually have to think?! ____ THAT!" :lol

True. Nolan saves any intellectual depth for the films that have nothing to do with Bat-themed vigilantes. Maybe he doesn't take it so seriously afterall. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

there's a whole JLA story arc where batman took down all the other members just to prove a point

And which story arc would that be?

I agree

nolan only took bits & pieces of the batman mythos & left out some of the most important. batman has studied all forms of martial art, but he fights like a guy that barely knows what he's doing. but no, we get some watered down, one stop shopping league of shadows martial arts training

batman is also at the peak of human bodily perfection, but never shown training. batman is always training his body and his mind. he's a strategist always thinking 4 steps ahead, but we get him sitting in a chair in TDK moping like an 8 year old

what ever happened to the detective part of the mythos? :dunno

would it have hurt to let him use the bat rope to zip around? running away at the end of TDK like that was laughably pathetic

You do know that the way he fights in the Nolan films is a real form of martial arts right? And I have to ask this... have you ever trained in a martial art? Have you even been in a real fight?
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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

If there is a SSF hall of fame, Nightwing's Grayson post needs be immortalized there.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I find it so funny how Batman can find all these weaknesses, yet for some reason, they can't find his? :lol

I KNOW who did though. Lets show them again Deathstroke. Whup Batmans ass.



You should read the stories before and after this. There's a reason Deathstoke was able to beat him.
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