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Look up psychofant. :lol

I did. Initially, Google came back with "Did you mean: sycophant" but then I saw the urban dictionary slang entry right under it. The most voted definition:

psychofant 28 up, 15 down
psycho + sychophant. Used to describe fans who are so obsessively sychophantic that they will like anything a band or artist does, and will like anything that band or artist likes to the point of freakish creepiness.

Interesting. I am a fan of the Nolan movies I have seen, but I admit, I haven't seen all of them. However, on these boards I rarely, if ever, spoke about his non-Bat films. I really liked the Batman movies, you really liked Avengers. How do you make the distintion between someone simply being a fan of an artist/character/actor/director and someone who is a "psychofant"? Because honestly, I don't see myself as being that extreme a fan or unreasonable with interpretations of his films, but of course, I may be biased. But then, so is every fan of any comic-book movie. By that broad definition, we're all "psychofants".

And using ancient Greek mythology as "modern myths" doesn't work. :lol

Reread my post. I said comic-book characters, not ancient Greek mythology, are our modern myths.

My point is simply, as you do with my posts, you read way too much into something and turn it into something it's not in an effort to make it more meaningful (when it doesn't have to be). For an example of this, see my "Nolancompoop" post in the Avengers thread where I essentially did exactly what you do with Nolan's Batman films.

I did read your "Nolancompoop" post in the Avengers thread. It was a well-thought out and solid argument. (Flattered that you would call that your "Nolancompoop" argument though, haven't come up with an Avengers-centric name yet?:dunno) Why would you think it's reading "too much into something" is beyond me. Of course, like you said "it doesn't have to be" [more meaningful], but that is the mark of a great writer/director. Joss Whedon and Christopher Nolan both can tell great stories that work purely on the surface entertainment level. Films that would hit the mark a pure popcorn summer entertainment, fullstop. It "doesn't have to be" any more than that. But both the Batman films, and the Avengers, as you yourself have just shown, are open to reasonable interpretation...they both have enough going on underneath the surface to be fodder for thought and analysis for the fans beyond just discussing the plot, explosions and special effects. A writer/director that can infuse that into his film and still have it be entertaining is pretty good at his craft on a couple levels in my opinion. Do you disagree?
Nah, it's the fact that Nolancompoops see everything he does as a Jesus miracle, flawless and deeper than the Mariana Trench, and we should all be blessed to be receiving it. And that's a load of crap.

It is, but I doubt that was the intent of the film makers. I'm intentionally, and admittedly read more into it than is there because, ironically, it fits perfectly and makes sense. But unlike these nutbags, I'm not gonna troll about how Joss and Feige are the new Jesus because they accidentally captured a parallel on film. :lol

It IS a load of crap. You are arguing against a straw man.
I will agree with your point when those with Hulk/Cap/IM sigs flock to stores to raid them of all things Buffy and Angel. As for the name, believe me, it's forthcoming, but again, we've yet to see that level of elevation in Joss fans (even the fair weather fans are fans of the characters more than the director). In part it might have to do with Joss, himself, who unlike Nolan, still realizes his own ____ stinks and sees Avengers as just another movie and not the greatest thing, since, say, silent films. :lol
:lol that if you don't
Daffy-Duck-masturbating.jpg the trailers and mediocre posters that makes you a "hipster".
:lol Um... I saw Inception as a contrived ripoff of Total Recall and Dreamscape with some Matrix mixed in for good measure. So as far as bad films, that's entirely subjective. Looking at the Batman films as isolated in their own universe, they're not bad films. But they're not the world's greatest films either. Not even really the greatest comic book movies either since he had to stray so far from the source material, and in some cases blatantly pervert it, to tell his stories.

Nah, you don't have anything against Nolan.

I will agree with your point when those with Hulk/Cap/IM sigs flock to stores to raid them of all things Buffy and Angel. As for the name, believe me, it's forthcoming, but again, we've yet to see that level of elevation in Joss fans (even the fair weather fans are fans of the characters more than the director). In part it might have to do with Joss, himself, who unlike Nolan, still realizes his own ____ stinks and sees Avengers as just another movie and not the greatest thing, since, say, silent films. :lol

So you know Nolan peronally? Tell him I said hello.
The disclaimer is not a free-pass to insult, and doesn't make it ok, in fact, it's an insult in itself.

The implication being, that if you're on the receiving end of his "sarcastic and smart-ass attitude" it's only because he had to use his "natural defense" against your drama, bull___ & stupidity.

"If I am insulting you, it is because YOU are stupid."

The justification for the insult is...another insult.'s so meta.

:lol that if you don't
Daffy-Duck-masturbating.jpg the trailers and mediocre posters that makes you a "hipster".

No, the fact that people come into the official thread just to bash the trailers/posters because the majority of others likes them makes that person a "hipster."


I get it though, Batman is to mainstream for you. :D
---and Greek mythology is simply a bunch of stories about petty gods using mortals as pawns in their schemes against each other. All surface plot and action, no deeper lessons about human nature to see there, right?

Why can't movies about comic-book characters, our modern myths, be entertaining and have a "deeper, intellectual meaning"?

You think Nolan has failed at the "deeper meaning" part so far? Great, but at least he attempts it.

Yupp, exactly. This is why I love Nolan's films. For me, not only does he attempt it but he's better than most at getting it right IMO

Ok Nam, got the marshmellows, void, DarkMagic and I will be right over, get that fireplace going. :lol

You wanna get nuts? Come on! Let's get nuts! :lol


lol at the last few pages. :yess:

Pre TDKR Party at Nam's :yess:

After TDKR combo party at Void and Platty's :panic:

That's a cool name for a restaurant, Void and Platty's :lol

Nam and ZaCH's a close second. :lol

Buttmunch and Irish's not so much :horror

No, the fact that people come into the official thread just to bash the trailers/posters because the majority of others likes them makes that person a "hipster."


Uh, no. I don't like them... because I don't like them. Whether you or anyone else does is up to you. But if you think it makes me a "hipster" to say that many of the posters and such are lackluster, then so be it. :lol

I get it though, Batman is to mainstream for you. :D

Wrong. I love Batman. And incidentally, I prefer the Batman that is more mainstream than Nolan's faux intellectual, self-serious films. But they're pretty good, too. They just have... annoying elements. And they're not the face of God they're often billed as.

Yeah, the action scenes in this are definitively gonna be on another level


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