The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Are they saving anything -- at all -- for the movie experience itself?

I bet all you guys who just can't wait and are gobbling up every last bit of spoilers are gonna be sorely disappointed when the movie plays out exactly as you already knew it would.
Are they saving anything -- at all -- for the movie experience itself?

I bet all you guys who just can't wait and are gobbling up every last bit of spoilers are gonna be sorely disappointed when the movie plays out exactly as you already knew it would.

I stick to one rule for films like this. Official stuff only. I don't read spoilers etc. And even if WB releases clips (like they did with TDK) before it's released, I will try with every vain in my body to not watch them. :lol
Are they saving anything -- at all -- for the movie experience itself?

I bet all you guys who just can't wait and are gobbling up every last bit of spoilers are gonna be sorely disappointed when the movie plays out exactly as you already knew it would.

Valid point,

I felt tbat way with every Marvel movie, I predicted every single one of them including Avengers except for Coulson's death.

Hulk catching IM was a big mistake having that in the trailer.

Hopefully TDKR won't go that way, i'm avoiding spoilers but watching all official stuff.
I really don't think the TV spots or Trailers have been spoilerish at all. They barely scratch the surface of the plot from what I can tell.

I've been avoiding spoilers that are out there through various sources since the last 2-3 months now
Why though? -- the official stuff is just as bad as spoilers.

When a studio doesn't think its film will hold up, they start showing you everything just to pull you in on opening weekend. It's always been this way. The more they show, the worse the film is.
They showed A LOT of Anvengers and that film was all kinds of epic. :dunno

Not too mention that your theory doesn't hold up for the past bat film as well. TDK had around 20 TV spots and 10 full clips released before it hit theaters.
They show alot, period. But they've been going whole hog on TDKR for months.

By this time on TDK, had we even seen a full pic of the Joker yet?


And again, I really don't think we've seen much at all of TDKR even with all the trailers and spots combined. If i'm wrong i'll eat crow no problem :lecture

Hope so (that we haven't seen much, NOT that you'll eat crow). You never know until its too late. But already there's plenty they didn't need to show... bridges, the entire opening, the Bat with missiles chasing, etc, etc. What's the big secret -- Talia? Not even. Ra's? Do you really care?

The only question I have in my mind is: why does catwoman NEED to wear that suit? How does it help her, especially those heels?
They show alot, period. But they've been going whole hog on TDKR for months.

By this time on TDK, had we even seen a full pic of the Joker yet?

Not sure if serious :lol

We'd have 3 theatrical trailers, a Dominoes trailer, and about 10 TV Spots by this time with TDK

And the TDKR blitz only started with Trailer #3 which was in May. It's barely been 1 month of them going 'whole hog'.

People were wondering for the longest time till last month if WB was banking so much on the success of TDK that they weren't planning on marketing TDKR much at all :lol
They made up for it.

Remember though, we all bought that HT Joker and we hadn't even seen the Joker properly yet. Neither did HT. :lol

Still, I already know a lot more about this movie. Read rest of post.
They show alot, period. But they've been going whole hog on TDKR for months.

By this time on TDK, had we even seen a full pic of the Joker yet?

Yes, we had the prologue in December of '07, the Theatrical trailer etc. It's funny, because if you go back to the marketing campaign of TDK it's very similarly timed with TDKR's.
(These were fun going back and watching)

Theatrical trailer in early may


Tv spots 1 and 2- May 13 2008


Tv spot 3 - May 16 2008


etc, etc.
Not sure if serious :lol

We'd have 3 theatrical trailers, a Dominoes trailer, and about 10 TV Spots by this time with TDK

And the TDKR blitz only started with Trailer #3 which was in May. It's barely been 1 month of them going 'whole hog'.

People were wondering for the longest time till last month if WB was banking so much on the success of TDK that they weren't planning on marketing TDKR much at all :lol

All things considered, and Ledger's accident aside, it's still not nearly as marketed as TDK was.
That's all in May though for TDK.

We've known what Bane and Catwoman looks like for months. We've seen trailer a year ago. That prologue trailer (Bane's opening) was months ago.

Am I seeing the same stuff you guys are? I know TDK was heavily marketed, but heavily marketed and showing you the entire movie in advance are two different things. With TDK, we didn't know what Joker looked like or what he was like, etc. Didn't know the story. Didn't see Two-Face. But with TDKR, we know everything it seems.
That's all in May though for TDK.

We've known what Bane and Catwoman looks like for months. We've seen trailer a year ago. That prologue trailer (Bane's opening) was months ago.

Am I seeing the same stuff you guys are?

If by "months ago" you mean last month, then yeah. :lol
They made up for it.

Remember though, we all bought that HT Joker and we hadn't even seen the Joker properly yet. Neither did HT. :lol

Still, I already know a lot more about this movie. Read rest of post.

We'd seen the Joker plenty - HT just did a horrible job :lol

And about the plot, we know the same basic stuff as we know about TDKR IMO including the entire opening for TDK just as we've seen for TDKR.

For me the trailers for TDKR have thrown up more questions than answers - most importantly about the timescale of things, Bruce looks really old and weak at some points. And we know he's retired for a while, we know he comes back as Batman, we know Bane imprisons him, we know he escapes, but we don't know what happens to him at the end, and we really don't know how all the above pieces fit together in terms of the order of events

We don't know Bane's origin, we don't know who his army is, we don't know what role Ra's has, we don't know what role Talia has, we don't know if other villains make cameos or not, we don't know much at all about Catwoman except what we can guess at. We don't know much about John Blake. We don't know who all get hurt or killed by Bane.

I could go on... :lol
That plane heist thing was last month? No way. I downloaded it, I'll check when I get home what date it was.

It was in December. Same month the prologue was for TDK. :lol

Than a trailer right afterwords, just like TDK's marketing. Then a huge gap of no info from then till May. Just like TDK. :lol

I think Nam is thinking about the latest theatrical.
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