The Dark Knight Rises ***USE SPOILER TAGS***

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Re: The Dark Knight Rises


Definitely feeling a Return of The King vibe :lol

This could be the movie to end all movies for me

So after this is released your going to go into hiding in the mountains with nothing but a precious Tdkr bluray disc ? Good luck. lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Sorry, I meant is giving me that feeling of an "epic end." It gave me the vibe as I felt about ROTK.

Yeah, same.

And I'm calling it now (actually I said this a while ago :lol) call me crazy, but my money is on a TDKR Oscar sweep.

That'd be cool. It's about time Nolan get's at least a nod.

You mean Close Encounters of the Third King?
Whoops. :lol
Yea I highly doubt that. Come on now the movie isnt even out yet dont let trailers fool you. I thought spiderman 3 would be the best thing ever from trailers and promo's. i was severly wrong.


Raimi's films look like high-school morning announcements compared to Nolans work. You don't even have to be a fanboy to know that. 'nuff said.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yo, on Reddit, somebody mentioned that he appears to be backing up a wheelchair at 0:12

I think he may be right. It's so brief it's really hard to tell but in the context of things it does make sense.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Yo, on Reddit, somebody mentioned that he appears to be backing up a wheelchair at 0:12

I think he may be right. It's so brief it's really hard to tell but in the context of things it does make sense.

could be that or just the Cane, kinda looks like he is pushing the cane down to move
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about what the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.

good thing you are you, and we are we. because i've got an EPIC feeling about this movie.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.

LOL I never said I cried

I asked the question that, when the movie premiers, how many bat fans will cry, how many guys in costumes will come out of the theater crying?
I really wonder,
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.
This is my general feeling as well, the trailer was GREAT for the most part, but I didn't get automatic MOVIE OF THE YEAR status from it. To be fair I didn't get that vibe from the first couple trailers for Avengers either. Alot of this auto bow down mumbo jumbo is funny to me lol.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

In light of being able to understand what Batman and Bane are actually saying. I think I'll remove my sig.
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.

I think the Whedonites and Nolandrones should all just have a knock-down, drag out brawl and leave the rest of us to discuss the works of those two guys with at least a semblance of rationality. :lol
Re: The Dark Knight Rises

I'm not feeling that vibe at all. The Return of the King trailer had this monumental feeling.

I gotta quit frequenting message boards. When I saw this new trailer I was like "great, this is cool, it's much better than the last one". I loved the little Batman moments and Bruce in the well. Then I see other fellow fans comments and it seems like hyperbole, especially on SHH.

"I cried", "the equivalence of a Picasso painting", "as epic as Return of the King", "Oscar material" and loads and loads of pretentious bull____. Not to mention the little snide comments against the Avengers.

It just seriously sours the experience for me. It makes me question my tastes of not just film, but more importantly, Batman. What's so mind blowingly brilliant about the trailer? There were some great money shots like the bridges and Batman, the dialogue was better but what puts this above the rest?

Was it, "My mother warned me about getting into cars with strange men", "this isn't a car"? That's about the equivalence of that "simple, just fun, nothing special" Avengers quote, "I have an army", "we have a Hulk". I'm not even a Marvel fan and I think that exchange is better.

I know right. :goodpost:. Its a really good trailer . it gets me hyped. But why would you cry over it and compare it to sex. I mean damn I dont wanna know what kind of sex you've been having if a movie is better than getting _____. I agree with you.:goodpost:
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