Duh. You didnt know this? 10,000 BC = greatest movie ever made. It has war scenes.
Hmm... I guess so!
Duh. You didnt know this? 10,000 BC = greatest movie ever made. It has war scenes.
So lots of war scenes make really long movies okay? Got it.
Duh. You didnt know this? 10,000 BC = greatest movie ever made. It has war scenes.
Cuz its not an action movie? Or that it makes you think? I dunno....
Wow... did I hurt your feelings?
Did I say that? Nope. I said at least the war scenes give it some entertainment value.
Watchmen = polished turd. (At best.)
You can keep taking offense all you want bud. I'll just continue to sit back and laugh at you. There's nothing left that needs to be said that hasn't been said already.
Bottom line, moviegoers around the world have spoken.
Did the movie rape your dog or something?
I LOVE how you try to flip it on me like that. Nice try. I'm not the one defending a movie like it's my first born son...
You like Watchmen. We get that. I couldn't stand it (a bit harsh, it had it's moments, although few and far between) got it?
WTH? I just got into this conversation, and you act like we've been debating for years.
So once again, did this movie rape your dog, or something.
Okay, CelticP...
You're insulting and being a ****** for no reason. No one is attacking you fella. You're acting like this movie did something awful to you.
Look at the posters that said Watchmen was bad, El Ror for instance...no one said anything to him. So there ya go. Cheeel.