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Well, I've gone and pre-ordered her from, couldn't resist. I have a feeling this is going to be the start a whole new world of pain for me now :(
I'm going to have to revamp the list soon. I'll add some other categories such as "complete minus variants" and maybe even "made a custom ornament figure" since I got a lot of crap about that at SDCC :lol
Somehow, it's remarkable that the US collectors get the international exclusives even before the European collectors! Amazing! Did you guys order it from Asia?? I'm not sure, there might be a few GB collectors that have already received it too.
Somehow, it's remarkable that the US collectors get the international exclusives even before the European collectors! Amazing! Did you guys order it from Asia?? I'm not sure, there might be a few GB collectors that have already received it too.

Karma got his first and he is in Scotland.
I've also got a complete set. Snagged Patient Zero at Weekend of Heroes for $300. I would recommend amending the first post to include pics of all the figures released to date so that people don't get confused. Also, I did see on ebaY, several times, an "asian version" of Patient Zero. They still pop up every few months. I picked him up as well he does look nearly identical to the Sideshow version AND he's on the buck. Is there a way to verify that there was a PZ released to the Asian market? I think if he's confirmed, that would dwindle the list even further.
There was never a PZ released outside of the United States. Patient Zero was limited to 300 and sold out at the Con. What is circulating from time to time is Patient X which is a reproduction of PZ that was painted and kitbashed to look identical to PZ,a times slightly better in terms of paint. Many on the forums nabbed one and have him as a replacement.
...Also, I did see on ebaY, several times, an "asian version" of Patient Zero...

...Is there a way to verify that there was a PZ released to the Asian market? I think if he's confirmed, that would dwindle the list even further.

There was never a PZ released outside of the United States. Patient Zero was limited to 300 and sold out at the Con. What is circulating from time to time is Patient X which is a reproduction of PZ that was painted and kitbashed to look identical to PZ,a times slightly better in terms of paint. Many on the forums nabbed one and have him as a replacement.

Gee... at the time Patient X first showed up, a lot of forum members said it wasn't an issue and that it wasn't a "fake/recast" type item. Now it's being sold as a "real" Sideshow item... but I guess we shouldn't be "Internet Police"... doesn't hurt anybody but the buyer... right? :rolleyes:
I don't really see PX as an issue with PZ because the figure was always sold loose and didn't have a replication of the box, etc. I wish I still had that guy's contact information because I'd love to buy a PX and have it customized into a Patient Zero Stealth version from the April Fools Joke. Get the eyes painted red, clothes dyed black and blue. It'd be nicer addition to my DEAD collection IMHO than the Dead Ornament customs. Oh....and I'm complete again as well.
I don't really see PX as an issue with PZ because the figure was always sold loose and didn't have a replication of the box, etc. I wish I still had that guy's contact information because I'd love to buy a PX and have it customized into a Patient Zero Stealth version from the April Fools Joke. Get the eyes painted red, clothes dyed black and blue. It'd be nicer addition to my DEAD collection IMHO than the Dead Ornament customs. Oh....and I'm complete again as well.

The "PX" I bought off of ebaY actually came with a box and accessories. Comparing it's contents to those of the Patient Zero I actually have, they were identical or DAMN GOOD forgeries. Though the paint was a touch better than the Sideshow version (dark crimson-almost brown colored blood vs. the bright reddish-near pink colored blood of the SSC version). Hence why I thought PZ might have actually been distributed to the Asian market. I tried to contact the seller after reading your post yesterday, but he's no longer a registered user. One of these days, when I hit up my storage locker and have the time to do some serious digging, I'll pull it out, take a pic and post it for ya.
Really? Huh.....originally he was selling without anything....seems like this guy knew what he was doing...
Really? Huh.....originally he was selling without anything....seems like this guy knew what he was doing...

Come to think of it, there wasn't a number on him either. Anyway, I'm stoked, just got the processing notification that Subject 1206 will be in my hands in 12-15 days. The little blonde bimbo should be here from Forbidden Planet by the end of the week too!

:chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew :chew​
I am still complete but what about Subject 138 does it end the completest list if you have just the exclusive and not the regular one even though the hobo stick is just an extra accessory?