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According to the "rules" on Buttmunch's first post, one must have all variants (which includes accessories, IMO) to be 'complete'. :monkey1
According to the "rules" on Buttmunch's first post, one must have all variants (which includes accessories, IMO) to be 'complete'. :monkey1

Oh well I will be complete until the street prophet. I have the exclusive on order but wont be ordering the regular.
Oh well I will be complete until the street prophet. I have the exclusive on order but wont be ordering the regular.

I just have the regular coming and am going to make my own hobo stick. As long as I have one version of each guy I consider it complete. If they come out with a hobo that has a different colored coat thats a different story.
Kain brings up an interesting point.

The Street Prophet has a hobo stick that signifies him as the exclusive. The regular isn't different other than the fact that he doesn't have it. It's not like he's gonna have a different colored outfit or paint variation either. So that makes him exactly the same except for the small accessory. Even though I have them all, I'm kinda thinking that to have a complete collection, you should only have to have the regular release of each (PZ's hard enough to get -both availability and financially - as it is man!). Then have a separate category for us OCD completists.

Although I might be letting the OCD bug go and cancel the regular version of the Street Prophet. It's kinda nagging at me that there isn't really enough difference to justify my reservation of both the exclusive and the regular version. Especially after looking at all the preorders I have on the menu for the remainder of this year and next year and the new potentials popping up at Spooktacular. That and picking up Amok Time's NOTLD series and Peril Unlimited's sparse releases as well.
Oh well I will be complete until the street prophet. I have the exclusive on order but wont be ordering the regular.

You won't have to. In this case, the exclusive is the regular PLUS an extra accessory. It is the same, just upgraded. Not ordering the regular would still make a person complete because they would already have the regular, plus the bonus item.

The exclusive colored outfits are a different story though.

Kain brings up an interesting point.

The Street Prophet has a hobo stick that signifies him as the exclusive. The regular isn't different other than the fact that he doesn't have it. It's not like he's gonna have a different colored outfit or paint variation either. So that makes him exactly the same except for the small accessory. Even though I have them all, I'm kinda thinking that to have a complete collection, you should only have to have the regular release of each (PZ's hard enough to get -both availability and financially - as it is man!). Then have a separate category for us OCD completists.

Although I might be letting the OCD bug go and cancel the regular version of the Street Prophet. It's kinda nagging at me that there isn't really enough difference to justify my reservation of both the exclusive and the regular version. Especially after looking at all the preorders I have on the menu for the remainder of this year and next year and the new potentials popping up at Spooktacular. That and picking up Amok Time's NOTLD series and Peril Unlimited's sparse releases as well.

My school's fall break is next week. I'll probably start up a new Dead Registary thread then since I'll have some time. This one is probaly beyond saving if I will be adding the new categories I am planning. So don't worry, I'm sure there will be a place for you on one of the new lists. :D
I am still complete but what about Subject 138 does it end the completest list if you have just the exclusive and not the regular one even though the hobo stick is just an extra accessory?

No. Exclusives and Variants are two different things. Exclusive by SSC's nature are always just a small exclusive. Variants are paint apps or clothing differences like the three Babysitters. If the Doctor was released with just Green Scrubs but the exclusive just had a scalpel then it'd still be the Green Scrubs doc either way.
Who else is thinking about making a custom hobo stick like me?

For me, the exclusive was worth the extra $4-5 I'd save getting the regular. I saved a bit elsewhere by getting Santa from Darkshadow.

And BTW, it's called a bindle. Just a pet peeve of mine.
No. Exclusives and Variants are two different things. Exclusive by SSC's nature are always just a small exclusive. Variants are paint apps or clothing differences like the three Babysitters. If the Doctor was released with just Green Scrubs but the exclusive just had a scalpel then it'd still be the Green Scrubs doc either way.

If that's the way you want to look at it. "Variant" is short for variation which is defined as "a change within the population." This means that a variation is anything different from a normal release. Therefore, even with the hobo stick, the exclusive is a variant version of the regular and every exclusive is a variation of the regular figure beit accessories, paint or outfits.

And BTW, it's called a bindle. Just a pet peeve of mine.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend ya!:p
Oh well I will be complete until the street prophet. I have the exclusive on order but wont be ordering the regular.

You won't have to. In this case, the exclusive is the regular PLUS an extra accessory. It is the same, just upgraded. Not ordering the regular would still make a person complete because they would already have the regular, plus the bonus item.

The exclusive colored outfits are a different story though...

No. Exclusives and Variants are two different things. Exclusive by SSC's nature are always just a small exclusive. Variants are paint apps or clothing differences like the three Babysitters. If the Doctor was released with just Green Scrubs but the exclusive just had a scalpel then it'd still be the Green Scrubs doc either way.

I agree... any exclusive that is the same as the regular with just something added, counts for both (even on numbered statues or PF's for that matter, but one could argue they are numbered differently so they are different). A variant of different clothing (Babysitter, Elektra PF, Buffy PF), different sculpt (Jason PF) or any other change from the regular version (Spider-man PF's) would require both for a completest. That's my way of thinking anyway, and how I collect. Before I sold my Marvel PF's for instance, I had both Elektra's, both Punishers, etc.
But hobo stick sounds so much funnier than bindle.

11th Commandment:
Amendment 1a: This amendment shall include their mental state to include "intoxication" in any of it's forms beit alchohol or drug related.

Amendment 1b: Let this amendment also include the state, cleanliness, and odor of their attire and general hygiene. The sent of an unbathed armpit, general filth, the presence of parasites such as lice or crabs and urine-soaked/feces stained attire defines the homeless for whom they are and any slanderous remarks containing the aforementioned will be considered as such and grounds for harranging by Entropy.

Amendment 2: Let it be known that use of the term "HOBO STICK" shall be considered demeaning, slanderous and overall distasteful. Refer to 11th Commandment; Amendment 1b.

No need for me. Bought the exclusive for the same price as the regular. If I hadn't I probably would though. Having a hand sticking out of it would be cool.

I had the ex on order but when I wasn't sure how collecting was gonna turn out for me. I cancled and reordered the regular with points. I'm getting it for $8.

For me, the exclusive was worth the extra $4-5 I'd save getting the regular. I saved a bit elsewhere by getting Santa from Darkshadow.

And BTW, it's called a bindle. Just a pet peeve of mine.

I prefer hobo stick. Sounds funnier. :lol
Well if to be complete some are seriously arguing that you need to have both Street Prophets, one with a bindle and one without then I've found someone more OCD about their collection than me. If someone had the Classic Red/Black Spidey, Red/Blue release version and Negative Zone version I would consider it complete. I wouldn't nickel and dime them and say you need to have a standard Red/Blue and then the Red/Blue with the Camera and only by having all four is the Spidey Variants complete.

My collection will remain complete after the Street Prophet because there are no variants released for it.
After toying with the idea all week long, I canceled the regular version of The Street Prophet. I couldn't really justify picking him up too as there's no significant difference aside from the hobo stick accessory.
Ok I noticed the thread said PZ and the 2 variants.. 2 variants of what? PZ?..what are yall referring to?..

I mean is there a checklist or something.. thanks.