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Aside from PX- which was a recast and sold as such. I did once see a PZ figure (with box) that had a black arm. I assumed it was a recast being passed off as the original, but it is possible that an Asian exclusive exists... I dunno.

It would kinda fit, seeing as how the Metaluna Mutant exclusive was a different colored ship, maybe a Asian exclusive of PZ would be a blackened snack?!?
Aside from PX- which was a recast and sold as such. I did once see a PZ figure (with box) that had a black arm. I assumed it was a recast being passed off as the original, but it is possible that an Asian exclusive exists... I dunno.

It would kinda fit, seeing as how the Metaluna Mutant exclusive was a different colored ship, maybe a Asian exclusive of PZ would be a blackened snack?!?

Hmmm... I'd like to hear from Dusty or someone from Sideshow about this. My thought would be recast as well. I would think we would have heard about an international variant of him before now. I mean it didn't take long for us to hunt down the Blonde Babysitter.
If someone wants to go digging I remember the PZ with black arm being found out as a fake. The actual release of PZ contained Jason Part 3's arm as his snack....I'm about 99.9% sure that somewhere on these boards it was mentioned that PZ had no variant.
If someone wants to go digging I remember the PZ with black arm being found out as a fake. The actual release of PZ contained Jason Part 3's arm as his snack....I'm about 99.9% sure that somewhere on these boards it was mentioned that PZ had no variant.

Really, know of a quote?

As for Dusty, she never made a comment on the blonde, I doubt she will say anything about a crispy burnt PZ arm variant?
If someone wants to go digging I remember the PZ with black arm being found out as a fake. The actual release of PZ contained Jason Part 3's arm as his snack....I'm about 99.9% sure that somewhere on these boards it was mentioned that PZ had no variant.

Jason's arm was used as the base of that arm. It isn't just a straight use of it. But I know what you are saying.

Now that you mention it, I do remember that black arm being brought up before. Like I said, it was most likely a fake as we've never heard Sideshow mention it.
Really, know of a quote?

As for Dusty, she never made a comment on the blonde, I doubt she will say anything about a crispy burnt PZ arm variant?

Actually I think it WAS Dusty that said the Blonde was the international exclusive before Sideshow corrected the SDCC Exclusive pics to the Blue Babysitter.
Actually I think it WAS Dusty that said the Blonde was the international exclusive before Sideshow corrected the SDCC Exclusive pics to the Blue Babysitter.

She did? I remember someone asking in here where she would go on sale...and that never got answered by a SS rep. I wouldn't doubt the possibility of leftover/put aside blondes, being one of the items that goes on sale during spook.
Here is Dusty's comment about ol' Blondie:
Apologies for the confusion... but isn't that PART of The Dead... remember, it's all a conspiracy :horror

Anyway, here's the info from the sales team regarding the blond/black confusion:

We recently discovered that there was an error in the posting of one of the
images of our 2008 Comic Con Exclusives, The Babysitter 12-inch figure. The
image featured a red outfitted figure, however the actual Comic Con
Exclusive has a blue outfit. The red outfitted Babysitter is a low run edition that will not be for sale on our site but will be carried by our international distributors.

So, rather than a 'comic-con exclusive', it appears that the blond/red is an 'international exclusive' similar to the Spider-Man bust with silver eyes, etc. Sometimes they do that with variants when the demand is too high and our international team can't fulfill all their orders for the original figure :duff

As for the PZ variant I can't find a quote but I know I read it somewhere when these came out, its how I found out about the Patient X custom....
Ok I noticed the thread said PZ and the 2 variants.. 2 variants of what? PZ?..what are yall referring to?..

I mean is there a checklist or something.. thanks.

This is why I suggested the first post be amended to show pics of each of The Dead releases and their variants. This way anybody looking at the thread will know if they're complete or not.

Aside from PX- which was a recast and sold as such. I did once see a PZ figure (with box) that had a black arm. I assumed it was a recast being passed off as the original, but it is possible that an Asian exclusive exists... I dunno.

It would kinda fit, seeing as how the Metaluna Mutant exclusive was a different colored ship, maybe a Asian exclusive of PZ would be a blackened snack?!?

Good to know I'm not the only one inquiring about this.

As for the PZ variant I can't find a quote but I know I read it somewhere when these came out, its how I found out about the Patient X custom....

Going off of your quote of Dusty, I'd say the PZ Asian variant is highly plausible unless it's officially debunked by a Sideshow rep.

On a side note, I was going through the forums looking for the deal about PX (sadly I turned up nada) and found something that would be cool. Blackhole & creecher's idea: A 12" The Dead release of a zombified Sideshow fan in a The Dead t-shirt holding an action figure of the PZ zombie. Wouldn't that ROCK?! They gave an appropriately miniaturized demon to Giles, so we know they can do it!
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WOW, there are two Patient Zeros on ebaY right now, both from NY :)rotfl Wall Street coincidence?!). One is set at $650 and MIB. The other doesn't specify if it's MIB or not and is listed at $650 OBO:
(ebaY link)
I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen, if a Patient Zero variant existed in any form it'd be public knowledge by now. As high of a secondary price PZ demands a variant only offered overseas would have already made itself known on eBay demanding and probably getting three times the price. Not to mention that a lot overseas collectors love to put pictures all over blogs and other boards and we would have seen it. Its an Urban Legend, PX redone to make people question more than 300 of these guys out.
I'm telling you ladies and gentlemen, if a Patient Zero variant existed in any form it'd be public knowledge by now. As high of a secondary price PZ demands a variant only offered overseas would have already made itself known on eBay demanding and probably getting three times the price. Not to mention that a lot overseas collectors love to put pictures all over blogs and other boards and we would have seen it. Its an Urban Legend, PX redone to make people question more than 300 of these guys out.

Maybe if it's real, the reason it isn't fetching the price you're claiming it should is because people like you continually debunk it as a fraud. Yet, Sideshow doesn't report the auction. Nor do they even have a fraud warning under the new section for it. LOOK: (here).

Let's have a look at the run for Subject 1025. She has a regular run of 1500. The SDCC Exclusive 1025 has a run of 450. The EU Exclusive 1025 isn't even listed on the website so I can't even tell you how many of those were produced. By that rational, there could've been 300 released to the U.S. market and another 100+ released to Asia and/or the EU. How would you know otherwise?! Without someone spilling the beans, we wouldn't have known about the silver-eyed EU Spider-man Variant. And if not for a mistaken post before SDCC, we wouldn't have known about the 1025 EU variant until our EU buds spilled the beans. So you can't be 100% certain. If an Asian variant did exist, Sideshow wouldn't put it on their website, and how many people know what to look for Kanji-wise? So there's only speculation.

Bub, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying I'd like to hear it from someone at Sideshow, and not for lack of trying, I haven't. For some "conspiratorial" reason (yeah, I know that was cheesy but I couldn't resist), nobody's talking.
There is no PZ variant. Only conjecture, raised by those wishing that one exists, and spread by those, in the hope, that one exists. Custom copies such as the so named PX, and the one black armed ebay auction, that claimed it to be a PZ.

You must remember that the PZ was amongst the first 'exclusives' that Sideshow presented at the SDCC. This was before they actively conspired to surround the PZ with spy camera footage and leaked reports, whilst disclaiming that a 'The Dead' line even existed. The truth is, at that time it didn't exist. It was one of figure they thought to sell as a SDCC exclusive, and not to extend into a deadicated :lol line.
Maybe if it's real, the reason it isn't fetching the price you're claiming it should is because people like you continually debunk it as a fraud. Yet, Sideshow doesn't report the auction. Nor do they even have a fraud warning under the new section for it. LOOK: (here).

This is new logic applied to a product that was released in 2005 and hasn't had the recasting run that the three examples given on the site have had. There are still Iron Man recasts still being made today while finding a PZ on the net itself is difficult enough. Also that report is referring to Asian recasts and PX was a home grown US product.

Let's have a look at the run for Subject 1025. She has a regular run of 1500. The SDCC Exclusive 1025 has a run of 450. The EU Exclusive 1025 isn't even listed on the website so I can't even tell you how many of those were produced. By that rational, there could've been 300 released to the U.S. market and another 100+ released to Asia and/or the EU. How would you know otherwise?! Without someone spilling the beans, we wouldn't have known about the silver-eyed EU Spider-man Variant. And if not for a mistaken post before SDCC, we wouldn't have known about the 1025 EU variant until our EU buds spilled the beans. So you can't be 100% certain. If an Asian variant did exist, Sideshow wouldn't put it on their website, and how many people know what to look for Kanji-wise? So there's only speculation.

Silver Eyed Spidey was known about as soon as it was announced because collectors from the EU were already talking about it and when their local sites would offer it up. SSC would not put it on their site unless they were selling it. You're telling me you honestly think that around 2005 there was an Asian exclusive that went up, no one reported on it, it sold out with no pictures hitting the net from collectors, with nothing appearing anywhere confirming it except for a couple of auctions that if I remember correctly didn't advertise as an Asian exclusive just as PZ itself? Talk about a leap of faith.

Bub, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying I'd like to hear it from someone at Sideshow, and not for lack of trying, I haven't. For some "conspiratorial" reason (yeah, I know that was cheesy but I couldn't resist), nobody's talking.

Sideshow loves to play the game of not acknowledging The Dead, its part of their thing. The only reason an official comment was made on Blondie was because collectors had already been told what they'd order and there was a screw up.
You must remember that the PZ was amongst the first 'exclusives' that Sideshow presented at the SDCC. This was before they actively conspired to surround the PZ with spy camera footage and leaked reports, whilst disclaiming that a 'The Dead' line even existed. The truth is, at that time it didn't exist. It was one of figure they thought to sell as a SDCC exclusive, and not to extend into a deadicated :lol line.

This is probably the best argument to support the no PZ stance. It wasn't a line back then, it was just a neat Horror figure. It was followed up with 5 and then 57 and it wasn't until that time that it became an actual full fledged line.
This is probably the best argument to support the no PZ stance. It wasn't a line back then, it was just a neat Horror figure. It was followed up with 5 and then 57 and it wasn't until that time that it became an actual full fledged line.

Like I've said all along, I'm not saying you're wrong. I'd just like to hear it from a Sideshow rep. Despite your consistent reassurance about it, you gotta admit, there's a small chance you could also be wrong (and if you don't admit that, then I'm calling you Fonzi). Like The Creature From The Black Lagoon 12" figure they produced, it's quite possible that there aren't many people who want to sell it and that's why it only pops up intermittently on ebaY.

Look, we can go round and round for days about it. There are as many examples as to why it can be real as there are about why it's a fake. Truth is, nobody knows for sure, not even you, until Sideshow tells.
Ok I noticed the thread said PZ and the 2 variants.. 2 variants of what? PZ?..what are yall referring to?..

I mean is there a checklist or something.. thanks.

At the time the thread was created, he was referring to the 2 "known" variants in the line, Subject 560 Corporate Spokesman SDCC variant and Subject 57 Doctor variant, not PZ variants.
Here is a checklist of 1/6th figures by company that we are keeping/creating. I need to add the last few releases to it, but it is fairly up to date for Sideshow.

...and here are The Dead figures...

The Dead
3003 Subject 5 - Security Guard SDCC 2006 Exclusive 1000 12" Figure
3004 Subject 560: Corporate Spokesman SDCC 2007 Exclusive 1250 12" Figure
30041 Subject 560: Corporate Spokesman - Spooktacular Edition Sideshow Exclusive 300 12" Figure
3006 Patient Zero SDCC 2005 Exclusive 300 12" Figure
30061 Stealth Patient Zero - April Fools Day 2008 (Not for sale) 50 12" Figure
3007 Subject 1025: The Babysitter 1500 12" Figure
30071 Subject 1025: The Babysitter SDCC 2008 Exclusive Variant 450 12" Figure
30072 Subject 1025: The Babysitter International VariantTBD 12" Figure
3009 Subject 57 - Doctor 1000 12" Figure
30091 Subject 57 - Doctor Sideshow Exclusive 300 12" Figure
3010 Subject 805: Tactical Containment Unit Operator 1400 12" Figure
30102 Subject 805: Tactical Containment Unit Operator Domestic Exlcusive 300 12" Figure
3013 Subject 1206: Mall Santa 12 inch Figure
3014 Subject 138: The Street Prophet 12 inch Figure
30141 Subject 138: The Street Prophet Sideshow Exclusive 12 inch Figure
It doesn't exist... end of story.

Wrong. It DOES exist. I have one and so do several other people. The argument isn't that it does or doesn't exist, but rather if it's an official Sideshow variant. As much as I'd like to believe your statement, again, until it's official from Sideshow, there's no weight here.