The Endor Team?

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Let's try to be civil about it. There is a point to be made that 3 Endor troopers at once will not sell as well as if they'd released one a year for the next 3 years. But they will eventually sell out.

When they release 3 clones at the same time where the only difference is the stripe color, the same argument will be made. But they will sell out even faster. And then everyone will know that SSC is committed to army builders in the SW line.
What about the possibility that Sideshow offers army builders with no variation. For example, when we get the first plain stormtrooper, do you think that they might offer another three pack, with the exact same figure and promotional offers (gift card,etc). Stormtroopers could come with enough weapons that posing them with different gear allows for variety.
I'll almost certainly be giving these guys the boot. With everything else that's coming this QTR, I just can't justify getting them. I may change my mind once some more figures are announced. But as soon as they start with the notices, I'll get rid of them.
Customikey said:
Some have 3. That's a little much. My brother-in-law only has one. That's kinda sad.
well you only really need one to get the job done. :lol:lol:lol But you may walk a little off balance
Homer Simpson said:
Thanks. A lot of people call me amazing.

It's nothing to do with liking the character. I don't particually like the Kit Fisto character but I thought the figure was amazing. It's to do with the fact they are crap figures. The are no-bodies. If Sideshow relased one this early, people would have probably swallowed it. If they done two, maybe less would have gone for them, but the fact they done three no-bodies this early in the line, is IMO taking the piss. Had they gone for soliders that we actually saw battle in the movie, then they may have got away with it, but they went for characters that at the hight of there action, were walking through a forest.

Yes, I standby what I said, they are CRAP figures. You only have to read the amount of people who have cancelled, to know people dont carre about them. These will struggle to sell, and will be sold off cheap....... Only time will tell for sure, but if pre-orders are anything to go by (excluding Sideshows SOLD OUT banner, which they won't be upon release) these figures will be around for a very long time.

I learned my lesson with GG Snowbunny Padme. I wanted it, I put it off, it sat there forever, sold out, 600 dollars later I finally have one. I can't take a chance anymore :chew
Never liked the bundle. The n°1 medicine to cure completists of their sickness. One Endor Rebel would have been o.k., but three? This concept should backfire on SSC.
jlcmsu said:
That's a good question.

Seriously. I see a lot of people who didn;t get all three. Fine. But I also noticed thatr a lot of people got at least one, and chose different ones to get. For myself, if I was going to get one, I'd probably get Brant.
Customikey said:
Seriously. I see a lot of people who didn;t get all three. Fine. But I also noticed thatr a lot of people got at least one, and chose different ones to get. For myself, if I was going to get one, I'd probably get Brant.

I got all three myself. I understand only getting one like you said for ones own personal choice. People are choosing at least one and several like me choose all three. They're just a couple of figures in a massive of collection.
I dont mind variety, but charging $60 for each army builders really doesn't seem to be the way to go. Why not make it a real army line? sell the HS, outfit, and weapons seperately. That way U can get more different HS and build an rebel army that way.
minivader said:
I dont mind variety, but charging $60 for each army builders really doesn't seem to be the way to go. Why not make it a real army line? sell the HS, outfit, and weapons seperately. That way U can get more different HS and build an rebel army that way.

That's not how SS sells their figures.
jlcmsu said:
That's not how SS sells their figures.

I meant like military 1/6 figures. you can get a pack of 4-8 different heads, bodies, uniforms, weapons, etc. that way you can creat as many rebels as you want, since essencially the uniforms are the same. Besides, I dont think SS really would go for creating new boxes, etc for more endor rebels, this way they can keeps selling HS and uniforms if people really want to create a rebel army.
Well, here's the thing. Some folks are upset for whatever reason these 3 got made to begin with. Why would SS go making countless pieces for figures folks would be upset over? This way they make 3 figures representing these troopers and if folks want to army build them they can get them from all over.
jlcmsu said:
Well, here's the thing. Some folks are upset for whatever reason these 3 got made to begin with. Why would SS go making countless pieces for figures folks would be upset over? This way they make 3 figures representing these troopers and if folks want to army build them they can get them from all over.

so they can have duplicate rebel troopers.... wow, didnt know rebels had cloning tech too, wonder why they didnt have bigger army, oh wait, I am sure that will be added in the next Lucas original scripted version of SW. :D

BTW, what would be the problem just selling the uniforms? its already made, and if people really want to have an army, they dont have to buy multiple nick saint figure and only use the uniform.
I have the Bundle on order. However if it ships in the first quarter, then I will have to unfortunately cancel. Early second quarter would be the earliest I could handle it.