The Flash - July 2022

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Well, yeah, that's what I meant with ALL... all the variants of Batman and Superman. All available to people... all passed on by so many.

I just don't know how these cape flicks ever shake off this multiverse and get back "down to earth"?
The Kryptonian army was very symbolic of both competition from other studios and current audience expectations...he looked cool standing up to them but his efforts were futile indeed.
I thought I read that this Keaton Batman isn't the one from the Burtonverse - he's just a variant that happens to look like Keaton, had similar suits, Batmobile etc.
That’s what I’m saying . So is like the burton verse destroyed now? Is Keaton Batman’s fate to be killed by zod? Is that how his story ends?
Yep! :panic:

People thought Returns was dark but where are my collectible McDonald's cups showing all the different ways that Supergirl was impaled along with Barry's quirky college roommates that all join the sea of skulls that Cavill saw in his vision... 😳
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I thought I read that this Keaton Batman isn't the one from the Burtonverse - he's just a variant that happens to look like Keaton, had similar suits, Batmobile etc.
Yeah since the movie clearly shows that there are multiple Flashes that look like Ezra there's nothing stopping anyone from deciding that this was a "different" Bruce Wayne that looked like Keaton. But I don't know that there's anything in the movie itself that states definitively that this *isn't* the same Bruce from the Burton movies either. We all get to decide for ourselves whether we want this to be the way that the character (and world) we saw in the first two movies comes to an end.
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Technically, Keaton and Kilmer and Clooney are all the "same" Batman, too...but Clooney shows up in the last scene. It's all a big bunch of nonsense, really. Just make it however you want it to be in your head. There's no right answer.

I'm also on the record as really liking this movie. I thought it was so much fun, and I really loved how the end just twisted into the sadness of inevitability. "Young" Barry gets corrupted and turned into something so dark and "wrong" cause he just can't accept the basic lesson of life...that growing up sucks and we all die. That life lesson along with all the repeated deaths of Keaton and's some dark **** man!

I have no idea what the "original" idea for this movie was supposed to be, but I really liked what they cobbled together and presented in the end. It worked for me. It's too bad more people didn't give it a chance.
This says a lot, even Clooney doesn't like his Batman.......but it's Gunn's choice to put him in the end of the Flash.

Apparently Gunn hates 89 Batman and Bale Batman.......(see second clip with very telling Twitter quotes from Gunn).....

Looks like we're in great hands for DC going forward.....I can't wait to see it burn !!!

O lord. Here we go. It already burned buddy. Ever since BVS dropped and was trash. Gunn is just trying to wash away the smoldering remains at this point. Whether he succeeds is up to speculation but this whole “Gunn bad” crap is stupid since dude didn’t come out with a movie in his universe yet.
If he succeeds I can’t wait for the blantant switch up
Yep! :panic:

People thought Returns was dark but where are my collectible McDonald's cups showing all the different ways that Supergirl was impaled along with Barry's quirky college roommates that all join the sea of skulls that Cavill saw in his vision... 😳
Yikes. So dc said we should kill one of most iconic batmen. Doom him to peril.
Technically, Keaton and Kilmer and Clooney are all the "same" Batman, too...but Clooney shows up in the last scene. It's all a big bunch of nonsense, really. Just make it however you want it to be in your head. There's no right answer.

I'm also on the record as really liking this movie. I thought it was so much fun, and I really loved how the end just twisted into the sadness of inevitability. "Young" Barry gets corrupted and turned into something so dark and "wrong" cause he just can't accept the basic lesson of life...that growing up sucks and we all die. That life lesson along with all the repeated deaths of Keaton and's some dark **** man!

I have no idea what the "original" idea for this movie was supposed to be, but I really liked what they cobbled together and presented in the end. It worked for me. It's too bad more people didn't give it a chance.
It’ll be a cult classic in due time. I’m sure. For now the dc brand is tainted horribly and nobody has faith in it.
Technically, Keaton and Kilmer and Clooney are all the "same" Batman, too...
Not anymore according to The Flash. If Clooney was a simple recast (like Barry's father) then he would have recognized him. But now it's definitively "canon" that they're all in parallel universes with the similarities (Alfred, Gordon, etc.) being mere fixed point intersections as Keaton put it.
Yikes. So dc said we should kill one of most iconic batmen. Doom him to peril.
I was just thinking that if you want Batman 89 and Returns Bruce to still be alive then you can just say that the "real" Burtonverse was the one that Cage Superman was in since I believe Burton had originally planned to give Keaton a cameo in that one before it got cancelled. And since the Cage universe wasn't one of the ones that crashed into another one then the entirety of that universe is assumedly alive and well.

OR...since Zod's destruction of the Earth isn't shown there's nothing stopping us from pretending that he is somehow still defeated off camera. Maybe the US military of that world still found some Kryptonian tech and did the same trick with the bomb against the machine hovering over Metropolis. Maybe Mera or someone crafts their own Kryptonite spear in that universe and kills Zod. We literally don't know and are only going by Barry's assumption that the world will be lost (and he assumes a lot of wrong stuff all throughout the film.)
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All young Barry did at the end of the movie is literally what the Avengers did to try and defeat Thanos. "Whatever it takes." And it even shines a spotlight on how ridiculous Doctor Strange's "viewing 14 million possible futures" was to achieve victory. Think about it, let's say that each potential outcome of the Avengers fighting Thanos takes just one single hour of time (though it'd obviously be significantly more if Strange was viewing events up through the end of Endgame.) At just one single hour for each possibility that's obviously 14 million hours. There are 8,760 hours in a year which means he'd have to spend 1,598 years watching each one of those 14 million hours! So when Strange snapped out of his trance he had literally just lived for more than a millennium and a half! And yet somehow had the wherewithal to remember what everyone had just been talking about 1,600 years earlier to just jump right back into the conversation as if no time had passed at all? How was he not some near godlike being...or monster at that point?

But The Flash basically explores that in showing what happens to young Barry when he does live out countless scenarios in real time and the toll it takes on his sanity. And it's only that loss of sanity (which is not his fault since any other hero save DCEU Barry would have done the same) and callousness toward universes colliding (which for all we know he believed could be undone as well) that made him a villain at all.
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Not anymore according to The Flash. If Clooney was a simple recast (like Barry's father) then he would have recognized him. But now it's definitively "canon" that they're all in parallel universes with the similarities (Alfred, Gordon, etc.) being mere fixed point intersections as Keaton put it.
Ah, a fixed point intersection - sorta like a Sarah Connor photo that is identical in 2 timelines, or how the war against the machines culminates in 2029 in both the original and 1st parallel timeline....
Ah, a fixed point intersection - sorta like a Sarah Connor photo that is identical in 2 timelines, or how the war against the machines culminates in 2029 in both the original and 1st parallel timeline....
I'm sure it's no surprise to you that one of the reasons The Flash appeals to me is that it gives me fun timeline stuff to chew on and I'm surprised that if you take Keaton's explanation as fact and ignore Barry's "Back to the Future" assumptions then everything basically works out without plot holes or paradoxes, at least that I've been able to think of.

What made me really start pondering the ramifications of the story was the initial horror that Barry erased Affleck Bruce from existence by tampering with the timelines and creating Clooney Bruce. That borderline made me sick to my stomach (lol) especially considering it was Affleck that tried to persuade Barry not to do that. And then he ends up being the only one permanently erased from ever existing? *shudder* Then I realized that the film seemed to be quite clear that Barry was merely entering alternate universes and not actually changing anything from his own. And that's really cool IMO.

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