I get accused of being a ruthless, cold-blooded sociopath quite often, my avatar choice is not exactly coincidental.
With that established: having had a few run-ins with people like this in the past, they're like emotional vampires; I don't mean they're consciously or maliciously trying to hurt and suck the life out of you (well, sometimes they are), but rather having to deal with the whirlwind of emotional and interpersonal drama they drag into your otherwise stable existence will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it - and this infliction of instability seems to fuel and sustain them, geometrically increasing the severity of the emotional turbulence you're sustaining over time.
In my experience wherever and whenever possible it's best to remove them from your life entirely, like cutting out a cancer before it can metastasise. Any good experiences you get from these kinds of people will, sadly, be vastly outweighed by the bad, the negative, the miserable amount of sheer emotional and mental stress you have to cope with from them on an almost-daily basis.
Tl;dr anyone who has you writing lengthy, unbroken paragraphs on a toy collecting forum, regardless of any minor redeeming features they may possess, isn't worth the hit to your sanity. Draw a line under the experience and move on.