"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly" Custom Figure Project

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Good call I like John Woo movies as well as OLDBOY but... I can also movies with "style". I liked Hero, House of Flying Daggers and even Goemon... all three films are stylish.. no? The movie wasn't well received until it reached American shores. Even then nobody takes it seriously it's only memorable for its over the top bamboo threding scene....

i don't think this is true. i know plenty of people who loved this movie and took it seriously. and not just for the bamboo "threding" scene.
only problem is a lot more people will want a tyler durden. including me. and i don't see the edition sizes being much bigger than the gunman versions :monkey2
:lol yeah good point. i'll get practicing with tin can hyperlinks.

it's gonna be a tough one. there'll be a lot of disappointed people. still, maybe someone else will do a tyler durden fig too so we can all get a piece. at least the enthusiasm for rainman's new project has highlighted what kind of interest there is in these classic characters to be well done in 1/6.
crouchig tiger...? that movie was joke for both the eastern and western audiences.

ok. ok-- ?????can the Crouching Tiger. I'm just pointing out the non-modern era point.

As to some of the others you just mentioned. I already own the Sanjuro/Yojimbo and the 7 Samurai from Alfrex and just scored a Mifune Shishegumi from e-bay (arrived today). Alfrex also did the Zatoichi


You mean Mifune as Kondo Isami from "Shinsengumi", right? I've got that figure, and it's the best likeness of Mifune Alfrex ever did, imo. I have the Yojimbo figure too, but the likeness is a little vague, as was his "Shichinin no Samurai" likeness, unfortunately. Their head sculpts did improve somewhat over time, however, and the costumes were always very nicely done. Katsu Shintaro as Zatoichi is still my favorite of the bunch. :D
Everyone has their own tastes of course, but I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in a Tyler Durden, or any other Pitt figure for that matter. There are so many more interesting choices out there, at least in my opinion.

I'd much rather have Max Rockatansky as the Road Warrior... now that's a figure I'd be willing to spend a few hundred bucks for, especially if Rainman were to make him. Otherwise, I'll be saving my coin for more upcoming Hot Toys stuff most likely.
Whew! Now that Rainman's finally revealed he'll be doing Tyler Durden, we can keep this thread on track with Clint, or Leone or any other GBU custom news or Spaghetti Westerns in general!?!
Everyone has their own tastes of course, but I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in a Tyler Durden, or any other Pitt figure for that matter. There are so many more interesting choices out there, at least in my opinion.

I'd much rather have Max Rockatansky as the Road Warrior... now that's a figure I'd be willing to spend a few hundred bucks for, especially if Rainman were to make him. Otherwise, I'll be saving my coin for more upcoming Hot Toys stuff most likely.

...or at least until next month. I don't think Tyler is Rainman's last figure by a long shot

thats good ill grab a full figure for sure. the only reason i had doubts was becauswe he said that he wasn't going to do a figure that was already done by another korean artist out of respect.

You're right, he did say that, but I think he meant the "same look" rather than the same character. Inae's is the shaved head version with fur coat, and Rainman's will no doubt be the more iconic messy hair version with red jacket - two totally different looking figures. Personally, Rainman's will be the look I want more anyway, although I would love to get my hands on the Inae one too. I hope we get a briefcase full of soap and Tyler's red glasses. EC's idea of the bath robe as the bonus item would be tops!
You're right, he did say that, but I think he meant the "same look" rather than the same character. Inae's is the shaved head version with fur coat, and Rainman's will no doubt be the more iconic messy hair version with red jacket - two totally different looking figures. Personally, Rainman's will be the look I want more anyway, although I would love to get my hands on the Inae one too. I hope we get a briefcase full of soap and Tyler's red glasses. EC's idea of the bath robe as the bonus item would be tops!


except for the briefcase of soap. not really necessary, imo.

and exciting about the return of gunmen at some point. But that could be anyone with a gun I suppose, not just western figs.

except for the briefcase of soap. not really necessary, imo.

No, it's not necessary per se, but I figured Rainman would be giving us some sort of accessory, so why not that? Outside of glasses, what would/should a Tyler Durden figure be holding? Each gunman came with oodles of stuff, so I assumed Rainman would be looking to give us something for Tyler as well.
I really hate to rain on anyone's parade, but let's keep the discussions of unrelated figures in the threads where they rightfully belong. Thanks, guys! :)

I'm very glad to hear that Rainman may be back to the gunmen theme again soon. He has gotten a pretty enthusiastic crowd of fans here lately, and some of us are sure to be back for more. "If you build it, they will come." ... cash in hand! lol

I just watched G,B & U again for about the 5th time in as many months, and I'd really like to have a bounty hunter Clint and bandito Tuco, at least their costumes and head sculpts.

Tuco had a lot of wide-eyed expressions, with as many grimaces and snarls that showed off that silver tooth a lot. I'd love to have a head sculpt of Tuco like that. He also wore a woolen fleece vest and white corduroy pants with short leather chaps in the early part of the movie. Add the sombrero and the woven sarape he wore later on and you'd have another great version of Tuco.

Bounty hunter Clint would also be great with the different patterned shirt, black scarf, long duster and different hat and boots, not to mention the rifle and Colt Navy the first version of him did not have. I really hope Rainman will at least give them some serious consideration at some point... hopefully when I can afford one again! lol

I don't suppose he'd do another version of Angel Eyes, but I'd definitely go for it if he did. Guess I'll have to wait for another opportunity to add Setenza to my collection... :( :monkey2