Ultimate Weapon
Super Freak
Mine says shipping soon - though with my luck it will arrive the week after next - right after I leave on my roadtrip.
King Darkness said:CARD DECLINED!?!?!?!?!??
Yup, card declined! I never even got an email saying it was going to process in 24 hours, which in 70+ orders from SS I have never not gotten.
So, its to late today to call SS
I will call them Monday and see what the deal is.
If I loose my exc. Faramir I am gonna be ****ing pissed!!!
MaulFan said:Unfortunately, there seems to be an inconsistency with Sideshow emailing the last few months. There have been a few purchases where I never get an invoice email, but fortunately I can see the charges on my account before month end. Email notices are a tough thing, it's subject to the person who has to send them out sending them out or doing it correctly, and even when it's sent, with all the security these days with spyware and viruses and what not, email that is sent doesn't always come through.
Alice Adrenochrome said:Yes, that's right. I have trouble receiving SSC mails since the end of January if I recall it right. I don't get the tracking mails, and have missed several X-day notices and invoices. I informed SSC about this, but it's not getting any better.
MaulFan said:Well, Sideshow can only do so much, then each email carrier, as well as possibly even your internet provider, can cause problems as well. I deal with it all the time at my work, I'm in charge of the email and when it's down, it's a wild goose chase to find out where the problem is and what needs to be fixed.
Darth Sheba said:Save some of that excitement for the next figure you're due to get.
MaulFan said:It'll be nice when the image thread gets some images in it.
Darth Cruel said:For those of us who only do the 1:6 scale action figures...I think we'll have PLENTY of time to work up excitement for the next LOTR offering. After listening to Sideshow podcasts, reading newsletters, and talking to Sideshow people at SDCC and C4, I am of a mind that a new 1:6 scale action figure from this line is a long time coming if it isn't just a dream.
The same thing happened to BTVS and she ended up with...what was it?...2 years between figures?
MaulFan said:It'll be nice when the image thread gets some images in it.
Darth Cruel said:For those of us who only do the 1:6 scale action figures...I think we'll have PLENTY of time to work up excitement for the next LOTR offering. After listening to Sideshow podcasts, reading newsletters, and talking to Sideshow people at SDCC and C4, I am of a mind that a new 1:6 scale action figure from this line is a long time coming if it isn't just a dream.
The same thing happened to BTVS and she ended up with...what was it?...2 years between figures?
hoodonit00 said:If this is truly the case, I will most likely abandon this line. I had very high hopes for this line. I had pretty much gotten away from collecting 1/6th scale until SST announced Aragorn. The LOTR trilogy are my favorite movies, and I was stoked when quality figures were being released. I cannot, and will not pay the money for the PF's or the dioramas that are coming. I have the 3 exclusives and Faramir is supposed to be here about Thursday and I think they are great, but the wait is to long. They should know what they have in the works and should at least be dropping hints. Each week I look forward to the newsletter and each week ive been let down. If they were going to stop the 1/6th line, I wish they would just announce it already. I know that they have said that they are just starting to release figs, ill believe it when I see it. Reminds me alot of 21st century toys in the end.