Pork Chop Express
I never drive faster than I can see...
Re: The Hobbit: There and Back Again
Most definitely.
I remember reading somewhere that this was one of the first essays Tolkien wrote. At least I think this was the case. He took a lot of time writing it out pulling from his own wartime experiences. One of the most epic battles in Sil, huge loss for the elves and truly memorable.
I just want a Children of Hurin movie. If I can get that at least, I will be quite satisfied. More films of independent tales from the Silmarillion would always be welcome, though.

I'm most interested in seeing the Fall of Gondolin.
I remember reading somewhere that this was one of the first essays Tolkien wrote. At least I think this was the case. He took a lot of time writing it out pulling from his own wartime experiences. One of the most epic battles in Sil, huge loss for the elves and truly memorable.