He was perfect as The Mountain.
The main problem with "Guys in the suits" today, and I think one of the main reasons Jackon relies on CGI so much this time, is that 48fps and digital cameras make even best make up and rubber suits look cumbersome and fake. Some filmmaker commented on this before, that today even the best prostethic art rarely lives up to the scrutiny enforced by the newst HD filming techniques. Plus a guy in a suit, doesnt have the same vitality of movement that a director could squeeze out of a digital model.
I agree that there's definatley too much CGI and green screen in this trilogy. But when it comes to orc characters - I havent yet seen Bolg - but I was perfectly fine with Azog. He looked realistic enough, but most importantly the actor performance showed through.
Swag from Cineplex...
Exactly the problem I had with the villains from The Hobbit. There was no reason to go CGI with the villains in either film when the practical villains look much more bad ***. I will still enjoy the film. I just don't find myself immersed as much as I was with the Trilogy.what the hell... this pisses me off
I don't hate CGI at all. Just like you posted, I just think it's used to much. Big action scenes? Most definitely. Huge creatures? Bring them on. The main normal sized bad guy though? I haven't liked the look of Azog from the start. Maybe it's not so much the CGI as it seems like it looks worse now than it did 10 years ago. How does Gollum looks so real and Azog looks so fake to me? As someone posted, Azog looks like a video game character.Cgi is the future guys. Old days are over. Plus as computer advancements are made as well as costs being manageable CGI is here to stay forever. I do agree that cgi is overused and that a combo of reality(guys in suits) and CGI works best. For those that hate all CGI well then you couldn't have many great films since T-2. Guys in suits especially in some big scenes probrably cost more now budget wise than CGI too. I've learned to accept some of it. But makeup and prosthetics has come along way too and should never be disregarded