Would you guys really buy 1:6 of every single Dwarf in the Hobbit?

Would you guys really buy 1:6 of every single Dwarf in the Hobbit?
Still don't get the timing unless they have product ready to go VERY soon.
13 dwarf PFs will never happen, thank God. I am sure we will see all the made up bad guys though. I wonder if SS has the huevos to release the Goblin King.
We have 2 more movies to go. The timing is fine.
Hopefully these are PFs.
Plenty of awesome characters... Thorin, Bilbo, Thranduil, Rhadagast, Bard, Azog....
Don't worry. Josh is a true Tolkien collector, and as such, has no interest in Tolkien based 1:6 figures. Right Josh?
Credit Card Companies round the world are jumping for joy
Yes! I hope we see a new Gandalf PF too!
This is fantastic news!