True, but didn't SSC just state that they don't pay attention to what other companies make? I have a funny feeling that rather than compliment each other they'll both end up working on Thorins and Gandalfs. It would sort of be foolish not to.
I guess I have to go back to my original point - how many of you are really in for $2,600-$3,250 for a full set of Dwarves over the next two and a half years? And that's not including all the other characters they would make, just the Dwarves. I mean, SSC couldn't even get to nine figures in their 1/6 line at the would barely have cost $900 in a reasonable economic climate. Anyway, I stop beating a dead horse.
I think all companies pay attentionto what others in the field are doing. Its what you do to get better. They'll all have to do the same character eventually.
I am. I plan on assuming I can afford it to get most of the Weta line.
Oh, well I'm still not crazy about the line - I do think half of it is bad. Some of the poses leave alot to be desired and the character selections could be better. Again, I'm not really feeling the line, the cost is too much compared to PFs, and I don't trust SSC to go everywhere I want them to with it.
Have to agree to disagree. I've got all of them so far and IMO none of them are bad, character selction has been just fine for me, and they're all really well done. Like I said different strokes for different folks. You're happy to set it out and I'm happy to be all in.