ALRIGHTY THEN! Let's get started...
with the HT sneak-a-peak pic posted yesterday lets throw out some wishes and farewells for 2013 fig lines shall we?
1st and foremost I want to say farewell to some Awesome lines that obviously will not be continued:
PLATOON (alas is the one that hit me the hardest,"ELIAS" R.I.P.)
SUCKER PUNCH (sure would've loved to have seen a Sweet Pea)
WATCH MEN (the complete set would've been nice together)
OK, now lets continue with one very important question for HT: WHERE is "BACK TO THE FUTURE". All we're askin for is Marty, Doc and the coveted Delorian!! On the same note, however, I want to thank you for "The Rock(G.I.Joe)Storm Shadow and Prometheus reveals. It's good to see your doing good on some things! This is also an appreciation not just a disappointment message. Keep these lines going!
FInally the Wish List:
1. Re-do Dutch and the rest of the spec-ops team from Predator!
2. Han & chewy (Empire Strikes Back)
3. Isabelle & Hanzo the Yakusa (Predators)
4. Re-do Ripley, Hicks and the rest of the Marines (Aliens)
5. Kyle Reese, Sarah Connor and Police Shoot-out T-800(1st movie)
6. Rick Grimes and the main cast plus a zombie line like "The Dead" from SS(Walking Dead, if not Enterbay please pick up the slack)
One last thing HT. Please improve on the Predators! They're good but they can be soooo much better!!!
Thanks again HT