wow, doesn't anybody like to watch bad movies anymore?
I must have missed the whole "like to watch bad movies" movement. Was that like an off-shoot of the "psychadelic drugs" movement of the late 60's and early 70's? That was just barely before my time. When did that reach its height? I have watched, and enjoyed, bad movies in the past (Legend of Boggy Creek comes to mind), but not intentionally since I turned 14 or so. And never at the level of bad that this movie is. Hell, I think I would be afraid to sit in a crowd of people who were enjoying this movie.
too bad sometimes these are really the funniest and most entertaining movies out there. I'm not saying that this is one of those - haven't seen it - but i sure can't say it's a bad movie if i haven't seen it - unless i'm a film snob.
Are you implying that only film snobs would consider this to be a train wreck of a film based on the trailer? If so, I think it is safe to say that I may have heard more ridiculous statements in my life, but none of them come to mind right at the moment.
You know once upon a time Peter Jackson's early films were reviled like this and now everyone thinks their hilarious. just saying don't knock it till you've tried it.
Nothing...NOTHING that Peter Jackson has ever done has so much as approached the epically twisted level of the movie in this trailer. But I still wouldn't go watch the bad movies that Peter Jackson made either. A bad movie is a bad movie. And who is this "everyone" of whom you speak? I thought I was a member of "everyone", but it appears that I am mistaken because I don't find Peter Jackson's old stuff to be funny at all. Hell, I don't even find the older stuff that he INTENDED to be funny, to be funny to me.
And one other thing...for every director of bad movies that go on to become legends like Peter Jackson, there are a thousand who never move beyond making bad movies and continue to make them because they know that they will never be good enough to make a GOOD film. And, unfortunately, they see just enough success with the serial killer crowd cult following, that they are continuously encouraged to make new...and worse...films.