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What a pain in the ass Monday was. I ended up being so tired that I went to bed at 7pm. Unfortunately, I don't know if the rest of the week is going to be any better. I have all my end of the month and beginning of the month stuff to do all in one week. :mad:
What a pain in the ass Monday was. I ended up being so tired that I went to bed at 7pm. Unfortunately, I don't know if the rest of the week is going to be any better. I have all my end of the month and beginning of the month stuff to do all in one week. :mad:

And to cap it all off, less than a month to go until Christmas :monkey4
What a pain in the ass Monday was. I ended up being so tired that I went to bed at 7pm. Unfortunately, I don't know if the rest of the week is going to be any better. I have all my end of the month and beginning of the month stuff to do all in one week. :mad:

I pretty much worked the whole day with just a 2-3+ hour break after my eight hour day. And my week is not done yet. So much to do.
What a pain in the ass Monday was. I ended up being so tired that I went to bed at 7pm. Unfortunately, I don't know if the rest of the week is going to be any better. I have all my end of the month and beginning of the month stuff to do all in one week. :mad:

tell me about it... i was off the whole week before so walking back in the office was like poking needles in your eyes!
tell me about it... i was off the whole week before so walking back in the office was like poking needles in your eyes!

Coming back to work after a vacation almost doesn't make the vacation worth it. Even if I try to get ahead before I leave, when I come back I'm always behind.
Coming back to work after a vacation almost doesn't make the vacation worth it. Even if I try to get ahead before I leave, when I come back I'm always behind.

Thanks fellas.

61 huh. I fear the day he won't be voicing Batman ever again, even with how ridiculous Killing Joke was.

Killing Joke was probably his last. Jason O'Mara is voicing Batman in the Justice League Dark animated film and will probably be the go-to actor for Batman now.
Happy Birthday to Kevin Conroy!


Happy Birthday, Batman! I can't stress how much I love Kevin Conroy, he just has the most ideal, manliest voice ever! I don't think there will ever be a Batman live action actor who could sound even half as good as Conroy.
i need to pull the one i have out of my desk here at work... i think its a waccom or bamboo or something like that. never really used it much. tried it once for marking up things but have multiple monitors and so it was a pain to set up and very awkward to use... but that looks cool so may pull it out to screw around.
I got notice that BBTS is getting there's in the next week. Hopefully it's this week and I can get it when I'm off during my pseudo honeymoon.