Plastic Bateman
Super Freak
What's so ****ed up about it is that it felt like a troll, in that I feel like he could've easily looked like comic Doomsday had they just gone all in on the idea of him regenerating with bone spikes. The troll face seems like it would've been fine with some appropriately placed spines.
Imagine this:
Doomsday tries to kill Luthor, Superman punches him in the face, knocks his jaw off and he collapses. Next thing they know, he's getting back up and his entire jaw is covered in bone shards. Wonder Woman slashes his chest with a sword? Bone spires. Superman wins their heat vision duel and blasts him in the face? Bone spires on his eyes and nose.
Actually sort of happened if you watched the film closely, they were just far too timid with it.
Rejoice! Something actually DC-related at WonFes: Revoltech '89 Batmobile -
I have one of their Tumblers and they're actually pretty nice little models for the size and price. Ideal if you want a movie car for your desk.